Come Join My New Year’s Eve Meditation And Manifestation Ritual

Most of us are not raised to actively encounter our destiny. We may not know that we have one. As children, we are seldom told we have a place in life that is uniquely ours alone. Instead, we are encouraged to believe that our life should somehow fulfill the expectations of others, that we will (or should) find our satisfactions as they have found theirs. Rather than being taught to ask ourselves who we are, we are schooled to ask others. We are, in effect, trained to listen to others’ versions of ourselves. We are brought up in our life as told to us by someone else! When we survey our lives, seeking to fulfill our creativity, we often see we had a dream that went glimmering because we believed, and those around us believed, that the dream was beyond our reach. Many of us would have been, or at least might have been, done, tried something, if…
If we had known who we really were.

― Julia Cameron

Hey, Lovelies!

Right now I’m getting ready for New Year’s Eve.

It’s not a night where we go out and be social, or stay up til midnight watching televised fireworks. It’s a night where we cook and share a simple but yummy dinner, listen to music, and do a burning and release ritual and meditation to let go of the old and welcome the new. I then do a healing meditation for my community, for the world, and for the earth.

For us it’s a night of quiet reflection, spiritual practices, and then early to bed. 

It will be a big meditation and ritual session for me – two or three hours. I’ll be focused on holding a positive intent for myself, for you, and for the world for the unfolding of the coming year.

How You Can Join Me

For Christmas Day I created an Altar at one end of our big family table out on the deck, and I placed two crystals on it – I placed an Australian raw clear quartz crystal, and offered a prayer and did a meditation that it represent all of my community and clients who needed a safe and welcoming space for them to be with others at Christmas. I invited all of you to join me energetically at our family table. I did this so that you may feel loved and included, and less alone. I then did a second round of prayers and meditation using a blue-black obsidian orb – where I called upon the Unnamed Angels to support and protect you, and to guide you through the coming days – helping you with whatever is troubling you, and wherever you need guidance, inspiration or miracles.

I am leaving this communal Altar this set up until Tuesday, February 1, and I will add to it over time, as a space to manifest positive energy and support for us all for the year ahead. It will be the place where we will eat our meal and then where I will do my New Year’s Eve meditation and rituals, and I’d love for you to join me, adding your energy and presence to my own. I promise it will be an easy thing for you to do.

Each year I offer up a wish for myself, and a wish for the world.  I write each of them on separate pieces of paper, and the messages I write then hold some of the shape of my meditation.  At the end of my meditation, I burn each wish, letting the energy of my hopes and prayers be carried up into the atmosphere in the heat and smoke of the fire.

It’s always been a powerful practice. And now you can be a part of it too.  

To join me, simply add your wish for yourself and your wish for the world as a comment at the bottom of this post.

Do it just like this: My wish for myself is……  My wish for the world is…..

If you’d like more privacy you can send me a message on Facebook, or email me at

I’ll print out your wishes, and add them to my own. The only person who will see them is me. (And the Universe, of course…)  I’ll hold that space for you in my meditations, and I’ll burn your messages in my New Year’s Eve fire.

I promise to hold the energy of this space (and my fire) for a full 24 hours from my own walk into 2022. That way none of you will miss out, no matter what time zone you live within.

And if you love working with crystals, choose a stone for 2022 and have it ready for tomorrow’s blog, and I’ll show you how to get it ready for the year ahead, and how to connect it to my bigger Altar grid for New Year’s Eve.

Together, our collective good thoughts, wishes and intentions shall help shape a 2022 that begins in love, well wishes and positive energy.  What can be better than that?

Love and Blessings to you, ♥ Nicole xx

Ready for the coming year?

Remember to grab your Journeymaker’s Planner for 2022 so you’ll be ready for my free challenge to help you make the most of the year ahead. That kicks off in mid-January.

Learn how to increase your intuition, improve your habits, and start working towards your goals and dreams by participating in our free 30 Day Planner Challenge.

This is going to be a lot of fun, and will help you get some momentum and consistency going for the year ahead. If you need a bit of a kickstart, or to start this year with clarity and connection, this Challenge is for you. It will also help you to deepen your spiritual and intuitive practices around using the Planner. No prior experience is needed to join my Challenge. I’ll teach you everything you need to know. But you’ll need a copy of my Planner!

Start by grabbing a digital or physical copy of my Planner and joining my free online Facebook community here which is where the warm-up sessions will be conducted from early January, and where you’ll have access to the links for when the course goes live.

It’s FREE – but you will need a copy of the Planner. 2022 is a gentle and restorative year, and a strong year for intuition, creativity and connection. Let me show you how to make the most of these energies!

Here’s how to grab your Planner for 2022:

You can buy The Journeymaker’s Planner 2022 Hard Copy at Amazon USA or ETSY.

The digital version of The Journeymaker’s Planner 2022 is available at ETSY.

The limited edition and heavenly Ylang-Ylang Oil is available at ETSY.

The limited edition gold-embossed Journeymaker’s Journal is available at ETSY.

The limited edition NURTURE Mala is available at ETSY.

I still have a very few amazing Tibetan Fluorites, available at ETSY.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

46 thoughts on “Come Join My New Year’s Eve Meditation And Manifestation Ritual

  1. My wish for myself is that people stop taking advantage of me and let me have my inheritance my father left me, so that i can have peace in my soul… My wish for the world is peace.. understanding.. unity.. and love so it can heal. 🌠

  2. My wish for myself is to connect with the Oneness that is present within me and all that is in every moment of life. My wish for the world is to see how we are all connected.

  3. My wish for the new year/2022 for myself is to accomplish goals set, to become financially prosperous and abundant upon the swift, smooth, easily and well funded opening of my crystal healing business that my community accepts, seeks out, and blesses me from their continuous and loyal patronage by allowing me to provide for my family doing what I love! My wish for the world is peace and to be pandemic free. I also wish that every human finds their passion or purpose and self love for all! Thank you for this offer, may you have the most blessed year and your wishes be granted, tenfold!

  4. My wish for myself in 2022 is to accomplish goals set, to be financially prosperous from my communities acceptance of my crystal healing business which I hope to be a smooth, blessed, sought out and successful manifestation and for my family and loved ones happiness and good health! My wish for the world is peace and to be pandemic free and that all humans find their passion or purpose and self love! Thank you, may you have a most blessed year!

  5. Wish for self – heath ,healing, confidence and peace. Wish for the world is peace in the acceptance of difference and healing.

  6. My wish for the world is peace and enlightenment. My wish for myself is to be successful in my studies and to have deep love and joy in my life.
    Thank you so much Nicole…Happy New Year! Xx

  7. My wish for myself is to stay focused and ‘stay the course’. My wish for the human world is find kindness and acceptance with each other. My wish for the Earth is to heal and show us how we can live in-sync with each other.
    Thank you Nicole.

  8. Hi Nicole, thankyou for all that you are and all that you do. I am so grateful to have found you and I love your journal.
    My wish for the world 🌎 is that mumma earth may receive the healing that she needs. I wish for hjmaibtu to find their peace in unity, acceptance and understanding for one another.
    My wish for myself is that in 2022 my business, Butterflies for the Soul will thrive and this year I may be prosperous. I wish for an abundance of happiness, wealth and health. I wish to connect more deeply with my spiritual senses bringing my gifts to light so that I may better serve others on their healing journeys. I wish to complete all if my studies

    Thankyou Nicole 😇
    Emily 🥰 xx

  9. I wish for my is a healthy body, success, happiness and to not worry about money.
    My wish for the world is healing, peace and kindness.

  10. My wish for myself is to stand in my own power and let go of self limiting beliefs, to fully embrace the powerful warrior goddess that I am!
    My wish for the world is to know kindness and harmony as we emerge from this destruction into a whole new way of living.

  11. My wish for the world is to awaken and see the beauty of creation and be inspired to protect it. My wish for myself is to find the new perfect work role where I will feel inspired, valued and can create positive change. Thanks Nicole Happy New Year

  12. My wish for myself is that I receive what I need to be a better version of myself.
    My wish for the world is that there is more equality, that the poor and forgotten of this world can receive the medications, vaccinations etc needed so that this planet can heal.
    Thank you.

  13. My wish for myself is to be able to understand and progress in healing profound lifelong shame. My wish for the world is that we give her space and kindness enough to restore, rejuvenate and be there for us as we become more earnestly there for, respecting and loving towards her and her greatness.

  14. Thank you Nicole. My wish for the world is more unity to support each other globally as one human race. My wish for myself is giving and receiving love and security to all those I am in contact with.

  15. My wish for myself this coming year is to walk gently in a path of abundance and healing light. My wish for the world is that healing light abundantly flows to all living creatures creating positivity and comfort for all.

  16. Wish for the world – widespread and deepening genuine re-attunement of humanity with nature so that all extinctions are halted and rich biodiversity re-establishes
    Wish for self – continuation and deepening in the artist-path with a strong and gracefully simple economic support

  17. My wish for myself is to lose the jaded bitterness I’ve embraced as an emotional shield since early 2020 and let childlike wonder grow in its place. My wish for the world is a series of happy, delightful surprises on a macro level that join us together in community spirit and togetherness.

    1. Thank you, Nicole.
      My wish for myself is to be more courageous in day to day life. My wish for the world is more tolerance and unity.

  18. My wish for myself is to be authentic and kind to all people who’s paths I cross.
    My wish for the world is for kindness to touch the heart of each person

  19. My wish for myself is to reconnect to my true and authentic self and spend more time in nature.

    My wish for the world is for everyone to know peace and calm and to be tolerant of others viewpoints

    Thank you Nicole, I really appreciate what you do 💚💚💚

  20. Thank you so much for this practice Nicole, such a beautiful idea!
    My wish for myself is self belief and courage to follow my dreams and heal my body. My wish for the world is greater love for each other and our planet. Happy New Year! xx

  21. My wish for myself is to find happiness from within and see my business grow. My wish for the world is health & acceptance of everyone’s beliefs and opinions.

  22. Thank you so much for this practice Nicole, such a beautiful idea!
    My wish for myself is self belief and courage to follow my dreams and heal my body. My wish for the world is greater love for each other and our planet. Happy New Year! xx

  23. My wish for myself is to create from joy. My wish for the world is oodles of golden light! 🥰

    Thanks Nicole, for being a guiding light and such an inspiration! I think I shall create my own NYE tradition, too – I’m not much good at staying up late…

    Much love to you and the team

  24. My wish for myself is healing of body, mind and spirit and increased connection with my spiritual team. My wish for the world is for healing, peace and connection of all.

    1. This is such a beautiful practice, thank you Nicole! My wish for myself is that I cultivate a deep spirit of gratitude, and my wish for the world is that we be kind to each other, animals, Nature and the Earth.

  25. My wish for myself is to see, embrace and love those parts of myself that I’ve been unwilling to own. My wish for the world is Unity Consciousness.

  26. My wish for myself is good health in body, mind and spirit. My wish for the world is more love, peace and respect for the earth and all who inhabit it.

  27. My wish for Mother Earth and the world is a green and healthy future. My wish for me is enough health and wealth to visit my home country every year.

  28. My wish for myself: to Conect with spirit, to live a Buddhist way of life, practicing and walking a more intuitive path. My wish for the world: humans learn a new way to live as one with each other and in harmony with the earth and all her sentient beings.

  29. My wish for myself is good health, vitality, inspiration and a lot more time for my creativity.
    My wish for the world is health, balance, peace and freedom.

    1. My wish for myself for the new year is an easeful and joyful connection to ‘home’, living from a deepening alignment with my body, heart, and soul, and a flourishing of creative expression. My wish for the world and Gaia is healing and peace.

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