Dumplings = Happiness

“A soup dumpling is a little marvel of engineering. Called xiao long bao in Chinese, shōronpō in Japanese, and “soupies” by Iris, soup dumplings consist of silky dough wrapped around a minced pork or crab filling. The filling is mixed with chilled gelatinous broth which turns back into soup when the dumplings are steamed. Eating a soup dumpling requires practice. Pop the whole thing in your mouth and fry your tongue; bite it in the wrong place and watch the soup dribble onto your lap.”

~ Matthew Amster-Burton

Hello, Lovelies.

Yesterday was a day of Hong Kong happiness for me.

In between the worky bits (I am writing and managing a few last project deadlines) there have been many outings and some time for naps too!

In the morning I enjoyed a most excellent morning coffee at The Coffee Academics in Causeway bay – an Agave-sweetened latte with a dusting of cracked black pepper. It might sound a little odd, but it was heavenly.

I followed that up with hours of pleasure, strolling through the multiple levels of the Eslite Bookshop and dabbling into all kinds of titles from history to poetry to philosophy to cupcakes (of course!).

Finally, we ate dumplings at Dim Dim Sum, a place a friend introduced us to last time we were here.

The soup dumplings and warm custard-filled pig buns were a highlight!

Then home to bed, clean sheets, and a new book.

The perfect beginning to a holiday. I hope you are also finding time or planning time to slow down, reconnect and fill your tank with the things you love.

Much love to you all, Nicole xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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