The Power Within You To Create – Monday Oracle 15 January 2024


Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.
― Albert Einstein

Hello, Lovelies!

This Quarter I am using Wishcraft Oracle by Stacey Demarco, with artwork by Elizabeth Tiethoff, for my weekly oracle readings.

Our card to welcome in the New Year and guide us for the week ahead is 21. WISHING BOAT

2024 is a year for fresh starts, for creativity, healing and social connection. It’s a year for ambitious projects and for getting stuff done.

January is a month for taking stock of your current position, for dreaming, for making plans and for creating solid beginnings towards the things you want.



Do you remember when you used to play as a child? How, with the power of your imagination, you could become anyone; a pirate, a doctor, an explorer, a teacher, a pilot, a mother, a bear. How a cardboard box could become a car or a plane, or a lavish hotel for your doll collection?

You were born a dreamer. You were born with the power of imagination. All of that magic is still inside you.

This week’s energies reconnect you to that magic. They invite you to dream about your future and then boldly begin to make that dream real in your current world. Because now, as an adult, you have the power of action. Connect with a dream about your future self – the person you could be, the life you could live, the things you could do or experience. Then take a step towards that version of yourself. Even if that feels uncomfortable, strange or downright difficult.

Everything you ever did that was worthwhile needed time for you to develop skills, wisdom and confidence. So start today, or very soon. Because where will you be in a year’s time if you never took that first step? If it feels right, tell us about your dream. What step could you take this week to begin to manifest that dream into reality? What would it mean to you to bring that dream into your life, or to achieve a treasured goal? Writing it down helps give it form and starts your dream on its journey to become real.


My Top Tip For The Week Ahead: 

Maybe your dream is already strong within you. If so, take your journal and write a few notes about this dream. Then think about it, using the power of your imagination to make it feel real.
Haven’t got a dream yet? Spend ten minutes as a child again, imagining the possibilities. Have fun with it, and know it;s okay to get a little emotional as you do this. How could you rescue yourself and change your life? If you were a magical being what would you transform yourself into with a wave of your magical wand? Write notes about your musings, and then feel into it again as if it had already happened.

Then, no matter how you came to your dream, as the Universe for your first step, and then go do it!


Crystals to support you this week – Carnelian, Tiger Eye, Citrine, Chiastolite, any kind of orb/sphere, Prehnite


Just over a week until we embark on our vacation. 

I’m actually beginning to feel a little excited. 🤩 The suitcases are out, and I have begun to sort things for packing. So far I have blutack, index cards, a pared-down pencil case, journal, my Planner, deck of cards, my companion crystal and mala, my manuscript I finished in November and notes about that, a manuscript and editor’s notes for a book Ben and I have final tweaks for, and the bones of the story that comes after that one. I’ll pack my laptop and headphones and tech gear at the last minute, but I have a list for those. Oh, and I have lots of books and Audible books downloaded and ready for consumption.

I’ve got a list of all my medications and supplements, because when you live with chronic illness you haul a lot of extra gear. And I have extra masks, hand sanitiser, essential oils and a diffuser to help me stay safe and healthy (fingers crossed!). A friend of mine recently ended up in ICU in septic shock from COVID – for those of us with compromised immune systems and other health complications COVID is still a big risk. I want to holiday, but in a way that minimises risk. Being on vacation is not the time to drop my guard!

Clothes – I must remember to pack those. I am notorious for packing everything else first and then forgetting undies or pyjamas or shoes or swimmers. It’s hard to know what the weather will do, but I am going to try and pack light. A few sundresses, a couple of good resort-wear kind of mix and match outfits, some layers for lounging in/writing in. Hat, swimmers, toiletries and sunscreen, a sarong or two, warm socks! Did I miss anything? If you have travel tips let me know.

I’m thinking I will take my favourite tea too, because writing and tea are essential and it can be so hard to get decent tea. Too much, or sensible?

Just a reminder that before we head off on our adventure I’m having a sale. I want to clear space in my packing room, and get all these beautiful things off the shelves and out into the world where they can do some good and work a little positive magic. My Planner will support you to create a year more focused on yourself, your intuition, self-care and your hopes and dreams. My Manifesting Mandalas Colouring Book and Course will help you to reconnect with your Inner Child and creative flow, to manifest your intentions, and to call forth support and assistance from the Universe.

If you head over to Amazon Australia and Amazon USA and look for the coupons you’ll find one for 35% off my Journeymaker’s Planner 2024. There’s also free shipping for Amazon Prime members.

Over at my Etsy store almost everything is discounted between 25% to 50% between now and January 18, 2024. Now’s your chance to grab a discounted Journeymaker’s Planner or Manifesting Mandala Colouring Book and Course (hard copy or digital), a journal, some crystal bracelets or mala beads, essential oils or a special meditation crystal. After that I’ll be pausing the store while I am on vacation, and it won’t reopen again until late February, so please be aware of that.

If you purchase the Planner or the Manifesting Mandala Colouring Book and online course you will also be eligible to watch the replay of my recent Masterclasses. (You can find details about that here.)

Do let me k now your best travel tips. I feel so rusty with this whole vacation thing.

Love, travel stomach butterflies, and too much stationery,  Nicole xx


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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