All The Pretty Lights

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“The wisdom of bridges comes from the fact that they know the both sides, they know the both shores!”
~ Mehmet Murat ildan


I’m still in the city just now, tending loved ones. Driving home from a friend’s last night, I was startled to see an owl in this suburban landscape. It was sitting right in the middle of the road, and it took wing as I drove toward it, disappearing off into the blackening sky beyond the reach of my headlights.

I should have known that the owl would mean something. You see, I went flying later that night. One moment I was sitting on my bedroom floor meditating, holding space for my next retreat group and sending healing to loved ones and friends. The next I was up in the night sky, looking down, with my Aboriginal Auntie at my elbow.

Auntie does not meet me in cities. Usually. The spirit that is Auntie comes to me when I am at my farm, when I am in the outback, when I am close to nature. But last night we were in Brisbane. We flew across a cityscape of streetlights and soul lights.

Dat lady there, helpful to you, she pointed out, showing me a bright light in one darkened house. Dat one too.

We flew along a bit more until we were out over the bay. It reminded me of my grandparents, who had spent so much time in their boat exploring these waters, and taking us with them on school holidays. I felt viscerally connected to them, although they too have passed.

Image from Sailing Wondertime
Image from Sailing Wondertime

Dat owl, she said to me as we flew. Dat owl know someting. Soon, you know someting too.

I wanted to ask why. But I didn’t, although I was busting to. Instead I said ‘okay, good’.

You ready now, Auntie said eventually.

Ready for what? I wanted to ask. But I didn’t. I ask too many questions. Just the day before I was speaking with a young Aboriginal woman who explained to me that, in her culture, elders won’t always answer your ‘why’ questions. Sometimes you’re not ready for the answer. Sometimes what is needed is your curiosity and observation, so that you can find the answer for yourself. Thanks, Mundanara – your timely wisdom was so helpful!

So here I am. Curious. Observant.

Hoping that my wait won’t be too long and that I will figure it out soon, or be shown.

What a strange and wonderful adventure it is to be me!

Dumbi Owl by Donny Woolagoodja
Dumbi Owl by Donny Woolagoodja


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

6 thoughts on “All The Pretty Lights

  1. Wonderful! Aunty was very brave to come to big city… I ‘m in Bris. As well for another week. Minding families elderly dogs while they do a rd trip. So looking forward to returning home to my comfort place in the shire.

  2. Oooh that sounds exciting ! and how wonderful to link with your Auntie in Brisvegas ! We had a boobook owl roost during the day in our palms regularly, but the Noisy Miners weren’t very welcoming. Sending you love and hugs Cherie xx

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