It’s Here! The Year of ME Planner – 2016

Front page ME Planner

“Our soul is like a soft and gentle flower, it needs to be nurtured, cared for, tended to, with sufficient sunlight, fresh air and freedom to bloom into its most precious and beautiful form. This, my friend, is self-love.”
~ Miya Yamanouchi


I’m so proud and excited to announce…

the launch of my Year of ME Planner – 2016.

We are now firmly in the flow of a new energetic era, post-2012. This emerging era is about growth, expansion, community, collaboration, and connection, and 2016 offers us an incredible opportunity to position ourselves for this new energy!

If I was to sum up the energies of 2016 in one word, that word would be LAUNCH. It is a year for expressing yourself authentically in the world, taking new directions and finding new ways of being, for starting and growing life-changing projects, for truly becoming more of who you are. A year that demands honesty and space for being yourself, sharing your gifts and moving into the flow of creativity and abundance.

To really take advantage of a year like this you need a practical tool – one that helps you to make a map and then navigate that map to your destination.

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Welcome to The Year of ME Planner – 2016. ME stands for Manifesting Energies, and that’s what this planner is all about. This is your space for exploring and consciously creating the kind of life you desire – it’s your own personal think tank and manifestation machine.

The Year of ME Planner allows you to plan and action a life that is intuitive, intentional and purposeful. Whether you want to launch a business, get in shape, write a book, create the most exciting holiday or wedding, build a garden or just have more time for the things that really matter I’m here to guide you, step by step, to manifesting that life. I want you to use this planner so that you can look 2016 in the eye and say with confidence ‘2016? This is going to be the year of ME!’

I’ve created this Planner from a system I’ve used with great success in my own life for many years. Using this system I’ve been able to create a fulfilling life and a thriving business, all while I’ve been chronically ill and mostly working at home in my pyjamas in between naps or bouts of being bed-ridden. It’s a very gentle and user-friendly system that will nurture your soul and help you work towards your dreams in practical ways that can also adapt to life’s unexpected turns.

The Planner encourages you to use journalling, oracle cards and self-reflection. It has inbuilt affirmations, month-by-month guidance and techniques for extreme self-care. I’ve incorporated solid management tools alongside intuitive ones. There are Lucky Dips and Magical Carrots! This Planner reflects your need to live from the heart, honouring your spirit as well as your mind.

This is my pilot year for the Planner, and you can order it here. I have three different options for you to choose from.

  1. Option One is a digital download of the 287 page Year of ME Planner for $22 AUD. The Planner has everything you need to get started and keep going strongly all year.
  2. Me PlannerOption 2 is a 12 month online course and support forum, which also includes a digital download of the Year of ME Planner. The online course features a virtual planning ‘bootcamp’, and a host of information about how to use all of the tools within the planner. I’ll show you how to work with crystals, I’ll teach you how to give yourself an intuitive oracle card reading, I’ll walk you through every step of the Planner, and then each month I’ll give you insights and information about the energy of the month ahead. There will be downloadable guided meditations, additional focus activities, and interviews with people who have helpful things to share that will allow you to grow and be supported right throughout the year. There is also access to an exclusive and private Facebook Group to help you connect with lovely and like-minded people. Cost is $275 AUD.

Me Planner_Membership

3. Option Three is a Deluxe Membership package that includes all of the features of Option Two, plus some important extras. It is designed to give you very personalised support, guidance and direction, and direct access to work with me, one-on-one.

If you’re ready for really big changes, if you’ve got a big idea, or you just need some extra hand-holding this level of membership might suit you best.

  1. A printed copy of the Year of ME Planner – 2016 (which I will hide notes and love letters in!)
  2. A 2016 stone. This crystal will be chosen for you by me, and programmed for you and your success.
  3. A deck of Oracle Cards to be purposed exclusively for your Year of ME planning work
  4. A 30-minute Year Overview and Guidance Session with me, recorded and sent to you as an MP3. This session will be scheduled for you in late December or January so you are ready for the year ahead.
  5. A fifteen-minute One Big Thing Focus Session and check-in with me to make sure you’re clear and organised.
  6. Regular email updates.
  7. 4 x sixty-minute Spiritual CEO group teleconferences – one at the end of every quarter, to give you insights for where you’ve been, and where you’re going, plus time for a Q and A session with me.
  8. Exclusive guided meditations throughout the year to help you open to your possibilities and awaken your own intuitive knowledge.
  9. Bonus 2017 Heads-Up meditation, download and activities to help you close out 2016 and prepare for 2017.

The cost of this option is $1500 AUD.

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Update! *** MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION OFFER for Option 2 is now live. You’ll see it listed on its own, with a $0.00 price tag. Click that button to access the SUBSCRIBE button embedded within the product description.

You can buy all of these products from my Shop, by clicking on this link or by using the Shop Tab at the top of this page.

I’m looking forward to supporting you on your journey in 2016. I know it’s going to be a life-changing year for you.

Much love, and deep appreciation for your support and encouragement that has helped make this Planner possible. (((HUGS))) Nicole <3 xoxo

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

36 thoughts on “It’s Here! The Year of ME Planner – 2016

  1. Hey chickadee, I am in NZ atm 🍃🌿 I have just purchased option 2 via ph option 🌺🌺 .

    I have paid via bank deposit using the starship account and emailed receipt to c&c

    Hope that’s ok

    Beka Intuition 🐣🐣🐥🐥🐥🐥🐣🐥

  2. Nicole… YOU ROCK!!! I just now downloaded the planner — A M A Z I N G!!! I had no clue we could write/type directly into it… I thought I’d have to get it printed. But no… WOW. I love you so much for this. SO looking forward to 2016. Have I told you how much I LOVE YOU? You are a blessing. Signed: One Very Happy Mudd xox

  3. Have just ordered the Option 2 of the planner to ensure I don’t backslide 🙂 Am very excited about next year. Going to be brilliant 🙂 Thank you for all your work and dedication in waking us up to our true potential, and lovingly continuing to uplift and mentor us all. Big, big hugs xxx

  4. So excited to purchase your planner. This will be The Year of Me! Just wondering if it’s possible to make monthly payments to pay for Option 2?

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