The Eagles and the Crystals

“Believe something and the Universe is on its way to being changed. Because you’ve changed, by believing. Once you’ve changed, other things start to follow. Isn’t that the way it works?”
~ Diane Duane, So You Want to Be a Wizard


In January, we pulled down our massive Ancestors and Songlines crystal healing grid at our farm. Ben and my friend Satisha helped me to locate all of the stones that were beginning to be buried by the long summer grass that had grown up wildly all around them. We literally crawled around the grid on our hands and knees, feeling every inch of ground to pull out the stones which had lain there through sun and rain, moon and stars for nearly 8 weeks.

When the stones were removed I sorted through them and chose a selection to be tasked for my retreat students this year, plus a few extra that I may sell or give away at some stage. Ben then drove me and my stones to the very back of our property where the eagles live.

In the boughs of a mighty old gum tree is a huge platform made from sticks and branches. It is home to a nesting pair of wedge-tail eagles. The tree itself sits within a tangled thicket of scrub, privet and camphor. It’s private, secluded and the place holds an energy of wilderness and deep peace. The views from the top of the tree must be incredible. The birds would see our entire valley and river system, and then over the saddle of the hill behind them and into the next valley too. We often see the eagles and their fledglings soaring on the thermals around our farm. They are massive birds. Majestic. Fearless.

At the foot of this ancient tree, beneath the eagles’ nest I laid out a new crystal grid. I sang magic into it the way my old Aboriginal Aunties taught me. I added my own magic too, and the magic of my ancestral line. I wanted these crystals to soak up all of that energy, and the energy of the land, of the tree and of the eagles. Of course other creatures will add their own energies. There is so much native wildlife here. And there is the energy of country. It’s a tangible energy, and it makes the crystals sing.

On Tuesday afternoon we went back and retrieved these stones. They have been through wild storms, eclipses, full moons, dark moons, pink moons, bright clear skies and gentle sunsets. After so long in the dirt they were encrusted with earth and bits of leaf and grass. They smelled like sweet loamy soil and sunshine. And goodness, how they felt in my hand!

This weekend I’ll scrub them clean and lay them out in the sun to dry, and then I’ll choose one for each of my Beginners Channelling students, for them to learn how to use when our retreat starts just ten days from now.

Maybe one of these stones will find its way to you one day. I truly believe that they always find the person who needs them most.

They are simply wonderful. I know you’ll love them as much as I do!

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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10 thoughts on “The Eagles and the Crystals

  1. Oh gosh how I loved this post Nicole. It made me feel the magic in the world 🙂 And that always makes me feel good and smile. So thank you Xx

  2. I just want to plunge my hands into the pile – I can feel them in my imagination and it feels ‘good’! So pretty to look at, too 💜🌿Magic! (And it’s my word for the week) xxx

  3. What a wonderful story ! You transported me there with your descriptive writing. The crystals sound amazing. Thank you for sharing, and am hoping you are starting to turn the corner health wise. xx

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