Fantastically Fairy Solstice Tea Party – Coming your way!

” Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world’s more full of weeping

than you can understand. ”
~ William Butler Yeats

Hi Lovelies,

Are you in the mood for a tea party with friends? Some time with like-minded people in a magical environment that honours nature and the fairy realms and the everyday magic and intuition that resides within us all? An event with yummy food, fun activities and time to talk, meditate, be a little crafty and a little witchy too?

We are so excited to present to you our beautiful High Tea that celebrates the Winter Solstice and all things Fairy! I will be hosting this event with my dear Fairy friend, Sokli, who has lots of Fairy Wisdom to share with us.

Here are all the important details:

St Columb’s Hall – Victoria Street, Clayfield

Saturday 22nd June from 11 am to 2pm.

$97 per person – including High Tea and all Activities (Click here)

DRESS CODE – Fabulously Fairy or A Little Bit Garden Greenery!

You are invited to join us for some much-needed nourishment for Body, Mind and Spirit. It’s the Winter Solstice, so let’s celebrate the beginning of our journey back towards longer days and bountiful harvests with a delicious lunch and some magical activities.

Our time together will include a Guided Meditation, some delightful activities for energising and nurturing ourselves and others, a channelled session with Sokli – our favourite fairy, and a delicious High Tea. Finger sandwiches, tiny tartlets, sweet treats and savouries – and tea, of course! All fit for a Fairy Queen or an Elfen Princess.

Gluten-free and vegetarian options are available and children are welcome.

Tables seat 8, so if you want to get a group together or sit with friends please let us know by emailing Trish Lyons at

Dress up in your favourite Fairy Theme, or add a little Garden Magic to your outfit (think flowers, leaves, and all other lovely nature-themed goodness).

There will be a prize for the Best Dressed, and some extra little surprises as well.

Of course there will also be a goody bag, because Nicole never runs an event without including a goody bag. All the best parties have them!

While you enjoy the party feel free to browse our Winter Solstice Pop Up Shop, which will have a delightful range of crystals and special spiritual and self-care items available. For purchases from the shop we can take cash or card on the day!

For Tickets to our High Tea click: HERE

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

5 thoughts on “Fantastically Fairy Solstice Tea Party – Coming your way!

  1. I LOVE what you are doing! But here I am in the USA, miles away! I wish there was a way to share in the Fairy magic and wisdom that Sokli and you will share. Maybe offer your guided meditation, Sokli’s channeled message, and a how-to for some of the activities for a fee? I’ll just have to make my own tea, tarts, and finger sandwiches. 😉

    1. Hey Carol, we wish you could come to our party too! So in honour of everyone who is too far away to attend we’ll be putting a special Tea Party pack together for you. Thanks for the inspiration, Much love, Nicole xx

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