Why Revelation Isn’t Enough!

Image from www.thegiftofwriting.com

“It’s not in the book or in the writer that readers discern the truth of what they read; they see it in themselves, if the light of truth has penetrated their minds.” 
~  Augustine of Hippo


As our meditation retreat comes to a close today, I’ll be guiding my students about what to do when they re-enter the flow of life again. It’s been a big week for them – lots of shifts, dawning clarity, a handful of aha moments and some potentially life-changing revelations.

But here’s the thing…

It’s not enough to have the revelation. A moment of insight doesn’t make for lasting change. What’s needed is reflection – time to think about what that revelation means in our life, and how we can best use that information. After revelation we need to have clarification and then application, or we may as well have never had that insight at all.

I’ve been teaching my students how to take their aha moments and examine them further using quiet time and deep thinking, journalling and choosing oracle cards to help them explore the situation from different angles. I encourage them to keep asking themselves ‘What does this mean for me?’ and ‘How can I best use this information?’ The answers that come from this process are where the true breakthroughs occur.

So, how about you? What realisation have you had recently that would benefit from some further analysis? Why not gift yourself some time to explore it, with the intention that you use your newfound understanding to create an action plan for change.

Let your revelation be the start of a personal positive revolution.

Sending much love your way, Nicole ❤ xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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2 thoughts on “Why Revelation Isn’t Enough!

  1. Thank you for all your gifts of wisdom. It’s easy to remember the awesome ah-ha moments (Gosh – was our retreat over a year ago now?!!!) and forget to follow up. I know it was one of the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your blogs and reminders (yes, Dorothy – we knew it all along – but we needed to be gently reminded). thank you Nicole. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Sending love xoxoxo

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