Signs of Spring

Mock Orange from my garden

Down here in Australia (where our seasons are reversed from Europe and America), Spring is just around the corner, and already there are signs that she is close at hand.  As I lie in bed, or sit on my verandah, I inhale a heavenly bouquet, and it fills me with hope and renewal.

The heavy fragrance of mock orange (Philadelphus) floods the air.

There is a sweeter, lighter note, which is the flowering Meyer Lemon at my kitchen door.

My flowering Meyer Lemon

The heady scent of Jasmine lingers strongly at the close of day…

The first bursts of sweet Jasmine

And my favourite springtime treat, the Magnolia’s rich fragrance, reaches far into the evening.

Mmmmm….. Magnolia!

Spring certainly seems to be spreading more energy than just perfume.  There is romance in the air too, all around my little farm.  So much to be grateful for. Hooray for Spring! ♥

Fairywrens getting cosy before making a nest together ♥
Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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27 thoughts on “Signs of Spring

  1. Beautiful thank you. Spring is a little slower here but the wattles are out and looking magnificent. Also a few white blossoms around here at Victor Harbour and on the way up to Adelaide I note on my trips. Abundant blessings to you, Joan

  2. So nice to see the your flower! Here in Sweden we had a rainy and cold summer ,and I think I never has seen so little flowers during a summer. Hope you keep sharing them with us .<3

    1. LOL – Thank you! I just added ‘context’ to the beginning of my post to avoid confusion. In the Southern Hemisphere, we have the opposite of whatever season you’re having in the Northern Hemisphere – so while you’ve been all summery we’ve been in winter mode! 😀 xx

    1. I thought the same thing as we were freezing down here and everyone up there was blogging summer recipes with an avalanche of stonefruit and watermelon. Isn’t our planet just amazing! Much love to you, Annie xx

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