Pay Attention to the Messages You Get!

Microscopy of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi -
Microscopy of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi –

“There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of life as the simple truth.”
~ Charles Dickens

Sometimes, I wish I’d had more faith in myself as I was starting out.

One of the things I always teach my students is the importance of trusting and paying attention to the messages they receive when working with their psychic skills, even as beginners, and to ask for clarification when they don’t understand.


One of my clients recently sent me this email:

I was wondering if you could address something on your blog which I’m following and has been so inspirational as I get well from chronic ill health, which you said I would finally figure out. I worked it out with your very accurate diagnosis. My question is ‘how come you have been able to be so precise and accurate and spot on with my life and health diagnosis yet it has taken you so long to get your diagnosis for yourself?’ Am quite new to your world and blog over the last year and have just found that an interesting phenomenon which I don’t understand.

Yes, well… that’s a good point.

And the truth is, I DID get some really good information on my health, way back in 1997. My health had been problematic for some time, and I had already been to countless doctors and alternative medical practitioners with no real results. My sister, who is very pragmatic and scientific, said to me, ‘Why don’t we ask your Guides?’

So, I did a trance channeling session with Rollo, one of my Guides, while my sister asked questions.

What did I bring through?

My poor health was a result of spirochetes.

And how could I fix this problem?


Yep. In 1997 I actually diagnosed myself with spirochetes, and my diligent sister (the one who kept the tick that bit me) wrote it all down. The channeled information supports the lyme and other co-infections I have now been officially diagnosed with in 2013.

Image from tumblr
Image from tumblr

Back in 1997 I had no idea what spirochetes were.  My sister had to explain it to me. It didn’t sound very serious. I mean, it wasn’t some nasty disease, or cancer or some other terrible thing. At least I didn’t think so…

And doctors and naturopaths kept telling me there was nothing really wrong – even as my health and mental cognition continued to slide.

Back in 1997 I did not even think of using sulfur-based drugs.  I did not do any real research.  Instead I started eating sulfur-rich foods, and in desperation I even ate the raw sulfur that we bought in bulk as a supplement for our organic cattle herd. It did seem to help a little.

I didn’t go to a doctor.  I mean, what would I say? ‘Hey, I channeled some information through and apparently I have spirochetes.  You need to prescribe me a truck-load of sulfur-based meds.’

Who could I tell? Who would believe me?

And why didn’t I see the problem in myself? Of course, I can see YOUR aura, and work effectively as a medical intuitive for YOU. I just can’t see my own aura or what’s going on in my own body. (Guess what? With psychic gifts that’s how it usually works!)

The psychic gifts I have are for me to use in service to YOU. My Guides did try to help me, and they were very specific and accurate in their information.  But I didn’t trust it enough to really investigate and truly understand what they were trying to tell me. I didn’t ask enough questions.

So, roll on sixteen years, and the massive spirochete load that nearly killed me is being treated with truckloads of sulfur-based drugs. And the treatment is working. The synchronicity in how it’s all come together is quite another story. Suffice to say I feel watched over, and very blessed.

I wish I’d paid attention to myself all those years ago.  But I guess we all have to learn the hard way to trust ourselves, and to back our intuition and insights.

There’s one good thing that comes out of all of this though.  In fact, two!

1) I conclusively validated my own channeled information.

2) Perhaps my story will encourage you to trust yourself a little earlier, or at least to ask more questions.

Be well, and know that you are in my thoughts, prayers and meditations, ♥ Nicole xoxo


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

8 thoughts on “Pay Attention to the Messages You Get!

  1. Nicole, trusting myself is one of my hardest lessons. I wrote my entire memoir about that very thing – the consequences of not trusting intuition.
    How does one become a client of yours?

  2. Pot. Kettle.

    I too had wondered but then thought it was the case that you can see others but find it hard to look in on yourself. Have felt the same way re going to doctors saying “well, I want you to…”. xo

  3. I know you’re here, I read what Im compelled to read which isnt everything you post. I would like you to know that Im happy, healthy and completely great full for that 🙂 however I am concerned because I know the universe brings people into our lives for reasons. … Im just hoping your not with me because I eventually will get sick?? If you are then a heads up would be awesome. I know it could be the other way around maybe I’m here for you??? Either way Im glad you are a part of my very vast and full existence xx also I think it would be really ryde of me to start fully connecting with you if and when I do get sick so here I am connecting while im healthy… sending love, I think of you often xx

  4. Yes, a big lesson that one. I would suggest to my clients that they always listen to the words that come out of their mouth… as they’re telling themselves something important. A dear friend, therapist… would repeat often.. ‘marilyn, trust your first instinct’.
    Coming from a so called Gypsy heritage and psychic inheritance… you think I would… but alas, I’m still learning. As a Virgo, I too have had my journey with my body, having Polio as a child. Yes, we’re often drawn to help others… it’s a long journey… but we get there. I’m discovering that it’s got a lot to do with loving myself, putting myself first, repsecting and honouring everything I feel, think and do… I’m sure it’s all perfect in the end. All the material for all those books!! Lotsa Luv Nicole xxx

  5. Oh Nicole that is so amazing and your experience is helping so many. Your story takes me backto last years when i took myself off my medication as it felt right, angered the specialist when he discovered what i had done, I just didn”t listen early enough or ask enough questions that may have stopped the osteo and fractures- all lessons in learning, patience and trust and inspiration for others.
    love and blessings xx

  6. So in tune with what i needed to hear right now. So happy i clicked onto facebook.. I’m sitting here googling away today trusting that I know what’s going on right now. It’s just so hard when you know what you are going to do but there are some people who say there’s no way.. Feeling stuck in a world where only you understand yourself! Thanks Nicole much appreciated.. xxxxxxxxxxx

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