What’s your Power Word for 2014?

Image from Inside The Gate
Image from Inside The Gate

“The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.” 
~ Socrates


I long ago gave away the practice of multiple New Years Resolutions. Just the thought of it overwhelms me. You know; all the things you are going to do, all the things you are no longer going to do – and then dividing those up into areas  for finances, family, health, spirituality, matters of the heart, interests and hobbies, professional and personal development, global domination and so on.

Living with Lyme I have so little energy to waste on superfluous things. And lists like that exhaust me.

Last year I ditched the concept of resolutions altogether and went with a far simpler system. I narrowed my resolutions down to one word. A Power Word.

In 2013, my power word was HEALTH.

For 2014 my power word is PROSPER.

Every time I think of my word I am reminded of my intentions for 2014. I can hold up the word PROSPER and use it to evaluate my actions and decisions so that I may determine if I am moving towards or away from the energy of this word, this quality I want more of in my life.

Prosper to me is not actually anything to do with money, although money is a part of prosperity. To prosper is to add to, to succeed, to do well, to thrive.

With every action, choice or decision I make in 2014 I can now ask myself if it will prosper or diminish me.

Image from Richard Kong
Image from Richard Kong – And yes, I know it’s very Star Trek, which is one of the reasons it delights me! 🙂

It’s so easy to be guided by my power word. I simply think of my word and then apply it to any situation:

Will this meal prosper me (support my health and my healing efforts) or diminish (sabotage, weaken or lessen) me?

Will a nap prosper me or reduce me?

Will exercise today prosper me or weaken me?

Which of these work activities shall prosper me most, today and in times to come?

I’m thrilled with my power word. I know it’s going to help keep me focused and on track this year.

Now let’s work out what your word is.


Image from Erin Feldman
Image from Erin Feldman

Finding your Power Word for 2014 is simply a matter of exploring what’s important to you. Is there a recurrent theme in your life you’d like to put more attention to, an area you’d like to shine in, or a dream that never gets air time?

Use the following Questions to help you arrive at your own Power Word or Power Phrase ( a Power Phrase has more than one word!)

  1. What’s the one key area of your life, that if you put purpose, passion and action to, would move you to a better place by the year’s end? Only choose one area. If you actually make all the change and improvement you need before the year is finished you can give yourself a well-deserved break, or choose another word!
  2. If you had this change in your life, what would your life look like?
  3. Write a list of positive words and phrases that embody for you the quality, activities, knowledge and actions of this key area.
  4. Choose one simple word or phrase that sums up this energy for you.


Once you have your Power Word, commit it to memory. Write it in your diary. Place it on post-it-notes around your house, make it your screen saver – in short immerse yourself in this word, and the meaning of this word for you.

Let this one word remind you about what’s important to you this year.  Let this one word help you define and transform your life!

Image from Under the Blue Door
Image from Under the Blue Door
Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3160

50 thoughts on “What’s your Power Word for 2014?

  1. Great post! Just found your blog and am loving it – can’t wait to read more. 🙂 I do a yearly theme (but I like the “power word” terminology better) – 2014 is the Year of Intent. As in, I will purchase with intent. I will do with intent.

  2. My power word is Restoration and it encompasses many areas. In December, when I realized that 2013 was the worst ever, I knew it only could get better from there. First and foremost, is restoration of relationships. As of today, this is already starting so my heart is overflowing with joy. Late summer, I launched my memoir, Battered Hope, to be an inspiration to anyone who feels hopeless. In a few short months, i have received numerous responses from hurting people so inspired when they realized that if I made it through, they can as well. Thank you for the privilege to share that here.

  3. Hi Nicole – My power word is definately – RELEASE! I know that the universal flow will take me further on my journey without my controlling hand! Bring such relief to me when I think of it. Woo Hoo to 2014!!! 😀

  4. Julie over at jmgoyder mentioned your site in a recent post. I love the idea of a power word. Deciding on just one is tough, I’m doing so many things, but I got it down to just one: Motivation (it was between that and Contentment). Thanks for the idea! (Love your blog, by the way.)

  5. EXPANSION! Will this activity expand my spirit or my world? Do it! Will this friendship be expansive? No more contraction! No more living fear! No more staying small.

  6. Thank you for this. You know as soon as I began reading, I felt the word ‘forward’ asserted itself. Upon completing the journal activity, which was beautifully enlightening and worthy, forward remains my word. 😀
    Thrilled to be on this journey with you (all!)

  7. Thanks Nicole. I have chosen courage. The courage to be vulnerable, to follow my instincts, to do, to dare, to believe, to have faith, to share….
    I’ve been following you avidly for 12 months and have not had the courage to leave a comment, when many times I’ve wanted to say thanks or to share.
    Your Lyme journey resonates strongly with me as I was diagnosed with MS 18 years ago. I’ve remained quite healthy with occasional issues of fatigue my major hurdles. Meditation, journaling, art, writing, kinesiology, massage, photography, spirituality, exercise, your inspirational blogs and the wonderful support of some magical friends keep me going. Giving myself permission to heal and rest is also helpful! I am grateful for the magical gifts of YOU and your wisdom! 2014…to infinity & beyond! xx

  8. happy to have found your blog, (through julie) and what a great idea. my word for 2014 is ‘love’, both for taking better care of myself/loving myself, and for finding love with a partner. i am on my way. ) beth

  9. Thank you, Nicole. It was so fun to read everyone’s words for the year. I was in the middle of writing my post about a similar topic and will add a link to this one.
    Last year was Surrender. This year is Fight. Can you feel the kind of Fight this represents? I feel nervous and scared, but know that this is a really important year for me. It’s so glorious to be here during this time of amazing shifts. I am so glad to be sharing it with you and this lovely community you have created.

  10. I visit Laurie’ blog and she did a similar thing . For her blog I came across the word’ serene ‘ quite by chance…I love this word… it’s toasty .
    But I’m greedy with two things in my life WORDS and PENS . So I’m choosing another word that I found from your blog, in the little purple square , and it jumped out at me ‘CHERISH’ So that’s the word for me .
    Don’t get me on pens. I think it’s the only thing I’d be prepared to go to prison for stealing lol I love em .
    Cherry x

  11. Thanks for this excellent post. I am feeling inspired to select a power word for the year. I have Angel Cards I enjoy selecting to the ‘day’ but this is an exciting thought! Thanks again for the inspiration Nicole. Happy New Year! Hugs, Gina xo

  12. Thank you for the prompts this morning! I am now decisive about my power word for 2014 which is Confidence. In having Confidence throughout 2014 and making it my Power word, I know it will instil in me a strong sense of worthiness; knowing that I am enough; honour and respect myself and my decisions; releasing any fears of making “mistakes”; enhance my own inner guidance and continue to put love over fear in any situation. Wishing you a Prosperous 2014! Love and best wishes, Dianne

  13. I, too have come to power words for New Years. After a few years of failing miserably with resolutions, a friend said to me, “Don’t set resolutions, set intentions….that way you won’t fail.” You know what I discovered? In my experience, resolutions and intentions are pretty synonymous. So, this year, I have two key words. Clear and simple words where I know what they mean to my heart. There’s no pressure in them and they simply serve as gentle reminders of what I am working toward: Forward Motion.

    Blessings for you to prosper in the year ahead,

  14. Hi Nicole, I think having a power word is a fantastic idea, I think I’ll adopt the idea. 2013 turned into a royal pain-in-the-butt for me, the year started out well and I was managing to lose between 1lb and 1.5lb a week but towards the end of May I blacked out in the street and injured my left ankle. I went to A&E to get it checked out and it appeared to be just a small chip off the ankle bone and a lot of bruising but they were concerned about the blacking out and after performing ECGs and ‘sitting to standing’ blood pressure tests they decided to contact my cardiologist at another hospital. He called me in to see him on the 4th of April and after ECGs, Scans etc diagnosed Atrial Flutter, a rapid increase in the severity of my symptoms led to me being unable to leave the house at all by the end of May. I was eventually called into hospital at very short notice on the 27th of November for a radio-frequency-ablation & the fitting of an internal cardiac monitor, I am now back to being able to walk short distances without blacking out but ultimately my weight loss & better fitness goals are further away from me than they were this time last year, so for 2014 my power word will be ‘HEALTH’

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