Soul Sanctuary Retreat 2015 – Just a Few Places Left!

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“The greatest hazard of all, losing one’s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss – an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. – is sure to be noticed.”
~ Søren Kierkegaard

“Self-care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.”
~ Parker Palmer


Every year going back as far as I can remember my mother boldly announces on New Year’s Day, ‘It’s the Year of Me this year! It’s going to be different this year. This year will be the year of ME! I’m going to do what I want to do. For me!’  After which Mum starts the year so well-intentioned, but by February the wheels have fallen off the bus, and by the end of the year she’s thoroughly exhausted and nothing much has changed, and she still hasn’t gotten around to those important things for herself that she cares about. Instead her life has been work, more work and meeting everyone else’s needs.

And you know what? Mum’s story is most women’s story. Mum’s story was one of the driving factors behind me creating the very first Soul Sanctuary residential retreat several years ago – a women only space to provide nurture, support and inspiration, to get clear about what’s important to you, and an opportunity to just be, without having to meet anyone else’s needs except your own. That’s a powerful place for bringing about positive change, and for creating a life that actually supports your visions and dreams for yourself, rather than you perpetually enabling the dreams of others while yours take a back seat.

Mum, cutting her January Birthday Cake and proclaiming (as she does every year) 'Onward and Upward!'
Mum, during my high school years, cutting her January Birthday Cake and proclaiming (as she does every year) ‘Onward and Upward!’ Of course, I’m now older than Mum was in this photo, and I am so grateful that in the past year Mum has found a way to live her life for herself, and to put her own hopes and dreams first. It’s never too late to be who you might have been!

This year’s Soul Sanctuary will be held in beautiful Byron Bay from November 28 to December 5. It’s a time to relax and regroup after the hectic and transitional energies of 2015, and to get ready for the amazing possibilities that 2016 will birth for us.

If I was to sum up the energies of 2016 in one word, that word would be LAUNCH. It will be a year for expressing yourself in the world, taking new directions and finding new ways of being, for starting and growing life-changing projects, for truly becoming more of who you are. A year that demands honesty and space for being yourself, sharing your gifts and moving into the flow of creativity and abundance.

But we can’t take full advantage of this prosperous energy if we come to the new year with a flat battery. We can’t take full advantage of this gift if we don’t know how to create space for ourselves and our dreams, even as we are taking care of everyone else and needing to be present to the demands of our everyday lives. We can’t thrive if we keep pleasing others while disappointing ourselves and putting ourselves second, or even last…

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2015’s Soul Sanctuary Retreat will give you the tools for extreme self-care, for personal and life management, and for being able to put plans on the page that are actionable and realistic, with just the right amount of daring.

I’ve also been cooking up a little extra surprise for this retreat – a very practical tool to help you to get organised in such a way that you can look 2016 in the eye and say with confidence ‘2016? This is going to be the year of ME!’ I’m so excited about this tool that I could just about bust, but I’m going to keep my secret just a little longer. You’ll have to come to retreat if you want to find out exactly what it is. 🙂

Are you ready for a change? Do you need a way forward out of stuck? Do you have a project or idea you want to launch in 2016? Do you just need a big dose of rest, nurture and soul connection? If the answer is yes, then come join us!

Highlights of this week-long retreat:

  • Meditation and healing techniques we can use at home to help self and others by connecting into Universal Energy for healing and guidance
  • Your own personal healing session and custom-made bush-flower essence to support and integrate that healing
  • We will learn how to create space in each day, and each week, for ourselves and our own needs
  • We will learn about the Akashic Records and find out what strengths and talents we have come here to work with in this lifetime. This will help us to decide which dreams to follow, and how to best make our life meaningful and satisfying
  • We’ll identify the stories we keep telling ourselves and re-enacting – negative and positive – that are holding us back from growth and success
  • We will determine our One Big Thing, and from that we’ll develop our own personal Best Daily Habits, Weekly Planning Session Strategies and a Brilliant Year Flow Plan
  • We will learn how to use the Akashic Records to travel along our own personal timeline – past, present and future – in order to truly empower our life vision
  • We will create our own programmed-crystal wearable art to support and strengthen our 2016 Soul Energy and One Big Thing
  • We’ll learn how to make our lives and our success more sustainable and enjoyable
  • We will give ourselves space to relax and renew
  • We will learn some simple strategies for rebalancing and energizing our bodies
  • We will harness the shamanic power of plants to transform ourselves and our emotions. We will also learn how to make simple skincare and self-nurture products using recipes that combine crystals, essential oils and flowers. Because sometimes, women need communal craft and reconnection to nature!
  • We will create our own Power Essence – a fragrance that will allow us to focus deeply on our dreams and opportunities for 2016


There will be plenty of restful time for naps, swims, contemplation, friendship and personal projects. There will be time for meditation, and lots of channeled goodness with Nicole’s beautiful team. There will be time for healing, journaling, relaxing, spiritual goodness and lots of yummy organic food, lovingly created by our own personal chef. And of course you’ll go home with a Goodie Bag brimful with treats and surprises, so leave space in your suitcase!

We’ll also be working with the energies of the waning gibbous moon in Cancer, which is perfect for focusing on our own needs and plans, and for nurturing and mothering ourselves in order to give birth to our bigger and wiser dreams.

Now that we are firmly in the flow of this new era of awakening, and the energy of 2012 and the preceding energetic era is firmly behind us, everything is happening more easily and faster. Let’s learn how to consciously evolve using this quickening energy.

I’m so excited about this course, and we still have a few places left.

If you’d like more information please contact Dana, my wonderful PA, at

Or drop us a note below or on our facebook page and we’ll send the details through to you.

Lots of love 🙂 Nicole xoxo

PS – Did I mention that I have this really cool thing that I’m going to share at Retreat? Something so secret just now, and so, so cool that I am literally having to clamp my hand to my mouth to stop from shouting out about it? So cool… SO exciting… SO SECRET!!! It will be my Secret Santa gift to you.

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I’ll just keep that secret a little longer and hope that I don’t blow up from the excitement of it all!!!



Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

8 thoughts on “Soul Sanctuary Retreat 2015 – Just a Few Places Left!

  1. Want to know …want to know …want to know …I’m stamping my feet here 😀 So wish l lived near to you so I could come on your retreat … So needed at this time of year .

  2. This retreat sounds wonderful – makes me wish I lived close enough to be there. What you are offering is so calling me. Love the excitement and the guidance you provide.

  3. I have FIMO right now 🙂 🙂 …. but also have a friend staying during that time. However, after the journalling and the last eruption of solar flares etc, think the energies and old crap has been cleared so I can continue to do a lot more of what I have started this year. Ideas are in the vault. Lovely to feel the excitement !!! big hugs to you xxx

  4. Great Post Nicole. I especially love what yo said about 2016 LAUNCH. I have made some huge choices this year for me and stepped back from being the responsible financial one and am focusing on my business – planning, creating and putting my voice out into the world. Next year is lining up to be a fabulous year. Energetically I was aware that next year is the time for me to launch my programs, one on one sessions with clients and all the rest. Finally started writing that book. I love how you put into words what I am aware of.

    Grateful for you

    Love Jacq xx

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