Day 7 – Oracle Card Challenge

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“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Current Priorities

All of us have so many demands on our limited time. How do we know where to put our focus? This next exercise will help you to gain clarity around the priorities that your Soul Wisdom knows are best aligned with your Highest Good.

Here’s what you need to do.

Take your crystal, and complete this short guided meditation:

Hold your stone in your cupped hands, close your eyes, and slow your breathing. Bring white light into your body until you feel peaceful and calm. Then bring white light into the crystal too. Allow yourself to connect to the stone. You may feel it tingle, or visualise a colour in your mind’s eye. When you are ready, open your eyes. Keep your stone near you, and hold it when you write.


Now shuffle your cards, while silently asking the question to yourself ‘What do my current priorities need to be?’

When you have shuffled the cards and they feel ‘done’, select up to five cards using the method that feels right for you. You may find that just one card will do the job and give you the insight that you need. If not, choose a maximum of five cards to show you where to better place the focus in your life.

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Position the cards face up in front of you, in the order in which you drew them.

Clear your mind by closing your eyes and taking one deep breath in and then out. Open your eyes again. Take a minute and look at the first picture. Allow that the first card will be the most important priority. All others will follow, and some may even be a support focus for that first card. You’ll know if that is true for you.


What stands out for you today? Is it an image or a colour? Is it a number or a word? What are your first impressions? What thoughts come into your mind? Work through each of the cards one by one. Take a minute or two and write some stream-of-consciousness thoughts down for each card. Don’t censor or judge them. Trust the process. Draw a second card for clarification on any of your primary cards if you need to.

Finally, read back over what you have written. Pay attention to which order the priorities have shown themselves. Know that there may be more work for you to do here, exploring these things after our challenge has finished.

Thinking of you, and sending love,

Nicole <3 xx


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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