Crystals to Help With the Current 2015 Energies

2013-04-04 10.54.00

“Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language.”
~ Meister Eckhart


Are you feeling it? This wild, crazy energy we’re sitting in right now. If you’re the slightest bit spiritually or psychically sensitive you’ll know what I mean.

Of course, each of us will be impacted differently, and we may experience a number of sensations or emotions over a given day, or a week. So I’ve put together a little crystal First Aid Kit that you might find useful or comforting right now.

Below you’ll find my crystal recommendations and suggestions for use. I’ve also included suggestions for children and pets, because they are so often sensitive to these shifting energies. You can pop the stone in your pocket, place it by your bed or desk, hold it when you meditate, or even wear it as jewelry. Small tumbled stones will work as well as large stones – just go with what you’re drawn to. We’ve chosen stones that should be relatively easy for you to find, or that may already be in your collections!

Red Jasper 

Red Jasper is a handy stone for physical strength and stamina, for supporting tired adrenals, and for anchoring us securely in our bodies so that all our chakras are aligned. It is a reassuring and grounding stone that also alleviates all the base chakra stuff – worries around personal security, money, family issues, and safety needs.

A good stone for anxious children, or people who need to face the world when they’d rather be snuggled under the doona back at home.

Image from Gemstone Buzz
Image from Gemstone Buzz

Lapis Lazuli

If you’re feeling a huge expansion of your psychic and energetic abilities, but you’re unstable in that energy, then Lapis Lazuli will help you to relax into safely opening up to your psychic self.

Lapis is also highly shielding and protective – a little like wearing a psychic force-field around you that stops you picking up the lower vibration energies of other people or places. A super stone for empaths and people who are healers and helpers.

Image from Krystal Love
Image from Krystal Love

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a brilliant stone for transmuting negative energies and fears. If you’re scattered, confused, troubled, or feeling deeply upset by the turbulent energies right now then Smoky Quartz will gently reassert a sense of protection and safety. It also acts as an antenna, helping to clear and strengthen your energetic connection to Guides and others with whom you may work. A powerful stone for getting out of your head and connecting into your own truth and wisdom.

This is also a great stone for children who overthink things, who obsess, or who worry in ways that effect sleep or eating.

If your cat is going a little crazy, place a piece of smoky quartz where they sleep.



Amethyst will restore a sense of sacred balance, shifting you from your head to your heart centre. It is a profoundly giving and nurturing stone that helps anchor you in compassion and kindness. If you’re feeling cranky and impatient, or more judgmental than usual (especially of yourself!) then Amethyst will help with that. It also aids in peaceful sleep, meaningful dreams, and spiritual connection. It will allow you to begin trusting your intuition, and it will strengthen that ability within you.

This is a great stone for children with bright minds and imaginations who can get carried away with worrying about the future.

It is also a stone for calling in Angels and Ancestors. A beautiful stone to place in the bedding of old or ill pets, as it helps with peaceful passing.

Image from Gursh Gill
Image from Gursh Gill

Petrified Wood

If these current energies are upsetting your digestion, your hormone levels or your sleep patterns, so that you feel uncomfortable, bloated, listless or out of sorts, then Petrified Wood will help you body to restore its natural balance.

It is a gentle detoxifier, and is very good for grounding us in times of uncertainty and stress. It’s also a perfect stone for those of you who give to excess, leaving yourself drained and energetically unstable.

Use this one for pets who frighten easily, or who are jittery, anxious or frightened. Also good for children who are feeling anxious, unusually shy or overwhelmed.

Image from Celestial Earth Minerals
Image from Celestial Earth Minerals


If you’re feeling muddled, distracted, and like you’ve lost the plot, then Labradorite will sort out your frazzled brain and restore your confidence and direction. If you started strong this year, then promptly fizzled out or fell in a heap from this crazy energy, Labradorite will recalibrate your vibration and get you from variance to synchronicity. It’s also a stunning stone for spiritual nurture and connection.

For older children who need support with their learning and studies, and for you, if there’s lots to do but you feel like your brain left the building, Labradorite is the perfect stone for you right now.

Image from Wikipedia

Clear Quartz

For connecting psychically, for powerful meditations, for channeling, psychic connection and riding these energies with confidence, Clear Quartz will get you there.

A great stone for enhancing spiritual dreams, and for any kind of writing, planning or thinking. It will amplify your connection and give you confidence and clarity.

Image from
Image from


If you’d like to learn more about working with crystals, go here:

Working with Crystals – A Four Day Exploration


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

14 thoughts on “Crystals to Help With the Current 2015 Energies

  1. Just another post that was so useful. After not wearing my labradorite necklace or bracelet for a while yesterday morning I chose my wardrobe around labradorite instead of choosing my jewellery to go with my clothes. Hahaha, I must have felt this is what I needed as “losing the plot” defenitely rang a (very loud) bell!! Thank you again Nicole! X
    P.S. Hope you got your “you time” to recharge again.

  2. Thanks Nicole. I have a small piece of Black Eye Limbcast I purchased from you years ago. It that okay ?, as I thought it was a form of petrified wood. I have moved a small geode of Amethyst from my meditation area to next to my bed, so that should do the trick too !

  3. Thanks Nicole – as always incredibly timely and helpful. My pockets are full of rocks today already but think I should add some labradorite! And wondering if Ruby Dog could benefit from some amethyst right now?

  4. As always, Nicole, your posts are so timely. Labradorite’s message is so appropriate for someone I was mentoring late into the night and luckily this person has a beautiful piece that can be worn today as an anchor amidst their currently frazzled existence 🙂 <3

    I too would love a piece of petrified wood to add to my collection. It looks so organic and I need its help right now.

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