2018 – Guidance for the Year Ahead

“Be the celebrators, celebrate! Already there is too much—the flowers have bloomed, the birds are singing, the sun is there in the sky—celebrate it! You are breathing and you are alive and you have consciousness, celebrate it!” 
~  Osho


Happy New Year, Lovelies, and welcome to 2018!

New Year’s Day is always a special time for me. I like to welcome the day with meditation, and then spend some time over the course of the day contemplating my year ahead, asking for spiritual guidance, and writing in my journal and my Year of ME Planner.  For me it is a day of planning and dreaming, and spending time with people and activities that matter to me.

I have one tarot deck that I use only for the first day of the new year.  For over 25 years I have worked with this deck as a touchstone to set the themes of my year ahead so that I might live with greater awareness and understanding.  I don’t use the cards as a predictive tool – rather I use them for reflection, and to seek guidance about qualities, actions and perspectives that might benefit me over the next twelve months.

I also ask for one card for you – to give YOU guidance over the year ahead.  This is my personal interpretation of that card for you, and the energies of 2018 as they unfold in front of us.

Please note: The energies of 2018 don’t actually kick in until January 14-16. (Before that we are still in The Lull) From mid-January onwards we’ll move into a year that is much more about simple living, and about relationships and love and family and friendship.

THE SUN – Insights for 2018

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman

The Sun is a brilliant guiding card for the year ahead, no pun intended! 2018 is a heart-centered year. It’s about connection and inclusion. It’s a fine year for all forms of creativity, fertility and innovation. It’s a great year for healing old hurts, mending fences and rebuilding relationships. It’s also a year where you’re clearly see where to walk away and put your energies to situations and relationships that are more suitable for you.

The Sun shows us that this year we’re supported to spend time in acts of creativity and innovation. Ideas will flow. Things will come together. Making money, making art, connecting in love, original ideas and projects – all of these things will be easier. It’s also a year for socialising, for celebrating and for connecting with family and friends.

Relationships – with yourself, with others, with your work – that’s what matters this year.

The Sun’s energy is strongly aligned with our Solar Plexus Chakra – our centre of Self. Our solar plexus is the beautiful bright yellow chakra that sits around the navel, and this chakra is all about our identity and sense of self, our individuality and self-sovereignty. It’s time to be more true to ourselves. We need to shine our Light in the world by being who we came here to be.

After years on a path of struggle and feeling alone in the world, 2018 opens out onto a kinder energy where we can finally begin to feel like we belong.

Don’t waste your year on hard work and striving unless that is absolutely the thing that lights you up, and even then make sure there is ample time to smell the roses.

2018 is a heart-centred and abundant year. It holds a very fresh, nurturing and inspiring energy. It’s a year of possibility, creativity, connectedness, communication, collaboration and community. It’s a time where love can blossom, and relationships will thrive. The families we are born into or create for ourselves, our friendships, our work and community connections – all of these will have a greater importance for us this year.

It’s a time for making things and creating art. For finding a life path that fills us with gratitude, for celebration and for strong growth in our families and businesses. It’s about belonging to or creating a tribe of our own. A time for enjoying ourselves and this gift that is our lives. A time for moving forward together.

The energies of 2018 are strong and flow to us as vitality, vision and enthusiasm. We will gravitate towards teamwork, mutual decisions and being part of something bigger. There will be an urge within us to heal rifts and to co-operate in solving problems. It’s also a fabulous year for physical and emotional healing.

In 2018 we’re encouraged to live with a bigger vision for ourselves and the planet. This year supports all kinds of innovative and creative work, and is a time where many useful new ideas and projects will be birthed into the world.


How will you connect, or help others to be included this year? What will you craft for yourself, your family, your community or the wider world?

I’m wishing you a year rich with meaning, and filled with love, support, kindness, well-being and flow. Go be the change. Go be yourself. We need you more than ever.

Bless ♥ Nicole xx

PS – Want a system and support to help you make 2018 a great year for you? In life or in business? Check out my Year of ME Planner and community. It has everything you need! And you’ll be among friends. We’d love to welcome you in, and share this journey together. You can read about it here and buy it here.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

9 thoughts on “2018 – Guidance for the Year Ahead

  1. Happy New Dear Nicole – Thank you for the guidance – it is much loved and appreciated and Yes I have your new planner and it is much loved and appreciated too.
    Love Sue Girl

  2. First I hope 2018 is a wonderful year for you and yours
    Next since I take life one day at a time and do not wish for material items, I hope the year will be a good one for me filled with less pain and more mobility

  3. Happy New Year to you Nicole.
    May your year be filled with love and good health.
    Many thanks for the guidance and wise words. You may never know just how much you have helped this stranger. Blessings to you.

  4. Happy New Year Nicole! Thank you for an invigorating forecast and the start of fresh, new possibilities. It sounds like a truly magical year. Warmest wishes, Rita

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