A Short But Important Message For You


“One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.”
~ Shannon L. Alder


Every morning when I wake up I sit in meditation.

I say prayers for my family and friends, I send healing to those who need it, I send energy and love to my students, and then to the world.

After which I always think about you, dear readers, and I ask ‘What do my readers most need to know today?’ This usually helps me to write a blog post, or to prepare an activity or meditation.

Today when I asked, I got a very clear message. So clear that all I need do is record it here:

“Everyone on earth should believe that they have something to give the world which cannot otherwise be given.”

I know that this is true.

And I know that it’s a message some of you absolutely needed to be reminded of today.

So, go be you. Go be who you are and know that this is enough. To live as yourself. To act and think as yourself. To interact with others as yourself. To love as yourself. Your true self. You whole self.

Even if you have never been brave enough to be you until now.

Because it’s time.

I love you.

Go well today,

Nicole <3 xx

Image from www.picturequotes.com
Image from www.picturequotes.com


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

22 thoughts on “A Short But Important Message For You

  1. This is so true. We all have a special gift. We just have to give ourself permission to access and explore this. Thanks for sharing. I have just included a new poem on my poetry blog here on WordPress about self expression in case you have time to have a look? Have a good day, Sam 🙂

  2. I absolutely wanted to hear this. As I embark on my journey to starting a blog and sharing my experiences as a caregiver for the elderly and helping people with information on being a good caregiver for their love ones.

  3. I love this Nicole thank you so much. all my blessings, Jo-Ann

    On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 3:21 PM, Cauldrons and Cupcakes wrote:

    > Cauldrons and Cupcakes posted: ” “One of the greatest regrets in life is > being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.” ~ > Shannon L. Alder Every morning when I wake up I sit in meditation. I say > prayers for my family and friends, I send healing to t” >

  4. Oh my! Thank you for this post. Yesterday I told my husband that the biggest regret in my life was not taking my dad’s advice when I was in my early twenties. Having spent so long being the person that everyone else wanted me to be, he’d told me I needed to start living my life. I didn’t do it. I stayed being that other person for another 30 years. Yesterday I told my husband that I now know that I don’t need to be what others want me to be and I don’t need to have a driving passion to achieve something magnificent just because other people do. He nodded and told me that it was absolutely fine to be me because being me is what I do best. And then I looked at your message this morning and I know that Dad thinks so too because the very first thing I saw was your beautiful picture of one of my his favourite flowers. xxxx

  5. Dear Nicole.
    It has taken me about 40 years to realise this. I have wondered what my purpose in life was?. What direction I should be taking? What were my goals and life ambitions?
    I had no answers to these questions, but recently I realise that my life is to live and travel and ENJOY. I do now and am so happy,
    Thank you for clarifying and confirming my new beliefs

  6. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for theses words. Today. In the aftermath of an unexpected and devastating breakup, I am working very hard to own my worth, my gifts, my joy and to some day find that special someone who will celebrate and love me for me. You have been a balm to my heart.💐

  7. So eloquently put Nicole. Be me, be who I am, as I am enough. Be myself, as I think and act as myself and interact with others as myself whilst loving my true and whole self. It’s the easiest and hardest thing to do hey? Well my promise is to be true to these words, at least for today. Always love reading your words x

  8. Thank you Nicole. I absolutely needed to hear this message today. I have just finished my morning meditation and believe you must have been listening in some way or other. I’m starting to feel nothing is coincidence. Thank you again and much love 💛 Kristy

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