Easter Treats Oracle for 2024


“I was going to tell you a joke about an egg, but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.”


Hey, Lovelies, it’s Easter!

If you lived closer I’d pop over with Hot Cross Buns and Easter Eggs and we could sit and have a cuppa and a chat. But the Cauldrons and Cupcakes family is a global community so my Easter Gift to you will have to be a virtual one.

Today’s blog gives you a mini-reading. It’s not a fortune-telling exercise; instead it’s about seeing yourself and your life from a fresh perspective. All you need to do is scroll through the pictures of my Easter Treats, and choose the one that appeals to you most. Then go further down the page to read the meaning for the Easter treat you have chosen.

♥♥♥ Love, love, love to you, Nicole xoxo ♥♥♥

Today’s Easter Treats Selection

1. ♥ Cocoa Bath



2. ♥ Social and connected


3. ♥ A Handful of Treasure


4. ♥ Love Bunnies

5. ♥ Magical Egg

6. ♥ Comfortable Nest

7. ♥ Blessed and Blissful

8. ♥ New Life, Fresh Start

♥ The Message and Gift of each Treat♥

Each Easter Treat has a message for you. I have also selected a crystal to best support the message and energies of your choice.  You could wear or hold this crystal, pop it in your pocket, under your pillow or beside your bed. The Power Word is a word to remind yourself of the quality you most need and that you are strongly attracting right now.  You can turn it into your own personal mantra by saying “I choose ___________ ” (insert your Power Word). Your Magical Healing Environment is a place or activity you’ll find supportive and healing.

1.♥ Cocoa Bath  – Nurture and Growth You’re coming into a time of great positive change, shift, and healing. You might feel unsettled right now but all of those niggling feelings and tiny ideas for change need to be given light and space so that they can grow into something tangible, creating a map for you to follow from lost back to being on track again. It’s a wonderful year ahead. Be brave and keep going. Don’t be afraid to make BIG changes. It’s your year for that. All this change will lead to greater stability, harmony and inner peace. ♥ Best Crystal – Ametrine (or an Amethyst and a Citrine)  ♥ Power Word – Transformation ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Quiet time in nature or spaces that nurture and inspire you.  Nature walks, ocean swims, watching the snow or rain fall as you sit inside drinking a warm drink with your journal by your side, being in an art gallery or favourite cafe, a museum or a beautiful garden.

2. ♥ Social and connected  – Life is a journey that’s meant to be shared What’s needed in your life right now is fun, connection and companionship. A family movie and pizza night, a dinner out with friends, a holiday with your bestie, a camping trip or a cooking workshop. This isn’t online connection – you need skin time, face-to-face time. Make new friends or re-connect to old ones. Reconnect to activities and places that were important to you in the past. Plan a party or a get-together. Work less. Live more. And if you’re in love and it’s all going well? Make that bigger commitment! ♥ Best Crystal – Ruby in Fuchsite  ♥ Power Word – Connection ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Anywhere that lets you be in the same space with other people in ways that support or entertain you. This could be your backyard barbeque area, a restaurant, a classroom, or a coffee shop. It could be a weekend music festival or a pottery class, a birthday bash or a school reunion. It could also be a wedding or a baby shower 🙂

3. ♥ A Handful of Treasure – Indulging in mindful pleasure  On one level you are completely exhausted, my beautiful friend. And yet you keep pushing on. It’s time to bring pleasure and down-time back into your life. It’s time to get out of your head and back into your body. Better to choose one exquisite thing than a bucket full of mediocre. It’s time for quality rest and recreation and for gifting yourself the time and space to reinvent and recharge yourself.  It’s also a time for conscious eating and mindful movement as you chart a path back to balance, wellness and emotional satisfaction. ♥ Best Crystal – Garnet  ♥ Power Word – Slow  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – anything that reconnects you to your senses. Bubble baths, clean sheets, music, sleep, good books, dancing, lying in dappled sunlight on soft green grass, beautiful healthy food, exquisite small indulgences, essential oils, fresh flowers, warm embraces.

4. ♥ Love Bunnies! – A Focus On Love You are lovable. You are worthy of love. If you’re in an existing relationship it’s time to give that relationship some extra love and care. Give yourself permission to fall in love all over again. Love isn’t a fairy tale. It’s fun and hard and tears and magic and pain and growth and sharing. But it’s also incredible! Haven’t found that special someone yet? Know that love is in the air. Love isn’t just romantic love – it’s friends and family too. Go be with them! Happy on your own? Then it’s time for some self-love and acceptance of yourself just as you are. Love those quirks and bumpy bits. Your very existence is sacred. You are a miracle. There is always someone out there for you, and who will love you just as you are, just like you’ll love them. Start to believe that. ♥ Best Crystal – Moonstone  ♥ Power Word – Cherish  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Sitting in your heart, and being with your loved ones. Life isn’t scripted, and romance and love grow in the heart of the everyday. Our job is to be mindful so that we can be in that moment and help that love grow. Put your screens down and be present. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a makeover too, if that helps you feel good about yourself and how you walk this world.

5. ♥ Magical Egg – Creative Talents and Ideas There is something that only you can bring to the world. Your gifts and talents are meant to be shared. It might make a big impact on many people. It might change the life of just one. But if you don’t work to shine your light and share your gifts a little part of our timeline will forever stay darkened., because no-one can replace you and your offerings. No-one. It’s time to move from procrastination to action. It’s time to value your ideas and gifts and to dream your dreams into being. There is so much energetic support for you. All manner of help and miracle-making at your fingertips. So, what’s stopping you? Only self-doubt, and we don’t have time for that anymore. We need you to just get out there and do your thing. ♥ Best Crystal – Smoky Quartz ♥ Power Word – Authentic ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Your creative lair, office or art space, or wherever else you make your magic. Which could be the garden, kitchen, or the counselling couch. This is not a time for learning or planning, it’s a time for doing and being! Thank you for being you.

6. ♥ Comfortable Nest – Wherever You Go, There You Are What’s needed for you right now is a sense of sanctuary.  It might be your bedroom, your study, your altar, your backyard. It might be your writing space or your office. It might be your entire home. It needs to be clean. It needs to be comfortable. It needs to make your heart feel glad. It needs to be a space that reflects who you are and what you love. Move if you have to. It’s okay to end and begin things now. And if the mess is inside you, get help with that. Do whatever it takes to bring yourself back to a place of inner peace and calm. ♥ Best Crystal – Snowflake Obsidian  ♥ Power Word – Sanctuary ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Home (whatever that means to you).  Create a space that allows you to feel safe, comfortable, supported and surrounded by beauty and meaning. Start with one small corner. Simple is fine. De-clutter. Make space for rest and new growth.

7. ♥ Blessed and Blissful – Levelling Up Spiritually  Spiritual connection and flow is not a difficult or complicated process, although we often try to make it that way. You are coming into a time of deeper connection, deeper knowing, and deeper intuition. Give yourself some breathing space to contemplate the bigger questions in your life. Make time for reading, meditation and journalling. Expect a bigger connection to God, your Guides and Angels and your own Wise Self. Expect answers to those big questions, and a clarity about your way forward. All is well.  ♥ Best Crystal – Lapis Lazuli  ♥ Power Word – Become  ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Sacred Spaces or alone time. Churches and temples, parks, sitting under old trees, your meditation corner, a library or a quiet corner of the house when no-one else is home.

8. ♥ New Life, Fresh Start – Troubles Falling Away  Sometimes it’s hard to know what happens first… Our troubles begin to resolve so we begin to feel better, or we begin to feel better so our troubles resolve. Any way it happens, know that things are finally looking up for you. BUT you need to let go of the old story about all your troubles too. Open to the possibility that things can change for the better. Even if you never quite understand how or why.  Prayers answered, breakthroughs and an end to going round and round in circles going nowhere. Hooray! ♥ Best Crystal – Tiger Eye  ♥ Power Word – Blessings ♥ Magical Healing Environment – Your life! Nothing specific you need to do, and nowhere you need to be. It’s all progressing beautifully. Soon you’ll see that shift you’ve been hoping for.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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6 thoughts on “Easter Treats Oracle for 2024

  1. ‘Comfortable nest’ reminded me so much of home – way back then :-). And ‘A handful of treasures’ – those to really go well together for me. Thank you, Nicole, I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday.

  2. So perfect… thank you lovely🩷🩷… first it was ‘Social and Connected’ then it was ‘Love Bunnies’… I think they blended together🌺🌺

    Just 3 days till I take off for Bali… it’s taken a lot… much love to you🩷🩷

  3. 1, 3 and 4- I couldn’t choose between them. 1 was the strongest but the other 2 resonated strongly so when I read them, I understood why. Thank you dear one xx

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