The Energies of March – 2016

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“Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler.”
~ Albert Einstein


Hello, Lovelies 🙂

Welcome to March! Let me share some observations about the energy of the month ahead, as well as a few suggestions for embracing all that March has to offer.

Cards for the Month:

I’ve chosen two cards for March for you: one from the Osho Zen Tarot Deck, and one from Colette Baron-Reid’s Wisdom of the Oracle. Please note I don’t use these cards in the conventional way, but rather as a stimulus for channelled information.

Here is what I have received from each card:



“Any system was a straightjacket if you insisted on adhering to it so totally and humorlessly.”
~ Erica Jong, Fear of Flying


March is a month about practicalities. Don’t fear the thought of organisation. Embrace it!

The energy of March is all about systems, structure, organisation and control. Why? March is where things get serious in regards to growth and sustainability.

What are the areas of your life that give you grief or hold you back? How can you bring order and flow to them again?

Or do you need to step away and start over?

We are encouraged to look at the areas where we are out of control in our lives. Not just to notice the mess and the out-of-control chaos, but to actually take steps to get things back into flow. Strip it back. Make it easier.

Sort out any compliance issues or legal matters. Become clear about what your own personal and professional values are, and then live by them.

March energy celebrates tidying up, clearing clutter, streamlining, and making things simple. In March we need to get things sorted out and keep it real. We are encouraged to put energy into creating systems and support for ourselves. What is working well? Do more of that! Allow for flexibility too. Don’t become a slave to your systems and plans.

Do more of what you enjoy, do more of what makes money, do more of what sustains health and relationships. But put it into a simple system or routine. There is no point in reinventing the wheel every month.

And delegate or find help. It’s crazy to be doing everything ourselves.




“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”
~ Rumi


The second card I’ve chosen reminds you that the reason you are creating systems and structure and plans is not to bind you to misery, but to free you up so that there is time for pleasure and leisure. So that there is time for what matters. So that you are no longer a prisoner to an endless stream of madness.

Happy Happy speaks of the need for emotional fulfillment.

We need to plan fun, and to make space for rest and play and adventure.

Planning isn’t always about work. Plans and systems need to be able to support our wider life, and to create opportunities for us to do what reflects our values and the things that give our life meaning.

Even when we work from our heart, structure and systems play a part in helping us to have success.

The key to your success is finding balance and giving priority to the actions and decisions that will make the biggest difference in your daily life.

Celebrate your milestones, no matter how small. Allow yourself to believe that change is not only possible, but is happening – right before your eyes!


Best crystals this month?

Citrine is a superb stone for facilitating clear thinking, and for attracting abundance and flow into our lives.

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Citrine – Image from

Red Jasper gives us physical energy, dissolves stress held in the body and helps us be in tune with the natural world. A stone for making progress and for organising practical support.

Red Jasper - image from www.gemstonebuzz.ocm
Red Jasper – Image from


Essential oils to support your journey? Try this lovely diffuser blend of 5 Lemongrass, 5 Lavender, 2 Grapefruit. My fairy friend Sokli calls this her Calm, Smart and Happy blend. If you need a little extra relaxation and soothing comfort, add in 2 drops of Geranium. You can find the oils here.


Need some extra encouragement, support or inspiration?

Try these posts:

Direction or Destination – if you’re still trying to work out where to head, or where to put your energies.

Manifesting New Directions and Opportunities – lots of journalling exercises and ideas to really help you get focused, and some lovely visualisation too.

Writing as a Manifestation Tool – Using the power of words to create a new life, or new energy within your life. Also good for summoning help, helpful people, new opportunities and various other positive energies.

Writing Yourself into a Brighter Future – using thoughts and words to positively and powerfully co-create our future.

Guided Meditation for Emotional Healing – a short guided meditation working with heart and heart chakra energy to help you let go of pain, and to anchor yourself in love and possibility.


Systems and structures might not be sexy, but March shows you that they are useful tools in helping you to create a life of greater abundance, flow and ease. Embrace March and its possibilities by simplifying and creating space for what matters to you.

Sending all my love to you, Nicole ♥ xx

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Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

6 thoughts on “The Energies of March – 2016

  1. I used to think it was scary when I thought , did or said things only to hear, see or read you (Nicole )doing them soon after…. Story you told at retreat I had told someone the day before… Things I’d thought you would say…. The crystals I worked with yesterday …. Yip … Now I think it’s so cool …think I’m on the right track …. Family meeting last night to work out a better way forward with out children fighting and draining me with their negative energy…. 🌺

  2. Thank you Nicole

    Simple, real and practical. It is certainly my focus for the month, the systems. Business is moving forward Yeah! I have been having way more fun.

    Much Love

    Jacq xx

  3. Nicole I so appreciate you, and value your
    guidance and mentoring. Truly. As I just leave now for my morning walk, I take March’s wisdom into meditation as I go. btw it totally resonates with me right now. Thank you again. Sending light and love Colleen

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