Monday Oracle – 4 December 2017

 “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes...” – Marcel Proust

Hello, Lovelies!

December is a month for gifts of pleasure, true abundance and celebration. Keep that in mind as we look at the gifts which the oracle card Discovery brings us.

So, what awareness does Discovery bring us this week?

This week is all about forgiveness, sitting in our heart space, letting go of judgement and criticism of self and others, and being able to embrace the moment while becoming open to receive as we draw opportunities and adventures to us for the year ahead. It’s time to forgive ourselves for all of those moments in our lives we look back on and wince. It’s time to forgive others, to allow for new connections or healing to replace that energy of stuckness, pain, anger and shame.

I’m loving this week’s energy. I’ve just finished a BIG meditation for you, focusing on opening up to new possibilities and becoming comfortable with change. (It supports and continues the intention work I did with our crystal grid for 2018 on retreat last week.)

When we keep comparing our life to how it was a week, a month, years ago, it holds us in the past, and prevents us seeing the wonderful things in front of us right now. This week Discovery encourages us to let go of our attachment to needing situations or people to ‘go back’ to how they were in the past, or dwelling on ‘how they could have been’. If you’ve found yourself drowning in regret and melancholy, stuck in the past or glorifying how things were or ‘might have turned out if only things had happened differently’, this is your week to break that unhealthy attachment to wanting to recreate the impossible.

We finally begin to understand that we are changed, and can never return to who we were yesterday, a month ago, a decade ago. That person no longer exists because we have evolved and moved forward. The Universe is an ever-expanding force, and so are you. This holds true for everyone around you. None of us is the same person we were. Everyone and everything changes. We can never go back, only forward.

Discovery opens us to change and new life. It’s a week for letting go in order to embrace the new. As every door closes another one opens.

Keep reminding yourself that life is an unfolding miracle and you are worthy of love and all good things. It’s true, and I’m holding that space for you in my meditations this week.

Supportive crystals this week?

Clear Quartz lifts your vibration and opens you to flow. It is a highly spiritual stone, encouraging self-reflection and helpful for hearing messages and receiving signs or direction that can assist you on your journey. A clear quartz point or cluster will be extra supportive for you this week! Carnelian gives increased feelings of self-acceptance, creativity, energy and practical inspiration. Iolite illuminates your depths and helps you to see what’s hiding, and what you’re not seeing – a beautiful stone for boosting self-belief. Unakite opens your heart to love, and draws love, friendship and helpful people to you. It helps you to overcome feelings of isolation or loneliness. 

Helpful essential oils?

I’m loving Young Living’s Envision this week. It’s an oil blend I often use in my workshops and retreats to help my students connect to inner wisdom and intuition. It helps us to see a greater possibility for ourselves. Use Envision for spiritual connection, inspiration and breakthroughs. Dab a drop on your Crown Chakra, back of neck, over your heart, wrists and the soles of your feet, inhale directly or add to your diffuser. 

Want to make your own blend? Each of the following oils will work beautifully on their own for you this week, but they’ll also make a delicious combination for diffusing. Frankincense for spiritual and intuitive connection and restoration of faith. Geranium for stress reduction and emotional balance, and for evoking a sense of peace and goodwill. Orange for optimism and happiness. Pine for being grounded and centred in ourselves as we open to our highest potential. Pine is also an oil that supports family gatherings and open connection. To diffuse add 2 or three drops of each oil to your room or personal diffuser. You can find the oils here.

Holding you, as always, in my thoughts, prayers and meditations, and intending for you a life of abundance and joy, where you are no longer limited by your doubts.

All my love,

Nicole ❤ xx

PS: Monday’s oracle card, ‘Discovery’, is from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Deck by Tori Hartman. I use any cards shown as a prompt for channelled messages and my own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book. 

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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5 thoughts on “Monday Oracle – 4 December 2017

  1. Thanks for some positivity. This resonated with me so much I printed it out and hung it next to my computer while I work. Last couple of months have been very tough… lets hope 2018 brings up something better….

  2. Thanks for a wonderful forecast Nicole. I am excited about new possibilities in the coming year, happy for the lessons of 2017, forgiveness of self and others and starting 2018 with a clean slate. Best wishes, Rita

  3. i have been meditating on this during my recent mid-morning walks in the winter woods….forgiveness is essential….forgiving ourselves as well as others… in the past who we feel have wronged us or hurt us in some way. Forgiving ourselves for not knowing, what we did not know before we learned it. Forgiveness, of course is something we do that is beneficial to ourselves, not for others. Forgiveness is not ‘letting someone off the hook’ ( including ourselves), or saying the action that harmed us was ‘okay’. Forgiveness is an action-word that helps us leave the past behind us so we can find the future that is waiting for us ahead. The best definition of forgiveness i have ever heard, and keep reminding myself of is this; True forgiveness, is letting go of the hope that the past could have been any different from what it actually was. It is said, that to err is human, but to forgive, is divine. Forgiveness, letting go of our resentments, or shame, or pain, is key to allowing ourselves to heal and to become ‘better’ as opposed to being ‘bitter’. Forgiveness, uncages our hearts from the past, and helps us change and become ‘unstuck’ by no longer allowing ourselves to stay locked in the past and thereby being receptive to the abundance and blessings which our indeed our birth right. Let the past go, it was a lesson to be learned, not a life sentence.

  4. Thank you for a wonderful post. Loving the spirit of forgiveness that you wrote about and how we are never the same person. That’s so true. Forwards, always forwards.

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