Need Help to Grow Your Heart-Centered Business or Business Idea?

heart centered business
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“To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.” ~ Thomas Watson, Sr


The world is changing. There is a quiet revolution going on in corporations, in the business world, and in smaller businesses. That revolution is the emergence of soul-centered entrepreneurs who understand that to be successful in business is about more than just making money.

Soul-centred entrepreneurs value relationships, old-fashioned values, and they love what they are doing. They have a dream or a passion and they want to be successful – but in a way where their success is based on living true to a vision and on the success of their customers or clients, without the old models of exploitation or greed. Their intuition is engaged. They are in flow with their higher self and a greater guidance. For soul-centered entrepreneurs their business is always more than just a job; it’s an extension of themselves in some way. And a way to change the world.

I love business, and I love being able to make money doing something I love. I’d like to help you to do that too.

Because it’s not enough just to have a passion or a brilliant idea that sets you on fire. It’s not enough just to launch yourself out into the world. You need strategies and a plan. You need to actually be able to make money, and to leverage your time so that you don’t burn out. You need to be sustainable, and to grow your business in sustainable ways. You need to be able to connect with your audience in real and authentic ways.

I know how to do that.

I run a successful six-figure business, mostly in my pyjamas and from home. And we’re on track to get to seven figures.

I also do it MY way. Not the way that many conventional business coaches and gurus would have you work. (Want to read more about how my style conflicts with some of these ‘gurus’? Click here)

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Brisbane Workshop – Sunday 27 November 2016

Did you know that one of my superpowers is business? If  you have a business that you would like to launch or grow in 2017, this might be the workshop for you.

In the morning we’ll be looking at defining your product or service, and your target audience. We’ll also look at how to work with your Guides and intuition to really align your business with your natural talents and skills. We’ll examine the practicalities of connecting with your tribe or audience, and how that can look. We’ll learn how to use spiritual energies as well as management skills to set your intention and put your dreams in motion. We’ll look at what business model might suit you best.

In the afternoon we’re going to have a ’round table’ where we workshop your biggest problem or idea around your business. I will give EVERY participant attention and advice, so we are keeping these numbers small. You’ll also need to fill out a small survey before the workshop so that I can do some preparation for each of you before the workshop and make my material relevant to your particular needs.

Workshop includes lunch and worksheets, plus Nicole’s personal preparation session for each of you in the days before the course begins.

I still have a few spaces left, but I don’t expect them to last long.

If you are a couple or a team of two friends/family etc working on the same business, I also invite you to come as two-for-the-price-of-one so that both of you are active in contributing ideas and vision to grow your business in 2017.

Cost: $550  – Please RSVP to Dana at as soon as possible


Online One-Day Workshop Sunday December 11

I will also be making this event available as an online One-Day Workshop on Sunday December 11. There will be activities to do online in your own time leading up to the Workshop Day, and then we will have a series of live-webinars, interspersed with time for you to complete activities.

Cost: $550  – Please RSVP to Dana at as soon as possible


Business Mentoring Group for 2017

I’m putting together a small online business mentoring group for soul-centered entrepreneurs in 2017. We’ll have a fortnightly mentoring call as well as a monthly webinar and our own chat space and email access to Nicole.  Yes, we will be using intuition and psychic skills as well as conventional business skills and strategies.

The purpose of this working group is to provide ongoing support as you grow your own intuitive and business skills, and to grow an existing business or launch your business idea.

Please contact Dana at and ask to be placed on our list for when program details are finalised in the next week or so. We’ll then forward all information to you.

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Brisbane Event and Pop-Up Shop Reminders for November

We have just a few spots left for our Saturday workshops. You can also come along to our Channelling Night or Pop-Up Shop at St Colomb’s Church Hall at Victoria St, Clayfield.

crystals, Nicole Cody
All my crystals are chosen by me, and then their meanings are channelled. Very special stones!

Pop Up Shop:

Friday 25 November from 3pm to 6.30pm and Saturday 26 November from 10am to 4pm. Come along and have a cup of tea with us while you view my beautiful range of hand-chosen crystals, singing bowls, oracle and tarot cards, prayer shawls and pashminas, crystal jewellery, incense, journals, jewelry and much more. Great Christmas ideas for yourself and your loved ones!

An Evening of Channelling With Nicole:

Friday 25 November from 7pm to 9pm. Come along and meet some of my guides. They will share information about a range of topics, as well as answering questions from the audience. I rarely conduct channelling sessions outside my retreats, so this is a very special offering. These nights are always entertaining, educational and often very enlightening. Each attendee will receive a small gift from Sokli and me. Please bring a plate to share afterwards for supper. Tea and coffee will be provided.

Cost: $35 – Please RSVP to Dana at 


Saturday 26 November – Morning Workshop 10am to 12pm

Make Your Own Talisman and Healing Beads – A Talisman is a small spiritual object which has been made with love and infused with specific energies to help attract or achieve a certain outcome. I was taught variously how to make Talismans by one of my Aboriginal Aunties, by a Native American Medicine Woman and also by a friend’s grandmother, who came from a long line of traditional healers in her culture (which is also the culture of my own ancestors).

In this workshop I will show you how to make a Talisman so that it is infused with energy, purpose and intent. I will show you how to ‘sing’ your beads into harmony with an energy or outcome.

Talisman making is a sacred act of focus and devotion for yourself or someone you care about. There will be many materials for you to choose from, but I also encourage you to bring something of your own – such as a charm, small image, feather, crystal or shell, if it has a special significance.

Healing Beads are beads that can be held or worn and which hold energies specific to your well-being. They can be used to focus on any issue or area of health and well-being for yourself or a loved one.

You will make and take home a hand-crafted Talisman and a set of Healing Beads. All materials and information will be provided. Morning tea will also be served. Suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners. This workshop is open to adults and children aged 15 and up.

Cost: $120  – Please RSVP to Dana at 

Talisman beginnings


Saturday 26 November – Afternoon Workshop 1pm to 4pm

Make Your Own Medicine Bag and Learn Foundation Spiritual Practices – A Medicine Bag is a bag which contains personal items that focus your attention on your spiritual and metaphysical development. When we make or embellish our own Medicine Bag we infuse it with energy, purpose and ritual. It creates a powerful intention that helps to support and grow our spiritual practice. This is all about practical mysticism!

I have my own Medicine Bag that comes everywhere with me, and that enables me to create a spiritual and sacred space where ever I might be, on any corner of the planet.

In this workshop you will embellish your own Medicine Bag (the bag is already made but you will be restyling it to suit your energies), according to age-old mystical traditions. I will also cover the practices and tools that can help you to develop a regular spiritual practice and strengthen your intuitive and psychic ability. We will also look at the fundamentals of working with crystals, connecting with your guides, simple meditation techniques, using oracle and tarot cards to give yourself an intuitive reading, and some foundation metaphysical principles for raising your vibration. These are all the things I used at the beginning of my own journey, and that have led me to where I am today.

You will create and take home your own Medicine Bag. You will be given a substantial range of tools and materials to go into your Medicine Bag to create a strong foundation practice for your ongoing psychic and metaphysical development. Afternoon tea will also be served. Suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners. This workshop is open to adults and children aged 15 and up.

Cost: $240  – Please RSVP to Dana at 


Note: If you choose to attend both Saturday workshops, total cost will be discounted to $320.


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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3 thoughts on “Need Help to Grow Your Heart-Centered Business or Business Idea?

  1. Your workshop and mentoring sound like something my sister would benefit from, and her name is Nicole too! Unfortunately we live in the U.S. and international travel isn’t an option for her right now. I’ll send the info to her anyway just to put it out to the universe though. Take care!

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