Book Giveaway and a Big Thank You!

Simone de Haas’ beautiful new book –

“Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.”

~ Hermann Hesse

Life brings so many unexpected surprises.  My blog, and how it has been received in the world is one of them for me. This month I shall reach 250 000 hits for Cauldrons and Cupcakes, and my blog is not yet one year old!

So, I just want to say Thank You. Thank You for sharing the journey with me. Thank You for your kindness and support. Thank You for being part of my community.

To show my thanks I’m going to give away some gifts to my readers.

This week’s gift is a beautiful little book by the inimitable Simone de Haas.  Called’s a useful tool for helping you to focus energy back on yourself, in order to become more present, more real, and more authentically yourself. It is a visually rich book, with a simple but powerful message and some wonderfully inspirational messages and quotes.

This image by the clever Simone de Haas!

All you need to do to have a chance to win is to leave a comment below.  I’ll put all of the names into a hat next Monday, 15th October, and choose one at random. The winner, and the next gift, shall be announced on Tuesday 16th October’s blog. There will be three gifts in all, between now and the end of this month.

Thank you, from my heart to yours. I truly value you, and I hope that my blog plays a small part in helping YOU feel uplifted, supported and encouraged on life’s journey – with cups of tea, friendship and good snacks along the way!

Much love to you,  Nicole ♥ xx

Another of Simone de Haas’ treasures…
Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

147 thoughts on “Book Giveaway and a Big Thank You!

  1. nope this isn’t an entry, just congratulations on consistently good and inspirational blogging! just going to do a little dance with max to celebrate (no gumboots in sight sadly just my uggies!) hugs sx :o)

  2. Hi Nicole, 250,000 hits is pure awesomeness. Big Congrats.

    I wonder whether the guides count their hits…? 🙂

    Lots of love

  3. that is wonderful Nicole! so happy for you 😀 your blog is part of my precious nightime ‘me time’ and fills up my heart and soul. thank you so much xxx

  4. Nicole you initially changed my life (without knowing it) when I had a reading with you 9 years ago. Your blog and my reconnecting to your beautiful spirit reminds me of those changes and has provided me with renewed inspiration through your amazing insights and joy of life. Thank you!

  5. No surprise to me Nicole that you have reached so many hits in such a short time.
    Your selfless love and devotion to help others to see the world with joy, teaching us to love ourselves and be willing to love others deeply is truly a wonderful gift you have. You will never know how many lives you have changed by your daily blog. I know you have changed mine in a profound way. It’s often out of great adversity that one sees what is really important in life and has no other choice than to share it. “LOVE” that’s you. My love for you is like a warm soft blanket wrapped around you to protect and love you.

  6. You deserve every one of those hits, and more. How you manage to write an inspiring blog post every day is beyond me. Your energy, vitality and positivity are inspiring and you’ve touched so many people with your blog, it’s wonderful! Looking forward to the half million mark, and to more fascinating posts and mouthwatering recipes. I think I dreamt about your coconut ice last night, by the way, what a great thing to see in my sleep!

    1. I would take a dream about coconut ice any day! Last night I dreamt about trying to rescue tiny rainbow-coloured fish out of a bathtub so that I could return them to a stream, using just a pair of chopsticks and a shoe…

  7. You ain’t seen nothing yet sister….move over 250000!!
    Have you noticed the wind lately? There is so much more to come…so wonderful, mysterious and delicious 🙂
    Loving the connectedness in this tea cup xx

  8. I love this little blog of yours. A few months ago I found it somehow (don’t ask me how or what I was initially “searching for”) and I’m so happy I found you. Your post are like nothing I’ve ever seen before, they’re so full of magic, packed full of wisdom and heartfelt truth. I know you truly care about what you’re putting out into the Universe-it shows in your writing. That’s the thing I love most about you :]

  9. Hi Nicole, love your blogs. Each topic seems to be so relevant to what is happening in my life. Thank you for sharing your story about your health. I would love to give you a treatment when you are in Brisbane. Love Sandie (Magic Hands)

  10. I only discovered your blog in the last month or so, but now I couldn’t imagine my day without it! Your thoughts are uplifting, insightful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your love.
    Love & gratitude xo

  11. Thank you for sharing your self honestly and inspiring others to do the same. For a long time I considered my intuitive gifts to be a burden and am glad I have made the shift to see the value in them. You inner light shines through your blog-keep up the good work. Again many thanks and blessings!

  12. I can’t begin to articulate how much your blog assisted me through difficult times. The support and encouragement from your regular posts are uncanny and ironic in timing and topics- the messages you share is just what I need to hear in the moment. A big THANK YOU! And congratulations!! Sending you healing,love and light ~xo

  13. I am so grateful I found your blog so soon after you started it!!! … and yet I had NO IDEA then just how influential, important, inspiring, guiding, eye opening and enjoyable this blog would be for me over the coming year. It has actually literally changed my world.
    Farms and dogs and stories and recipes and life lessons and intuition and fun times and sad times and family and friends and fairies and crystals and … oh! So much!!
    Good old Nicole Cody. She rocks 🙂 xxx

  14. Thank you so much for your blog!
    When I stumbled across your blog through a facebook friend, it was very timely.
    I was feeling negative about everything and found it hard to appreciate all the good things in my life. Your ‘gratitude challenge’ really shifted things for me. As you know, being grateful for all you have really opens doors and at the very least makes you see the beauty in life. Since practicing this, I have way more energy. Feeling down about what I didn’t have and fixating on the negative aspects of life was incredibly draining. Now I am brimming with ideas for new projects and feel that there is a lot of good out there waiting for me.

    Thank you!

  15. Congrats on a fantastic blog!I read it everyday you are a true and faithful friend,my daily dose of inspiration in a crazy world.Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. Wow, that is incredible. I am so very blessed to be part of this wonderful community of spirit. Thank you so much for the blog today. What an honour. And for your wisdom and love.
    Much gratitude to you.

  17. Your blog hasn’t played a small uplifting part in my everday life, it has positively played a humongous part in my life. Thank You so much for your time. Big loving thank you bubble coming your way 

  18. I agree with what your readers say above, your blog is something I look forward to every day and occassionally scroll back and an exercise jumps out at me to do, the latest being the “Dear Universe, please send me a Mentor”, not in exact words, that was the general message. And wasn’t that a life changer! I love your grounded earthyness and your yum recipes. And a big hello to all your Guides too xoxo

    1. no apologies expected, (I know you jest!) for opening hearts xoxo Just love these appointments made in time and kept, reconnecting me with soul mates xoxox

  19. Nicole, you’re an inspiration. Thank you for sharing. You are very special. I’m grateful to be one in 250, 000!! Soon i’ll be one in a million. 🙂 Hugs!

  20. Well done! It’s the first thing I read when I wake up and it never fails to put me in the right frame of mind for the day ahead. Thanks for all the love you bring.

  21. I just wanted to let you know that I jump out of bed and turn on the computer and fire up facebook and scroll through till I fine your blog for the day! I enjoy your work and passion. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  22. You have already given us a gift- your wisdom, honesty, knowledge and yummy recipes. Your writing is encouraging, thought provoking, uplifting.

    I think that’s enough descriptors for one comment 🙂 You rock Nicole!

  23. Nicole, for the first time I can recall it’ s a pleasure to be part of a statistic! Your blogs are so warm and rich, full of vibrancy and poignant at times. I couldn’t miss my daily dose of Cauldtrons and Cupcakes. Tea and cake anyone? Bless <3

  24. I stumbled on your blog at the start of this year and now visit every day 🙂 your words have helped me to shape my life in a wonderful way… thank you xo

  25. Isn’t it fabulous Nicole that from a farm on the Byron Hinterland to a coffee shop to other random venues you can touch so many lives. I feel blessed that I am one of the 250,000. Julia xxoo

  26. What a powerful and incredibly important message from Simone. If we simply lived from our heart space we would uplift our world. Thanks for introducing me to this treasure. Blessings

  27. Actually Nicole, the real gifts are your daily posts that inspire and support us in this beautiful and creazy journey called life.
    Ps. That little “bubble” is on his way 🙂
    Love, Sara

  28. Nicole, congratulations to you for achieving such a great number of followers. As a recently new follower I have enjoyed reading your recent posts and going back into the archives to read the ones I missed out on before. It is so lovely to share your world and your thoughts and you are so often spot on with posting something I need just at that moment. Thank you.

  29. Nicole, I enjoy your blog every day. Your writing style is so pure and heartfelt, the subject matter always so interesting. HUGE hugs to you, and HUGE thanks for your blog. Love your work!!

  30. My beautiful best friend who’s also my cousin shared your links with me about 2 weeks ago. Ever since then every morning before getting out of bed my routine is to read your emails, which always inspire me, give me a reality check, or confirm how blessed my life is, one thing is for sure I get out of bed feeling, good, feeling happy, feeling loved & loving. Thank you

  31. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For this opportunity to win this book, never as there been a time more right for me to have this. Much love. Lyn x

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