Wishes and Wonders – Monday Oracle 18 March 2024


“There’s no point having wishes if you don’t at least try to do them.”
― Sally Nicholls

Hello, Lovelies!

This Quarter I am using Wishcraft Oracle by Stacey Demarco, with artwork by Elizabeth Tiethoff, for my weekly oracle readings.

Our card to guide us for the week ahead is 20. PAPER AEROPLANE

2024 is a year for fresh starts, for creativity, healing and social connection. It’s a year for ambitious projects and for getting stuff done.

March is a great month for finding ways to fall in love with yourself and your life, for making progress towards projects and dreams, and for all kinds of renovations and restorations.



What if you could have more than one wish come true?

Just stop for a moment, and think about how that makes you feel.

Then, take another moment and ask yourself if you have any current wishes…

A wish is more than a random thought where you think to yourself, ‘Oh, I might like to do that, have that, create that, be that, experience that…’

A wish is something you long for, that lights you up inside, and that makes you feel a little thrill of happiness or excitement or even nervous energy – because deep down you know you really want that thing, or at least the opportunity to try it.

Most importantly, a wish can be for something where you have NO IDEA how to make it happen, or even if it’s possible. And that’s not your job. When you make a wish you hand over to the Universe, and trust! 

So, dare to dream this week. Make a wish, or dig out an old, unfulfilled one. Why not? Let this week be a little magical.

The week ahead is infused with supportive energies. There are all kinds of positive things coming our way, but we are also reminded to stay grounded in reality; honouring what is true and practical and real for us, even as we keep one eye firmly focused on our longer-term goals and our bigger dreams. We are reminded to keep showing up, to keep doing the work, and then, in the doing, magic will happen.

In the days ahead you’ll discover new perspectives. Inspiration will come in many forms, with lots of brand new ideas and a fresh take on old ideas and projects.

Expect to be delighted by new ways of thinking. Expect helpful people. Know that this week brings the kind of divine guidance that gifts us clarity, and the kind of synchronicity which delivers us blessings and miracles.

Lightbulb moments? Yes!

Sudden gifts of deep understanding? Yes!

Courage to make the bold moves? Yes!

You’ll need to make sure that you write down or otherwise record these sudden ideas and flashes of inspiration because when they don’t come from you it is unlikely that you will remember them accurately if you don’t capture that wisdom straight away!

It’s also a super week for realising how you can collaborate with others in ways that encourage mutual and exponential success. Make those initial connections. Have those first discussions. This week sets the scene for so much of what will unfold in the coming year.

Remember to have adequate sleep, downtime and solitude this week too. It’s often in these quiet spaces that inspiration and guidance come to us.

My Top Tip For The Week Ahead: 

Totally shattered with physical, mental or emotional exhaustion as you start your week? It’s not all up to you, sweetheart. So stop pushing on and rest first. Being well rested will invite flow and answers back into your life, lifting you from stuck back into momentum and clarity. There’s so much magic around you. Relax. Treat yourself well. Play some music that makes you happy. Eat a snack. Bust a move. Open your mind and your heart. The magic WILL happen. Wishes CAN find you, and they can come true.


Want help creating a satisfying life for yourself or understanding your best direction forward? Maybe you need a session with me to bring some extra clarity and direction. Details here

Crystals to support you this week – Carnelian, Rose Quartz, Amazonite, Citrine, Selenite, Orange Calcite

Here at the treehouse I’m finishing up the copy for the 10 Year Anniversary Edition of The Journeymaker’s Planner for 2025 before we add all the illustrations and send it off to the printers.

10 years!

Wow. It seems like yesterday that I was creating my very first planner, inspired by the dying wishes of my dear friend Angela. I’ve been thinking a lot about Ange these past few days (Gee, I miss her!), and how this Planner has become part of her legacy. 

Life ticks on. It gets by us. So, today I want to remind you to make it count. Angela would want you to know that too, and she’d encourage you to do something about it!

Your life doesn’t have to be about success, about money and recognition and how many followers you have or what your social media accounts look like. Truly, the things that matter are love, friendships and family (which may be the family you make for yourself rather than the one you were born into), taking time to share a meal, to smell the roses, to walk on the beach, or cuddle with your fur babies. It matters that you have time to look after yourself and your wellbeing, that there is time for rest and naps and adventures and for doing things that interest you. It matters that you live a life that you enjoy, and that has meaning for you.

Ten years on from the inception of my first version of the Planner I can reflect on how many friends I have lost during that time, and how many of them died regretting not having spent more time on what mattered to them. It’s one of the reasons I created my Planner – so that, no matter what your circumstances, you could create a life that was more meaningful, more intuitive, and more nurturing for you.

If you haven’t got a copy of the 2024 Planner it’s not too late. Details at the end of this post!

This week I’ll be writing, spending time with my Inner Circle members, swimming and doing yoga in the mornings, drinking tea on the deck, listening to the birds in the trees, and hanging out with Ben and the pupsters. I might do a spot of baking too. Because it’s always good to have a treat to go with your cup of tea.

I’m enjoying this slower-paced sabbatical year. It feels like it is helping me finally come back to aspects of myself I had neglected so long that I’d forgotten they were even a part of me.

And oh, the stories I am writing. It feels so good to have enough time for them. Can’t wait to share them when I’m done. I certainly don’t intend to die filled with regret. I want to live as fully as I can, each day, each moment. I encourage you to do the same.

Love, hugs and words on the page, Nicole xx

Need Some Help?

Stuck in your head and need a better path forward? It’s not too late to grab a hard copy or digital copy of my 2024 Journeymaker’s Planner, which is available at a massive discount right now. This also makes a great gift. If you need encouragement, direction and inspiration it’s a fantastic tool.

Make sure to grab your copy before my April 30 Day Challenge so we can work together on that!

If you head over to Amazon Australia and Amazon USA and look for the coupons on the Planner page you’ll find one for 45% off my Journeymaker’s Planner 2024. Just check the box to activate the coupon. There’s also free shipping for Amazon Prime members.

Over at my Etsy store almost everything is discounted between 25% to 50%. Now’s your chance to grab a discounted Planner or Manifesting Mandala Colouring Book and Course (hard copy or digital), a journal, some crystal bracelets or mala beads, essential oils or a special meditation crystal.

***Also – if your order my Hard Copy Planner through Etsy and mention this blog post in your order I will throw in a colouring book FOR FREE***



Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3158

3 thoughts on “Wishes and Wonders – Monday Oracle 18 March 2024

  1. Hi Nicole..
    I’ve been a member of your community for around a decade now 😁and I’m wondering what the best way is to update my details (email address) so I can continue receiving your weekly emails and juicy updates and offers.
    I’ll pop my new email address below but as I’ve got my previous account with courses etc I’d like to update my details to not lose what’s there.
    Thank you Amy Walker ✨🌻💗
    (Previous surname Somers)

    1. Hi Amy,
      Thanks so much for sharing the journey with me.
      Please check your email (and spam) for a confirmation email from my blog for your subscription.
      I can also change your email address in the course platform (Kajabi) too if you’d like?
      Much love, Nicole xx

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