2019 Guidance for the Year

“Be the celebrators, celebrate! Already there is too much—the flowers have bloomed, the birds are singing, the sun is there in the sky—celebrate it! You are breathing and you are alive and you have consciousness, celebrate it!” 
~  Osho

Happy New Year, Lovelies, and welcome to 2019!

New Year’s Day is always a special time for me. I like to welcome the day with meditation, and then spend some time over the course of the day contemplating my year ahead, asking for spiritual guidance, and writing in my journal and my YOM Planner. For me it is a day of planning and dreaming, and spending time with people and activities that matter to me.

Each year I draw a Guiding Card for the year ahead, and then channel information about this new year.  I don’t use tarot or oracle cards as a predictive tool – rather I use them for reflection, and to seek guidance about qualities, actions and perspectives that might be of benefit over the next twelve months.

The deck I’ve chosen this card from is Colette Baron’s Reid’s The Good Tarot.

QUEEN OF EARTH – Insights for 2019

” There is a power in nature that man has ignored. And the result has been heartache and pain. “ ~
Anasazi Foundation, The Seven Paths: Changing One’s Way of Walking in the World

2019 is a stabilising year that promises great progress forward after the intense repositioning and transitioning years that have preceded it. 

Queen of Earth holds energies of creation, practicality, grace, courage, strength, intuition, resoluteness, community and collaboration. She is the careful gardener who lovingly tends her garden, helping each plant to grow and thrive, balancing wild and tamed, and understanding that her garden must exist sustainably – in harmony with nature and the environment. She shares her harvest, and has great respect for the earth, for herself, and for life itself.Q

It’s a year for balance, authenticity and integrity. A year for being more connected to our body, our needs, our thoughts and feelings, and to our true self – rather than an idea of ourselves that has been imposed upon us or that we have tried to be in order to please others or to limit attention to ourselves.

Queen of Earth shows us the road home to ourselves. In the next year we’ll find ourselves naturally gravitating back to our True Centre.

Our intuition will be heightened through 2019. Acknowledging the wisdom and desires of our Soul will become easier to do, and we’ll find that we can no longer live too far out of alignment with our core values and inner knowing. We’ll feel drawn to the magical, the spiritual, the mystical. But we’ll want practical application of these things. We need to walk a mystical path with practical feet. (My Connect to Your Calling Retreat and Mentoring and my YOM Membershi will help woth both these things.)

This year we’ll be ready to practice living from a place of awareness of the energy and flow that underpins everything in the Universe.

Queen of Earth speaks to us of the importance of planning, self-discipline, self care and respect for all. Slow and steady , rest as required, but keep on going and don’t give up. Build the life that matters most to you, and plan for the long future – not just the immediate one. That is her message and wisdom for us to craft a conscious and satisfying life.

It’s not enough to succeed in one area anymore at the cost of something else important to us.

Queen of Earth helps us to see that it’s time to build on what we have already created or dreamed, but sustainably, slowly, and with help. So that what we make is sound and good, and stays built.

Queen of Earth considers everyone in her Realm, including those whose voice is small, and those who have no voice at all. She is fair, compassionate and kind. But there is a lioness within her, a dormant warrior, and when roused she will fight with all she has for what matters to her and to protect her Realm and all within it.

She guides you to step into that power, awareness and place of action this year. The world depends upon it. Returning to your True Centre and living aligned with that, and then becoming the best version of you that you can possibly be is more important now than ever before.

It will set you up for all the years to come.

And it could change the world!

Bless ♥ Nicole xx

PS – Want a system and support to help you make 2019 a great year for you? In life or in business? Check out my Year of ME Planner and community. It has everything you need! And you’ll be among friends. We’d love to welcome you in, and share this journey together. You can read about it here and buy it here.

I’ve also decided to continue our offer for you to experience a month of membership free which also puts you in the draw to win a 2019 Membership with our YOM courses and community. The offer was originally going to expire on December 25 but so many of you have asked me to extend past Christmas that the cut-off date for this offer will now be January 7, 2019. All you need to do is buy one of our YOM 2019 Planners, or one of our Planner Packs. You can access them here in our store or read more about them here.

Want to experience our membership but don’t feel like you’re a Planner person? The YOM Planner can be used as a tool for your spiritual and personal development, and as a gratitude journal too. Or buy the YOM Planner, keep the membership for yourself and gift the Planner to someone who may need a little extra support and self-time for the year ahead.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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