Colour Oracle for Channelled Guidance

Image from PANTIP
Image from PANTIP

“Color directly influences the soul. Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another purposely, to cause vibrations in the soul.”
~ Wassily Kandinsky, Concerning the Spiritual in Art


Here’s a little colour inspiration to start the week ahead. All you need to do is scroll down through the images, choose the colour that most appeals to you, and then scroll past the pictures to read your channelled message.

I’ve had lots of fun putting this oracle together, so I hope you enjoy it too!

Lots of love, Nicole xx


1. Pink

Image from 3rdbillion
Image from 3rdbillion

2. Green

Image from SustainabilitySPU
Image from SustainabilitySPU

3. Brown

Image from WallpapersDB
Image from WallpapersDB

4. White

Image from HD Nature Wallpapers
Image from HD Nature Wallpapers

5. Blue

Image from Fanpop Flowers
Image from Fanpop Flowers

6. Tangerine

Image from Cooking on the Weekends
Image from Cooking on the Weekends

7. Red

Image from RMQ
Image from RMQ

Your Colour Message

1. Pink

This week really enables you to get to the heart of things: to see what’s working and what’s not, to finally recognise the patterns in your life, and to be able to gain clarity and perspective in regards to relationships, family, the workplace and your current passion or lack of passion. This week don’t sit in judgement. Just watch, eyes open. Mind open. By week’s end you’ll have a fresh perspective, an informed heart and mind, and an ability to form well thought out decisions. Don’t be afraid. Clarity and truth bring great power, and lead to action. A great crystal for you this week is Fluorite.

2. Green

In the week ahead you need to tend to the structure of things in your life. Take this advice literally. Maybe you need to go see the Chiropractor or get a massage. Get your house in order. Have your car serviced. Pay the bills. Sort out your tax or anything else which you’ve long neglected. Clear the clutter, tidy your desk or art room, put some systems in place and attend to maintenance – for you, your home, your family, your business. Strong systems and structures give stability and enable positive growth. A lack of systems and support will slow you down, or may even end in some kind of inconvenient or catastrophic failure. Once you sort out the systems and structures in your life things will hum along nicely, you’ll be back in flow. Expect breakthroughs. Best crystal for you this week is Malachite.

3. Brown

This week is all about incubation for you. For good ideas forming, for dramatic breakthroughs and ah-ha moments. It’s a week for clear thinking, intuitive flashes of wisdom, inspired actions and events, exciting synchronicity and all kinds of positive help and empowerment. Expect to receive new ideas, and the beginnings of things, or sudden insights to help you deal with long-standing problems or to complete existing projects. You may also have prophetic dreams or just happen to hear the right information on the radio or television. Lots of messages, wisdoms and divine guidance coming your way. Best crystal for you will be Amethyst.

4. White

A week for you to step into your own power. This week you’re being guided to back yourself and your abilities. Go for that job or promotion, sign up for that course, submit your manuscript, begin work on that new business idea, ask that person out, stand up to that bully. This is a week for decisive action, and for putting yourself and your needs first, including your dreams – no matter how far off they may seen. Magic happens when you make a commitment to honouring and supporting yourself and your ideals. Have courage. It’s time to break free of old thought patterns, self-sabotaging behaviours and limiting beliefs and relationships. Step into the light. Give yourself permission to be who you came here to be! Power crystal for you this week is Moonstone.

5. Blue

A time for spiritual communion and rest this week. A great time for meditation, time on your own, and time devoted to a calling or dream. It’s okay to withdraw this week if you need to. Your psychic senses are alert, and you will be highly sensitive at this time. Talk to your Guides and Angels, talk to your Loved Ones who have crossed over. Expect messages, insights and visions. Be careful to nourish your body, minimising stimulants like coffee and sugar. Get plenty of sleep. Journal and play with your crystals and cards. You’re surrounded by gentle love. A beautiful crystal for you this week is Rutilated Quartz.

6. Tangerine

Honey, you need some fun! This is a perfect week to go out to dinner, to catch up with friends, to go away for a long weekend or a short vacation. Break out your paints, your craft box, your favourite hobby. Go to the movies. Get out into nature. Be a tourist in your own home town. You could even have a picnic in your back yard! The most important thing is to nurture and feed your creative soul. Think music, food, dancing, art, galleries, movies, friendship and fun! All work and no play fast weakens the creative spirit. It’s okay to take a little R and R time every now and again. In fact, it’s essential! A super crystal for you this week is Citrine.

7. Red

Time to recharge your batteries and nourish your base chakra! Be in your body this week. Exercise. Have a massage. Connect to your own physical, emotional and sexual needs. Allow sensuality in all its forms to be at play in your life right now. Take time to feel the sun on your skin, swim in the ocean or trek through the forests. Do some yoga or some primal dancing. Drum. Dance to a wild beat. Enjoy food and all the many sensual pleasures available to you. Find the passion within you. It’s there, but it’s a small flame right now which needs to be made brighter. Rediscover and fall in love with your own energy and beauty. The best crystal for you this week is Red Jasper or Carnelian – whichever you are most strongly drawn to.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

10 thoughts on “Colour Oracle for Channelled Guidance

  1. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you for sharing this! I Love it! Even tho as usual I am drawn equally to most of the bright colours-I’ve never been able to pick one of anything especially anything as luscious to the eyes as bright vivid colour or beautiful images;-) But that’s ok. I used to get angry and frustrated by being told to choose one but I realized that my choosing rainbow when asked my favourite colour or contemplating several of these bits of wisdom together for my week ahead harms nothing. The lovely bit about growing up-the flip side to paying bills and putting your own bandages on-is that no one can make you do things the hierarchical, by the rules way anymore. (If they ever could! 😉 I am grateful and amazed by Nicole’s creative magic in making things like this. Try it out and see-by the end of the week something you read here will make a difference for you. As Penney Peirce who wrote Frequency and Perception says “Notice what you notice.” 🙂

  2. Dearest Nicole, My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you as we heal together! I too am waiting for results, though I need to wait a little longer than you. Light and love for our highest good!  love Sue xxx

  3. Yay! for a colour oracle and those pencils really filled my creative soul. Love this one Nicole. I picked Green… I have a piece of malachite sitting next to me. My car is being serviced this week and I have an optometrist and hair appointment tomorrow. I am clearing clutter in my hallway and office and am going to have that BREAKTHROUGH! Love to you xxx

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