September 2015 – What To Expect

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“And so taking the long way home through the market I slow my pace down. It doesn’t come naturally. My legs are programmed to trot briskly and my arms to pump up and down like pistons, but I force myself to stroll past the stalls and pavement cafes. To enjoy just being somewhere, rather than rushing from somewhere, to somewhere. Inhaling deep lungfuls of air, instead of my usual shallow breaths. I take a moment to just stop and look around me. And smile to myself.
For the first time in a long time, I can, quite literally, smell the coffee.”
~ Alexandra Potter


Hello, Lovelies <3

September is here! My birthday month, and in Australia the beginning of Spring! For those of you moving into Autumn enjoy those energies too.

I promised that I would support you in making the most of this year’s opportunities, so here’s my Heads Up about the month ahead, as well as a few suggestions for embracing all that September has to offer.

September is about slowing down, turning inward, and opening up to new ideas and your own heart whispers. It’s an incredible month of astrological phenomena that will fire up your intuitive and psychic abilities and help you to clearly connect into your own inner knowing.

Don’t worry that you’ll lose the momentum you’ve begun to create with all the change of the past few months. Sometimes we need to slow down in order to go further, faster. Crazy I know, but it really does work.

When we go too fast, and get too busy we actually become less productive, and we become disconnected from our intuition and our creative flow.

So in September make time – for yourself, for your special projects, for the ones you love.


Card for the Month:

I’ve chosen two cards for September for you: one from the Osho Zen Tarot Deck, and one from Colette Baron-Reid’s The Enchanted Map. Remember that I don’t use these cards in the conventional way, but rather as a stimulus for channelled information.

Here is what I have received from each card:


“Have you ever heard the wonderful silence just before the dawn? Or the quiet and calm just as a storm ends? Or perhaps you know the silence when you haven’t the answer to a question you’ve been asked, or the hush of a country road at night, or the expectant pause of a room full of people when someone is just about to speak, or, most beautiful of all, the moment after the door closes and you’re alone in the whole house? Each one is different, you know, and all very beautiful if you listen carefully.”
~ Norton Juster


The message of  Silence is about coming to that quiet place empty; and then sitting in silence until you are filled up with knowing, and answers and certitude.

We so often fill every moment of our waking with noise and movement and thinking and busy-ness. Information comes at us from every direction. There is email and television. Facebook and tweets. Phone calls and text messages. Youtube. Online courses. Billboards. The radio. Conversation. Books. Relationships. Study. So much to think about and process that even when we lay down to sleep our minds are filled to bursting with the things we haven’t thought about yet, or the things we still need to do.

None of that kind of thinking helps though. It’s all just sorting of information. It’s lists and tasks.

September invites you to step into the quiet. To create some space for silence and non-doing. How do you do that? Meditation. Sitting in a park. Journalling. Playing with your runes or oracle cards. Going for a walk. Running. Swimming. Napping. Making art. Being in nature. Moodling at home. Whatever you do, let it just be you. However can you listen to your own intuition otherwise? How else might you hear God or your Angels and Guides? Let September be restful as much as possible.

September’s gift is clarity, certainty, new ideas and answers to your deeper questions.


(Not sure how to get quiet and look within? Join our Journal Challenge!)

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“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.”
~ Bill Watterson


The second card, Slow and Steady, echoes the message of Silence. Let go of the crazy, and truly let yourself rest and heal. Stop with the manic deadlines and impossible expectations of yourself. Go slowly through life this month. Simplify. Retreat, if you must.

Let your actions be slow enough that they become a form of meditation. Devotion, even. Let your slowed-down life become a celebration of the ordinary. Dwell in moments.

Nap in the sunshine, dance in the rain, smell the flowers.

As you travel through life at a more subdued pace, magic will happen. You’ll find yourself rediscovering the lovely things about yourself and life that you have been too stressed and exhausted to access.

All sorts of positive thoughts and ideas will rise to the front of your consciousness.

You’ll begin to remember who you really are.

Eat lightly, move more, and rest often. Open yourself to your intuitive wisdom, and to guidance from the Universe. Expect transformation, just by slowing down!



Need some extra encouragement, support or inspiration?

Try these posts:

Guided Meditation for reducing inflammation and promoting healing within your body – a meditation to help you heal, rest and repair

Sometimes You Get There Faster By Going Slow – thoughts on the importance of slowing down and some suggestions on how to do that

Breathing Yourself to Sleep – A gentle meditation technique to help you sleep soundly and deeply

Feather Oracle for Inspired Messages – a fun way to get a little extra clarity and guidance for the month ahead.

Let September be a month of slow-down and soul time. Top your batteries back up. Allow yourself some breathing space. Rest. Be open to magic and miracles. I know that good things are coming your way.

Much love to you,

Nicole <3 xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

7 thoughts on “September 2015 – What To Expect

  1. I knew you were Sept. Just not if for sure a Virgo or Libra. I’m leaning Virgo. My birthday is tomorrow. 67 and getting an eyelid lift this afternoon so I can see a bit more. No vanity in this decision. Just being able to see a bit. So there will be plenty of rest and quiet time. Good way to start the month. Changed sheets this morning and clean filters on the furnace. All clean in the house so I can just rest and sit with the silence. I love quiet. Need lots of it and slowing down does make things go better later. You are so right. I did lots of writing this Sunday in my journal. Pulled the heart card from my little pieces of paper. Every card I pulled for several days referred to the heart. Think I have some work to do there. Hugs from my heart to yours. Happy Birthday when ever it is. 🙂

  2. Happy Spring Nicole and fellow Cupcakes : it is my favourite time of year!!
    I loved your post : this is where I am at and it sounds just right. It was a soothing post compared to some of the Astrological forecasts – a way to sail above it.
    Thanks Nicole.

  3. Dear All,
    Please note for the month of September I will be Moodling at home, I actually started yesterday. What is Moodling I hear you ask. Well, I have no idea but I know it feels needed and right for the month of September. Please do not disturb my desire to Moodling. See you in October.


  4. Spot on as usual Possum…I’m counting the sleeps till I head off to a Meditation Retreat late next week, I know I have to slow down as I’m exhausted…and I thank you once more for the reminder and the guidance to move forward into the next phase of my life. MWAH…and a BIG hug…XX

  5. This is exactly what I needed to hear today … My husband has been very ill for the few weeks. He’s home now and September will be a time of recovery and healing for each of us, though in different ways. I’ve missed the trees, wind and water, the sun, moon and stars … Time now to get back outside and dig my toes into the earth and feel the breathe of my ancestors on my cheek. Thank you for these two beautiful cards!

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