October 2015 – What to Expect

Image from imgarcade.com
Image from imgarcade.com

“If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.”
~ Masaru Emoto, Secret Life of Water


Hello, Lovelies <3

October snuck up on me,but we’ve made peace and I’ve had a solid investigation of the energies for the month ahead. Let me share my insights with you.

October is a month for nestling and cocooning. For finding and nurturing that sense of belonging. For doing the things that fill your heart with gladness, peace and contentment. It’s a month for working away on projects that have meaning for you, for quiet time and family time. It’s the perfect month for anything to do with heart and home.

You’ll be amazed at just how much you can get done in October, as you focus on what is important to you. It especially favours planning, study, writing, art and all forms of creativity. If you have a home renovation project or you just need to do a big tidy up, October is a fine month for getting things moving.

But no matter where you are, or what you are doing in October, make sure to spend a little time gifting yourself peacefulness, connection and a sense of home – whatever that means to you.


Card for the Month:

I’ve chosen two cards for October for you: one from the Osho Zen Tarot Deck, and one from Colette Baron-Reid’s The Enchanted Map. Remember that I don’t use these cards in the conventional way, but rather as a stimulus for channelled information.

Here is what I have received from each card:

satfeb25card (1)

“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.”  ~ Lao Tzu


The message of  Abundance is being at home wherever you are, and finding reasons to be grateful for what you already have.

This is the energy of being at home, or at work, or anywhere at all in our daily lives, and being fully present in each moment, while appreciating the great gift that is our life, and this planet that we call home.

It’s about being the King or Queen of our personal domain. Not in an egotistical way, but in a manner where we feel supported and where our needs and desires are being met.

October wants you to get creative and happy where you are. To relax in your home, and enjoy the space around you. If your home space is not reflective of who you are, and doesn’t meet your needs then change it! Do what you can to help yourself feel more comfortable. Kick back and enjoy some replenishment time on your own, if that’s what’s wanted. Invite friends over, or to share a meal and some good times with your loved ones if that appeals to you.

October’s’s gift is the ability to find or create for ourselves a space of contentment and comfort – and from that energy of contentment we find ourselves more open, more generous, happier and kinder to ourselves and others. Creativity flows. We find ourselves wanting to work towards our goals, but from a place of inspiration and balance rather than grind, fear or drudgery.



“After all,” Anne had said to Marilla once, “I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string.”
~ L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea


The second card, Home, supports the message of Abundance.

Home says to you ‘make time for what’s important’. Shut the door on people and situations that drain you, and find comfort in the solitude and safety of your own space. In the quiet of your home let your mind soar. Write, create, paint, dance, build things, study, focus on your goals and interests.

Magical transformations can occur in October. Lots of things can be birthed, or take shape, or even be completed. It’s a fertile time, and a wonderful time for all kinds of creativity.

Remember to have some small celebrations. Not for any particular reason, but just because you are alive, and you feel the seasons changing, and it’s raining or there’s sunshine, or a moonlit night, or fog!


Even as you are busy, you will find that this joyful October energy restores you and replenishes you. It will make you want to dance amid the daisies and tiptoe through the tulips.

If things are ending, don’t be too sad. Know that there is a season for everything and everyone, and that there will always be more beginnings in every cycle, including yours.


Bonus October Meditation:

I’ve recorded a short meditation to help you find that heart-space that October offers. It takes about twelve minutes. All you need is to sit or lie somewhere quietly and then just follow along to the sound of my voice:



October comes heralding good things. Don’t stretch yourself thin. Take a little time to make yourself comfortable at home, to rest, and to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Work towards your dreams, with lots of stops for cups of tea and other life adventures.

Much love to you,

Nicole <3 xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

13 thoughts on “October 2015 – What to Expect

  1. Thank you for the card readings and meditation.
    I love that the meditation was recorded outdoors with the wonderful sounds of nature supporting your voice.

  2. Thanks Nicole. Yes its a time for creativity. In India , we celebrate the third week of October as Navaratri Pooja. The Divine Mother is seen as the sign of abundance and creativity. Arts, education basically pursuit of any knowledge is seen as a holy duty and treated so. Guess we all have to need some quiet time and figure our creative edge. 🙂 Lots of love.

  3. This was a wonderful post. I love October and autumn. I even love winter so I can stay indoors and work on my creative projects there. This next week we are working on painting my house. I’ve had to hire someone to do the very high part on the front but I can do the rest. This last year has been all about making this place my home. The sentence about “that sense of belonging” has always been a big one for me as it’s been continually elusive. And the part “for working away on projects that have meaning for you, for quiet time and family time.” is always on the top of my list. I’ve started working on quilts again, finally. Even though my vision seems to be slipping away. I want to get everything finished before it goes completely. I need a very Long winter. :)) Home is a big one to a Virgo especially and I am the most abundant person I know. Though I am not wealthy by any stretch. My daughter says I am a magnificent manifestor.

  4. Thanks Nicole <3 I've been away for a month and it really feels lovely to be home and being in the garden especially. Some projects have been completed and others in train, and I am itching to get back to drawing and painting. Have a lovely relaxing day xxx

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