Monday Oracle – 8 January 2018

 “If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough. –  Meister Eckhart


Hello, Lovelies!

The cards I am using for guidance for 2018 are the enchanting Inner Child Cards – A Fairy-Tale Tarot by Ishna Lerner, Mark Lerner and Christopher Guilfoil. I’ve used and loved these cards for over 25 years and they are just perfect for our year ahead. They may seem childlike and whimsical in their design but there is great depth and wisdom within them.

January is a month for easing ourselves into the energies of 2018, for resting and recharging, for planning and dreaming and for tuning in to what can support us in the year ahead.

Keep that in mind as we look at the gifts of awareness which the oracle card Seven of  Crystals brings us.

This is a week for counting our blessings, for sitting in gratitude for what is already good in our lives, and for thinking about the experiences, energies, relationships and opportunities we wish to draw to ourselves in 2018.

No matter what your spiritual or religious inclinations, find some sacred time for yourself this week. That might be attending a church, lighting incense and offering prayers in a temple, meditation time, a walk in nature or any place that helps you to find that stillness within and without.

If you want, it’s also a great week for creating a simple altar or sacred space at home. Think of a small space on a tabletop or window ledge where you can place a few things that have deep meaning for you, and where you might also keep a crystal, candle or some fresh flowers. What you choose and create is up to you – it’s a little physical reminder of your own sacred soul path and inner journey, and your own personal spiritual beliefs.

It’s a week for stepping away from the news, gossip and any outside negative energies. Don’t worry. They will still all be there when we come back into the world, but for now, Seven of Crystals reminds us to keep our hearts and thoughts full of kindness, love, gratitude and positive thoughts for ourselves and others.

Supportive crystals this week?

Selenite boosts intuition and all forms of spiritual connection. It will help you to connect into your guides, angels and psychic ability. Fantastic for gently guiding you inwards.

Red Jasper is a stone for mental, physical and emotional rejuvenation. Deeply grounding, it helps you connect to your heart and your truth. Clear Quartz lifts your vibration and opens you to flow. It is a highly spiritual stone, encouraging self-reflection and helpful for hearing messages and receiving signs or direction that can assist you on your journey. A clear quartz cluster or double terminated stone will be extra supportive for you this week! Larimar is also a good choice. This pretty blue stone will help you to speak your needs, and acknowledge where you are stuck, out of flow or in need of healing and change. A super stone for calling in healing on all levels.

Image Source:

Helpful essential oils?

I’m loving Young Living’s Envision this week. It’s an oil blend I often use in my workshops and retreats to help my students connect to inner wisdom and intuition. It helps us to see a greater possibility for ourselves. Use Envision for spiritual connection, inspiration and breakthroughs. Dab a drop on your Crown Chakra, back of neck, over your heart, wrists and the soles of your feet, inhale directly or add to your diffuser. 

Want to make your own blend? Each of the following oils will work beautifully on their own for you this week, but they’ll also make a delicious combination for diffusing. Vetiver will calm and ground us, promoting emotional balance, Lavender keeps us in flow and relaxed, Ylang Ylang opens our hearts and is supportive when we feel anxious or overwhelmed, and Bergamot brings joy, gratitude and optimism.  To diffuse add 2 or three drops of each oil to your room or personal diffuser. You can find the oils here.

Holding you, as always, in my thoughts, prayers and meditations, and intending for you a life of abundance and joy, where you are no longer limited by your doubts.

All my love,

Nicole ❤ xx

PS: Monday’s oracle card, ‘Seven of Crystals’, is from the Inner Child Cards – A Fairy-Tale Tarot. I use any cards shown as a prompt for channeled messages and my own own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book. 

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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