Full Moon Ritual For The October Blue Moon

You have no idea of the great release and peace you will feel when you totally give up judgment.

Gabrielle Bernstein

Hello, Lovelies!
Have you been feeling unsettled, anxious or exhausted for no good reason in the past few days? If so, blame it on the moon. On October 31 (USA), or November 1 (Australia) we will experience the Full Moon in Taurus. It’s the second full moon for October, so it’s known as a Blue Moon, and it’s also a Micromoon, meaning that it is further away from the Earth than usual, and will appear smaller in the sky.

There’s a lot going on, astrologically speaking, right now. And all of that has stirred up your emotions, and will continue to, until we get the blessed release of the Earth Mother’s Moon over the next few days.

Many sensitive souls will have been feeling increasingly overwhelmed recently by the current circumstances of the earth, and within their personal lives. Healers, empaths and activists may feel that they can never do enough, or be enough, or work fast enough to affect a change or to help others cope with change. You may be completely emotionally or physically drained and wondering how you can continue to give.

That’s why this full moon is a blessing. The moon helps us to release old trauma, to reconnect with the Earth, and to find our natural goodness and kindness again. Through the full moon we can access the energy of universal oneness and universal healing to replenish and heal ourselves, and to sustain us for the times ahead.

The energy of this moon also provides a short energetic window that will heighten our spiritual and psychic perception, enabling us to see and know ourselves more clearly. You may well be feeling this pull already, and it shall last a few more days. This heightened ‘knowing’ helps us to shift our consciousness, so that we become better aligned with our own truth. If we’re open to it, ideas come. Inspiration visits. Past life understanding and cycles of knowledge unfold. Solutions and possible paths of action become visible. Clarity finds us and guides us out of the fog in which we’ve been lost, perhaps for decades. We will be easily able to let go of what no longer serves us. We’ll feel guided to clear our emotional, energetic and physical clutter so that energy can flow better in our lives.

The following ritual for healing and replenishment can be done at any time from October 31 through to November 5, day or night. It does not matter if the moon is obscured by cloud or not directly above you. Her energies will still be available to you.

If you are drained, disheartened or lost, let the moon create release for these stuck emotions, and help you replenish yourself, mentally, spiritually and physically.


(These are not necessary but can help to amplify both the moon’s energy, and your connection.)

  1. A crystal. Choose a clear quartz if you are looking for direction and clarity about major decisions or your life path. Choose an amethyst if you seek deeper intuitive and psychic connection. Choose a citrine if you desire greater flow and abundance in your life. Choose a rose quartz if you need emotional support and nurture. Choose an aventurine if you desire a greater connection to the earth and her healing powers. Choose the stone that most resonates for you. If another crystal feels best for you, then happily select that stone. Be guided by your own intuitive wisdom.
  2. A glass of water. Use water only. Tap water is fine. Make sure that the water is in a cup made from glass, china or metal. Avoid plastic.
  3. Your journal and a pen. This will enable you to write down any insights or deeper understanding you may receive during or after the ritual.


Find a quiet place outside. If it is not possible to be outside, position yourself near a window or door. Trust that you will still be able to connect with the moon’s energy.

(Note: if you are bedridden or for any reason cannot perform the physical parts of this ritual know that you can do this with your mind’s eye – seeing yourself as whole and healed and acting out the ritual in your imagination) 

Place your crystal on the ground at your feet. Place your glass of water down where you won’t knock it over. Bring your hands to your heart and place them palm down on your chest.

Now say, either to yourself or out loud if it feels right, Mother Moon, I am tired, stressed, and not myself. I give and I give and there is not enough of me left. I call upon you to fill me up again, and to flow through me with energy and grace. Take a moment and truly feel the truth of the words. Connect to your own heart. Feel your fatigue, overwhelm, loneliness or whatever else is happening for you.

When you have connected to your emotions, raise your arms up to the sky and close your eyes. Say I call down your energies to replenish me. Clear my pain and restore my hope.

Stand quietly, and imagine drawing the light of the moon down into your body through your hands and the top of your head. You might see this light as white, silver, blue or gold. Trust whatever colour you get as the perfect one for you right now. Draw that light deep into your body, feeling yourself fill up just like a battery would take a charge. When you feel full, bring your hands back down to your heart again and stand for another minute to let the moon’s energy integrate into your own.

Still standing with your hands over your heart now visualise moonlight entering and charging the crystal and the glass of water. Do this until they feel ‘done’.

When you are ready give thanks to the moon and then open your eyes. Pick up your crystal, and then drink the glass of water.

Take your journal and sit holding your stone. Ask for any insights or wisdom to help you to understand yourself better at this time. Write down whatever comes to you.

When you go to bed, sit for a minute holding your crystal. Ask to be shown through dreams, or in signs that are clear to you, what you most need to know . Place the stone beside your bed or under your pillow before you go to sleep. Do this for up to one week from the full moon, and then journal whatever you are shown.

Be gentle with yourself over the coming week as we sit in these huge energies of shift and change. And remember to put your crystals out under the moon so they can be cleansed and recharged too.

Love, hugs and tenderness, Nicole xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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3 thoughts on “Full Moon Ritual For The October Blue Moon

    1. Hi Jamie – it will be available mid November, perhaps earlier. COVID is slowing everything down, but gee, it will be worth waiting for. It’s thoroughly gorgeous! Much love, Nicole xx

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