Making My Life Work for Me – Week 3

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“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.” ~ Oscar Wilde

“A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.” ~ Thomas Carlyle

“Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life.” ~ Leo Buscaglia

Welcome to Week 3 of our six week Making My Life Work for Me Program. (If you’re just joining us now, pop back and read the very first post so that you can gather the materials we’ll be using today.)

Our focus this week is on reconnecting with the energy of love in our lives.  Life becomes very empty without love – and I don’t just mean romantic love.

Get ready to open up your heart and let love in. A life lived with passion, purpose and a full heart will make you feel alive, energised and so grateful for the blessing of every day.



We will be following the same format each week.  Read through this entire post before you get started. You can do the activities all on one day, or spread them put over the week – whatever works best for you.


We’re going to start with a meditation to help you connect into and draw more love into your life.  Hold your crystal and drape your scarf or shawl around your shoulders.  Set aside twelve minutes for this. When you’re ready click the link below and simply follow the sound of my voice:

Nicole Cody’s Guided Meditation for Manifesting Love

Know that true and lasting love is possible. Know that you are already Loved. Love is your Nature. Love is your natural expression. ❤

(PS – I apologise for the breathy-ness of the recording, especially towards the end but my big fat heart is playing up today.)


Do this straight after your meditation, when you are ready and open for receiving! Close your eyes and use your imagination. See yourself the way you want yourself to be in the world.  Feel yourself well loved, in love with life, and expressing that love joyfully in the world.  Have gratitude and expectation of drawing these things into your life.  Really put some energy into this.  You can repeat this step again this week (even daily) if it feels right.  Thoughts are things, and this is how you manifest in the Universe!

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Using Your Journal:

Go back to the front of your journal and read your Pledge out loud.

You’ve committed to making a better life for yourself.  A better life means a life that holds more love – more connection to the significant relationships in your life, new relationships, and time for what matters to you. You are worthy of true and lasting love – with yourself, with family and other important people, with life paths, places and lifestyles. Be open to love in all its forms as you work with your journal this week.

Feel free to use your paints, coloured pens, glitter and stickers to make your journal visually attractive.  Get involved in the love manifestation process by pouring your creative heart into this week’s activities.

Card of the Week: 

2013-03-24 16.30.18Let’s start our week by selecting some reflective spiritual Guidance.  Take your deck of positive cards, or your rune bag.  Close you eyes and offer up a prayer for the Highest Good, and then quiet your mind.

Randomly select a card/rune, trusting that it will have a message to guide you this week.  Write down the name of the card/rune and the message.  Feel free to add any additional thoughts or insights you might have.

Here’s what I chose for us: I love the message and appropriateness of this week’s card!

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Our lives are made rich by relationships, and by having things in our lives that we care about deeply. Who can you reach out to this week and in the months ahead? How can you show love for yourself or someone special to you?

Week 3 Journal Activity:

On a clean page write a stream of consciousness around the question Where do I need more Love?  Start by clearing your mind, and then focus on your heart. This can be a hard thing to do if you haven’t checked in for a while. Look to the following areas and choose any or all of them to explore: self, health, family, life partner, friendships, animal companions, home, hobbies and interests, career, finances, spirituality, community.  No matter what you find when you look inside, intensify that feeling and then start writing. Draw pictures or mind map if you feel like it. Play music if it helps evoke the mood. Cast your net wide, and over the next few days keep adding to your list.  Allow any emotions that come up to be honoured, and then let them go. Keep bringing your attention back to your heart.

And now for heart art…

Collage – Self Portrait: Things that my heart loves.  Today we’re going to make a collaged picture of ourselves, made up of all of the things our heart loves.  If you choose, you can also add in photographs or copies of photographs of people, pets, places and other things dear to you.

Take your pile of old magazines and place them in front of you.  Holding your crystal close your eyes and say out loud “Universe, I am open to all Guidance and my own Higher Wisdom to help me invite, understand and honour the energy of love in my life. I AM love – love is in me and all around me.”  Take a moment and sit in that energy, really feeling yourself connecting into and opening to that heart wisdom.

Then when you’re ready, open your eyes and start flicking through the magazines.  If any pictures or words appeal to you, cut or rip them out and place them beside you. When you have enough images cut them up neatly, and then spend some time arranging them on a page or double page of your journal. Start by drawing a rough outline of your head and shoulders.  Then fill in your self portrait with images and words. If your journal isn’t big enough, feel free to use a sheet of cardboard. Glue your images to the page and leave it open to dry. There are so many things to fill you up with love.  Expect them to start turning up in your life.

Were there any surprises?  Did you notice any particular themes? How can you bring more of this nourishing love energy into your life?

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What’s already working in your life?  List five things in your journal each day that you are grateful for in your life.

Nightly Healing :

Get into bed and spend five minutes lying quietly in meditation with your eyes closed.  Call on God, Universal Energy, your Angels, your Guides, your Ancestors, whomever you feel comfortable and safe with.  Ask for their help.  Fill your body with white light, and then draw coloured light (just allow a colour to come to you) through your crown chakra (an energy point on the top of your head) and send it anywhere in your body that needs healing.  Feel the warmth as the energy radiates through your body, uplifting and healing you.  Know that answers will come while you are sleeping.

Give thanks, send this same healing gift from you to anyone or anywhere else if it feels right, and then sleep.  Expect dreams that inspire, heal and inform. Wishing you a wonderful week.

Much love to you, Nicole ♥ xx



**PS If you enjoyed this post please vote for my blog, Cauldrons and Cupcakes, in the  Best Australian Blogs 2013 Competition. Votes are accepted from all over the world and You can vote here.  Thank you. ♥

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3154

6 thoughts on “Making My Life Work for Me – Week 3

  1. Wow. Ask… Well, google, and you shall receive… Thank you for providing this “love manifestation journal/meditation, etc exercise… Proof to me that it is possible to manifest your dreams.

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