Are You Weathering These Recent Storms of Change?

“Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.” 
― Roy T. Bennett

The energies right now are all about change. Lots is coming up to be dealt with, things that have been hidden are being forced out into the open, things that need to be acted upon are being thrust upon us and where we aren’t in alignment there is opportunity for shift and growth. It’s messy, but ultimately positive, even if it feels like we are in the middle of a hurricane.

I’ve needed to make some unexpected and hard decisions this week – shutting doors on some situations so that I can open new ones that may lead to better things.

By last night when I left the city to head back to our farm I was beyond exhausted. I’ve had too many things on my plate lately. Deadlines and workloads and stresses piled up upon each other so that I was glassy-eyed and hollow after days of late nights and worry.

As we sat in traffic I sifted and sorted through paperwork, talked with Ben, put a plan together. A good plan. I could feel it in my bones. A feeling of peace came over me. Many of us are deep in change and repositioning right now, and all of it is for the greater good, as painful as it might feel in the moment. I knew last night that somehow I had passed a significant milestone, and that after being stuck lately things would begin to gather momentum again.

Clouds gathered as we left the city behind us. An eerie green twilight descended. Eventually I put my work away and using the weather radar on my phone we navigated to miss the worst of the storm cells which were dark with hail and heavy rain. It took two hours longer than usual to get home and we arrived to find the power out.

All my ideas of sitting at my computer went out the window. We unpacked by torchlight, took our showers by candlelight and then went to bed.

Rain came soon after, loud on the tin roof, blanketing our little cottage in a comfort of peace, white noise and solitude. There was nothing to be done but snuggle beneath the blankets and watch the sky light up from time to time with a fierce bright blaze of lightning followed by the rumble of rolling late-night thunder.

This morning I have woken full of hope. The air is clear and clean and crisp as a new apple. The power has come back on in the night. I can see my way forward and I’m excited by the opportunities this change has created out in front of me.

How about you? How are you navigating life’s storms?

Know that we are in a significant period of clearing, shifting and healing right now. Embrace that as a positive thing. Pull back when you need to. Have a Doona day if it helps. Trust that things have a way of working out better than you might have planned. And if you’ve been hanging onto things for far too long that are no longer working for you? Let go. Choose again. Choose something new.

We can’t have a rainbow without rain, and storms are sometimes needed to sweep the past away and give us that fresh start we never knew we needed.

Sending so much love your way, and holding the intent that you find your rainbow too,
Big hugs, Nicole ❤ xx


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

7 thoughts on “Are You Weathering These Recent Storms of Change?

  1. Having survived a tornado in the wilderness at a young age. I second that emotion regarding storms. It is not Spring here in France however my apples trees are heavy with fruit. Hang in there everybody!

  2. Lovely post and confirmation that change IS happening. For myself personally it feels like a recalibration is happening. Loved the storm here last night, heavy rain, light hail and everything seems brighter and lighter this morning. Happy to hear you are ‘home’ at The Farm for some rejuvenation of your body and soul…XOXO

  3. Thank you for the reminder, Nicole. Timely and relevant. I’m battening down the hatches, trying to weather the storm. I’m hanging in there for the better things and it better be a damn double rainbow!!! Lots of love to you xxx

  4. Hi Nicole

    Happy to here that you are moving through your storm and clarity is happening for you xx

    About 6 weeks ago I put a plan in place and everything was set and I was waiting on confirmation of a new job…well this week it was offered to me. The final piece of this plan to then move forward with it all. There has certainly been a shift for me in not facing a few things and now I have. I have set the wheels rolling on it and WOW do I feel great. Things are happening and moving with more ease, I am feeling more like me again and loving it.

    New beginnings for me and the kids in all areas.

    Have a beautiful day.

    Much Love
    Jacq xx

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