Just Be Kind, Okay?

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” 
~ Desmond Tutu

Hey, Lovely!

Can you do me a favour?

Be kind to yourself today. Be kind to those you meet. Smile. Give encouragement, or a compliment. Even if your own road is hard, or your heart is breaking, or you have nothing left in the tank.

The Universe acts in response to and amplifies energy. So every act of kindness anchors love and goodness and helps counteract those other energies – the ones that would tear us apart and break us down to rubble.

Be kind to yourself and everyone you meet. Life’s road is sometimes hard and you don’t know what positive ripples will flow out from you in life-changing ways just by living from your heart-space.

Thank you, and much love, Nicole xx

PS – I’m grateful for the outpouring of love and support for Matt and his family, and for the kindness and care you’ve shown me after yesterday’s post. Matt is off life support, but still in ICU. He’s stable and he and his family are being well looked after. As expected I ended up with an inbox full of hate-mail so your love was a beautiful counter-balance to that. I needed that sunshine on such a hard day. Thank you <3

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3154

17 thoughts on “Just Be Kind, Okay?

  1. Anyone who sends hate mail or makes hateful comments automatically disqualifies themselves from being called a Christian. These are simply not Christians.
    Jesus Christ preached love for all regardless.
    These so-called Christians quote ancient and primitive pre-Christians texts.
    Leviticus is in no way a Christian text. It’s actually anti-Christian.

  2. Sometimes it seems like most everyone around me is being cruel just because they can.
    Sometimes it seems folk like me (and don’t get me wrong I am no saint) just keep our sanity while those being cruel just for the sake of cruelty appear to get ahead in the world.
    My husband is the kindest person I know and he always bolsters my self confidence.
    It is easy to be kind to him and he encourages me to be kind to myself too.

  3. I needed to see this today. Not that I haven’t been kind, but as of yesterday, I am now in fear of losing my job (getting fired of all things). I have a “disciplinary conference” coming up next Tuesday (or slightly thereafter if my union steward is unavailable to accompany me). I’ve been with State Government for more than 28 years and will be 55 in October. But I suffered from migraine headaches for the past 20-something years (which are better now, thanks to menopause) and I suffer from chronic depression and mild general anxiety.

    I am scared. No. Terrified. In fear of losing everything, most of all my home and my pets. I feel so sick. Literally. I am trying to stay calm, yet it is difficult. But I do still enjoy telling people how nice they look. Try to enjoy the little things like a sunny, warm day.

    I’m trying. I’m struggling. Please pray or send good vibes my way.


    1. Oh Lori.Know you are not alone.I am sending you love and support and I will hold you in my thoughts.

    2. Thank you, Barbara. I can certainly use any and all help and good thoughts/vibrations. I am an emotional and physical wreck right now. My husband is helping me to see the good side of things, but it’s a stretch. I simply cannot lose my house and pets. Cannot. My mortgage is really low and you’ve gotta sleep somewhere, right?!

    3. Lori you go into the Disciplinary Conference looking your best and with your head held high.
      If there is no Shop Steward available remember there is the Unfair Dismissal clause.
      Talk to your Union about your concerns beforehand.
      Thinking of you xxxx

    4. Holding you in my prayers and meditations, Lori. Know we’re standing with you xx

    5. What is the “unfair dismissal clause”? I should have a right to grieve. Personally, I think that my MD should’ve placed me on disability. I have a few words for him right now.

    6. I see that link has an au extension. I am in the USA.
      A couple of people told me that I should contact a disability employment lawyer. I think I’ll try that route should I lose my job Tues.

  4. I have read and read again the post about Matt and each time I weep for Matt and ,foryou,Nicole.
    May Matt make a full recovery and know he is loved and supported.
    Nicole, my deceased mom had a list of women she admired.I know you would be on that list as you are on mine.
    Thank you for being the Earth Angel that you are.

  5. I’m holding lovely Matt and his family in my prayers. That he will come to see what a gift he is to the world. thank you for taking such good care of him. WE never know the troubles others carrier in their hearts. I try to be kind to every person I meet. Thank you for enriching our world even more. Marian

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