We All Have Days Like That…

Image from www.sodahead.com
Image from http://www.sodahead.com

“I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little – if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that’s the day she has a date with destiny. And it’s best to be as pretty as possible for destiny.” ~ Coco Chanel

Ah, it’s inevitable, isn’t it?

The one day you leave the house, looking like a fright but convincing yourself that it won’t matter, is the one day you bump into everyone you know.

Now that we are no longer flooded in and life has returned to normal, I really did need to pop into town and pick up a script for some new medication I’m on. These meds are rather fearsome, and have been making me just as sick as the problem I’m trying to sort out.  Think vomiting, diahrrea and misery. And a whole lot of other unhappy-making things we won’t go into here…

I felt so ill I wondered if I could get out of my pyjamas.  But I made a supreme effort and managed a clean t-shirt and shorts.  I gave up on my hair, which was knotty and wild, and soap and water was my supreme effort for my face.  No make-up, although I did think to use a squirt of perfume. LOL

Don’t worry, Nicole, I said to myself.  You’ll just be in and out.  No-one will even see you. In and out I chanted as I drove from the farm into our little hamlet we importantly call a town.  Just five minutes.

Of course I parked MILES from the chemist. And as I walked up the street TWELVE people stopped me to say hello.  Thank God for the perfume, cos most of them wanted to hug me. Dropped in my script and had to wait so I decided to go to the Post Office.  Outside I ran into someone else who said, ‘Gee Nicole, you’re taking casual to new levels’ followed by ‘you look like you’re coming down off meth!’ I should have laughed, or thought of something witty but all I wanted to do was burst into tears.

Furtively I ducked into the alcove where the mail boxes are.  And wondrously my box was stuffed full of letters and little cards claiming that I had a package. When I went inside to claim them I ran into an old friend from the CWA (Country Women’s Association) and had to have the obligatory update on EVERYONE, followed by a hug, but bless her she didn’t notice what a fright I looked.

At the counter, receiving my mountain of mail and recognising the senders, I burst into tears. I felt suddenly and completely wrapped up in love and well-being.

We all had a good laugh at my emotional reaction, but a kind laugh, and I left with armfuls of stuff, picked up my drugs and managed to get back to the car hiding behind my packages.

Let me share with you the magic that was my yesterday…

2013-02-04 14.59.54

Inside the most gorgeous of hat boxes was a home for fairies and their treasures. The love and attention to detail still reduces me to happy tears.

2013-02-04 15.02.42

A diary, hand-covered in pretty pink and green fabric, for my heart healing, and with a note admonishing me not to work so hard.

2013-02-04 15.02.03Delicious home-made soaps for me and Ben, and for my dogs!

2013-02-04 15.03.26

Notes of love, encouragement and support…

2013-02-04 15.04.18A book to uplift me.

2013-02-04 15.02.16And the most exciting, wonderful and happy-making card from my blogging friend Daisy in New York.  After the floods and me being so sick we’ve had to cancel our holiday which would have taken us there, so to receive a card of the New York Skyline means I can put it beside my bed and visit it in my imagination for now, instead. (Promise I’ll get there one day, Daisy!)

2013-02-04 15.04.47

We’ve all had one of those days. One of those days that reminds you of the caring nature of people, a day that swells your heart with gratitude for your friends, that proves how fortunate and blessed you are, just when you might have been feeling otherwise.

Life has a wonderful way of shining a light into our darkest hours.

Right now I’m beaming out some of the love and gratitude to you.  Bless ♥ xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

31 thoughts on “We All Have Days Like That…

  1. Hi Nicole! You deserve it! Many apologies for getting to this post a little late. So glad to see that you got the card. I figured that if I couldn’t fly to Australia myself, I could at least send a little bit of the New York skyline to you! We will get there some day 🙂

    In the meanwhile, am sending you all my love and many hugs!

  2. Wow!! Nicole, darling, you are sending out so much love to everyone, you get what you give!!!
    Going out beautiful made up is a social, commercial norm. You put on a mask…. ;D I rarely put on make up. I like like it more natural.
    Wishing you healh and love, bless, Jetske ;D

  3. Yes. Yes. Yes!!

    This is life. This is love. Its always on the days you need it most that the power that be sends you love and angels in the form of our friends, relatives and strangers. I just love how life works and this was a beautiful post from you Nicole.

    Thank you.

    May you be forever loved <3

  4. You deserve it all Nicole and much much more. Tiny in comparison to what you give all of us on a daily basis, thank you, hope you are feeling much better soon <3

  5. Tears welling as I share with you the enormity of love and kindness from treasured friends…how thoughtful each and every gift is…love the Faerie Home indeed, even with a teapot & cups..XX

    1. I don’t consider myself special – I consider myself as extraordinarily fortunate. Friendship is one of the best tools I know for coping with life’s rough bits. Thanks for being part of my journey, and for your kindness. Bless xx

    1. Thanks for your kind wishes, Jennifer. I AM blessed to have such wonderful friends, and much of it I credit my late grandmother for – she told me in order to have a friend I needed to be one! It’s held me in good stead thus far, and has been one of the most precious pieces of guidance I’ve ever received. Glad to count you as one of my friends too. Much, much love to you, Nicole xx

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