Monthly Subscription for Year of ME course now live!

2015-12-03 05.51.16

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
~ Arthur C. Clarke


I have done something I never thought I would do.

I learned to code. That weird HTML thing that finally allowed me to put a magical button on my Planner’s Monthly Subscription option. Because, you see, my shop function doesn’t allow for subscriptions, but I found a way around it. (I am constantly learning all these things when it is the middle of the night or stupid o’clock and my desk is covered in paper and empty water glasses and tea cups and no-one is coming to work it out for me, and I must work it out for myself…)

Anyway, I digress.

Want to pay by the month for my Year of Me Planner – 2016 and the wonderful year-long course and support forum that goes with it? Well now you can! Go to my Shop tab, and click on the Monthly Subscription option. When you open it up, click on the Subscribe Button to activate the subscription. Don’t press Add to Bag, as nothing will happen and you’ll be left feeling disappointed.

Click here to choose the Monthly Subscription option.

If you have any other questions you can reach me over at

I am now going to take Ben and Cafe Dog out for their very first cafe outing since Ben’s surgery. I’m driving (makes me realise how much better I am that I am braving the road) and we are ducking round the corner at 6am for a proper coffee and something tasty. I will be the one at the table with the hobbling man and the insane hound.

A week til Christmas too. I only just figured that out. Wow.

Big love and hugs, and thanks for all your support,

Nicole xx

2015-12-17 07.30.50


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

16 thoughts on “Monthly Subscription for Year of ME course now live!

  1. Hi Nicole – I seem to have done something wrong – I signed up for the monthly sub but I wasn’t signed in to WordPress at the time and never got prompted for an email address.

  2. Yay. I was waiting for this monthly option. Thank you thank you thank you. Cant wait to start!

    It was so lovely to see you on Sunday and to get hugs. I know Helen didnt really show it too much but she was excited to see you again after so many years. And I was feeling shy and star struck around you so I am sorry if I seemed a bit vacant. LOL

    BTW Im a web designer and coder of things like your HTML/javascript/wordpress stuff by profession. So next time you get stuck, just drop me a line and Im happy to help. And I mean for free, not trolling for work. LOL. I did think about asking if you needed help with the paypal integration and set up of the subscriptions but then thought I was being presumptive. Im glad you got it worked out. Next time I will follow my intuition and put my hand up. Sorry. :*

  3. Aww I keep looking at this and would love to do this, however I can’t imagine buying it without the tools to know how to use it. Pity the $$$ are not there for me to get it. Hope you all enjoy using it and it works well for you all xx

    1. Nat, if you just buy the Planner on its own for $22 AUD there is enough information there for you to do what you need. I explain it all in the Planner itself. So if you buy only that, that is enough. The other options just give extra support and information above what’s in the Planner. If you can’t afford Oracle cards you can use one of the online apps for free. You can even choose a stone from the beach or garden as your gratitude stone. Cheapest way to print the Planner is to do it yourself and then hole-punch and place in a ring-binder. Or print it out month by month as you need it. And stay tuned here on the blog. I’ll also be giving away a few $275 membership packages for the New Year. I hope that helps. Wishing you a tonne of flow, support and abundance for 2016. Love and hugs, Nicole xx

    2. Thanks Nicole for all your help and support here, I really appreciate it. I’m feeling quite excited about it now, thankyou. I’ll look now to see how to download the calendar, I can’t wait to get going. Thanks, Nat

    3. I’m so EXCITED, I have just signed up for the monthly subscription whoo hoo. Can’t wait to see what happens next. thank you xx

  4. I purchased your planner and I am very impressed. Have started working my way through. I am studying 2 courses next year so I am sure this is going to help me enormously. Thankyou.

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