How to use Intuition to Access Your Psychic Abilities

“Cease trying to work everything out with your minds. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be Revelation.”
Eileen Caddy



We all have intuitive abilities – intuition is a glorious part of our human condition.  Problem is, most of us don’t know how to use it.

Today I’m going to take myself right back to the beginning. I’ll share with you some of the stronger intuitive moments I had before I began to really work with my psychic abilities.  I hope that by sharing them, you’ll be better able to recognise these moments in your own lives.  These aren’t fancy or sophisticated.  These are raw moments that led me to a different decision, understanding or action than if I’d just been coming from my head.

The more you listen to your intuition, the more your body attunes to those messages. It begins to heighten your sensitivity. This then begins to develop your extraordinary sensory perception (ESP) and opens the door to your psychic capabilities. All of the small messages to which we pay attention pave the way for the stronger and more important messages to come.

Intuition and gut instinct communicate with us in so many ways. You might get a flash of strong emotion, an image or a movie in your head, a feeling in your body, a sense of deja vu.  You might have an incredibly vivid dream, or a waking dream. Or, you might just know…

Here are some of my own experiences, as a guide for you.

Some of them weren’t about positive things:

In primary school I woke up in the middle of the night because something was wrong.  I could smell smoke, and I felt very anxious. I padded through the house in my pyjamas, but everyone was asleep and everything was as it should be. I climbed back into bed and all I could think about was a girl I knew at school. I wondered if she was angry with me.  The next morning I found out that her house had burned down in the middle of the night.  They were all okay. And their house was too far away from mine for me to have heard a siren or to have smelled anything.  They lost everything.

Image by Martin van Rensburg.

Early in high school, I had a creepy feeling about a family friend. While everyone else liked him, he made me incredibly uneasy. To me his eyes looked ‘too bright’ – like a bird’s eyes’s somehow, always watching, and watching too intensely. Although I couldn’t explain it, I felt very unsafe around him, and I felt that he was full of secrets. Nothing could convince me that he was a nice guy. I could ‘feel’ a wrongness about him somehow.  One day when I was left at home alone with him (he was working as a tradesman and I was home sick from school) he tried to sexually assault me. Mum came home unexpectedly, and I made sure after that to never be around him alone.  Years later, he went to prison – convicted of serial pedophilia and child pornography crimes, mostly against very young boys.

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During a university break, a friend asked me to travel north to pick up a car she had just purchased.  We would drive it home together, stopping at beaches and interesting places along the way. Initially I said yes. It sounded like fun. But then everything seemed to conspire against me. I couldn’t get time off from work, I got food poisoning, one of my grandparents went to hospital. Nothing was working in my favour. I ended up saying no, but instead of feeling bad, I was flooded with this strange sense of relief. About two days after she left for her journey I got this metallic taste in my mouth, and I could smell something like hot brakes on a car.  Then I had a tumbling sensation, like being on one of those wild rides at a sideshow.  It came and went for about a week, and I found it distressing, but I had no idea what it was all about. Then it just stopped.  A few days later my friend’s parents called to me she had rolled her car on a dirt road heading down  a hill to a remote beach, and been badly injured. She spent months in hospital.

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Some of my intuitive experiences have also been about very positive things:

At primary school I sat an examination to win a scholarship to one of Brisbane’s private high schools. Part of the examination required us to write creatively using one of a range of sentences as a starter. The words poured out of me and I just knew they were good. Although I felt unsure about my performance with the rest of the long examination, I was sure about that essay.  I knew it would win me a scholarship.  I felt a great certainty. The day that the letter came, I also knew. I just knew something really good was about to happen.  I felt light and happy all day.  When I came home mum had bought a cake and my grandparents had bought me a posy of flowers. My letter of offer was propped up on the kitchen table beside them. I’d won.

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One day I was invited to a costume party.  I had no costume, and no idea where to get one from. I had to drive across town to meet a friend, and for some reason I decided not to take the freeway.  As I drove through a particular suburb, I decided for some inexplicable reason to turn right off the main road.  There in front of me was a massive costume hire place. I felt so very clever! And I found an awesome pirate outfit…

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Many of you will already know this story, and it has happened long after I began working with my psychic gifts.  But it shows you how my intuition is still guiding me, even when my mind is somewhere else.  I was shopping, late one scorchingly hot summer afternoon, and I heard a sound like a peeping chicken in the shopping centre carpark. I couldn’t ignore it.  I was compelled to go and investigate, although I needed to get home because I had plans I’d been looking forward to all day. Something made me get out of the car, and go looking for the chicken. Of course it wasn’t a chicken – instead I found a tiny puppy, almost dead from heat and dehydration. I brought him home, and took him to the vet, who didn’t hold out much hope that he would survive the night. He proved everyone wrong, and Bert became a wonderful member of our family.

Beautiful Bert!

All you ever have to do with your intuition is listen, and go with what you are feeling or being shown. The more you use it, the easier it gets.  Intuition becomes stronger. Your senses become attuned to more of the flow of Universal wisdom and energy. We are all intuitive. That is our birthright. Like me, sometimes in life, for no apparent reason, you’ll just know.

Often, as people move into a space of psychic awakening, their daily lives becomes a constant stream of intuitive thoughts and experiences. This can be very confronting or disruptive but it settles down quickly the more that you honour and accept this intuitive aspect of yourself.

How about you? What has happened for you in your life that was guided by intuition? I’d love to know!

Much love to you, Nicole xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

10 thoughts on “How to use Intuition to Access Your Psychic Abilities

  1. One morning last October I had an overwhelming urge to stand up, put my arms around my teenage son and say, “I love you.” Something kept telling me to do it. I didn’t. I even fought that urge as he usually pushed me away when I tried to give him a hug, I didn’t want to make him more angry. Instead I talked about something his sister did that morning that he was angry about in the hope he could understand and so feel better, or at least less angry.

    I would give anything to turn back the clock and do what I really felt…Right after that he walked out the door…his friends Mum (without our knowing) drove him away, he lives with them now, he was 14 then.

    Oh how I wish I had listened to my intuition.

  2. Hello Nicole,
    I was supposed to go to Burkina Faso with the association (I am on the board) helping orphans and young mistreated girls. The trip would last one week in January 2016. All was booked and somehow I couldn’t get myself to get the shots done, I ‘d postpone the appointment. I grew very uncomfortable about the whole thing and was trapped: cancel was a big thing for me since the others were counting on me but I couldn’t get myself to go. So I called someone to help me sort out and he asked all of a sudden: “close you eyes now and tell me the first thing that you are seeing”. The answer was: I see men with
    kalachnikovs.”.And I canceled the trip.
    Well, the team had been 5 days there when there was one attentate in a nearby hotel and 30 people (mostly white as they were the target) were killed. The team spent the night wondering if they would be next, their hotel was 800m away. So yes, it does help to listen!

    1. Wow, Cecile, it sure does. I had a similar experience many years ago with cancelling what had been a much anticipated trip to Egypt. Glad you listened to your intuition xx

  3. I have had a whole bunch of psychic experiences growing up and I would play with them a lot. Back then, out of boredom I would psychically tell the time, by closing my eyes and imagining our kitchen stove clock, and I would be accurate 95 percent of the time. Other times, I would ask my spirit guides to show me about some hidden information I wanted to know. Once I asked them to show me my brother’s girlfriend and at the time their relationship was secret, he thought I was spying on him. There were times I didn’t listen to my intuition even though I got so many signs and I paid the price later getting involved with a psychic vampire. I asked my spirit guides when a relationship would end not knowing exactly why but the time they told me was exactly as it happened a year later. There have even been energy cults that I almost fell for, until I noticed that my aura was no longer the usual purple and green colors but a translucent clear color. All the energy downloads were actually harming me spiritually as I felt no longer human and I truly believe now that you should never fall for “accelerated spiritual energy systems” and the whatnot. On another positive note, I met a really good friend of mine who is also quite psychic in a period of my life where I needed therapeutic help. I posted in this group and I pitched a hint to my guides to help me get a therapist or someone to talk to. He said he was drawn to my picture that I posted in a FB group and knew immediately we were going to be friends. We are still friends and it has been 6 months since. 🙂

  4. I’ve had a few intuitive moments, but for the most part I’m too much in my head. Here are three examples though:
    Many years ago a friend brought a new girlfriend over to meet me and my then husband. He’d live with another woman for many years who helped him raise his daughter from an early age, but he never considered marrying her. But when I met the new girlfriend, I knew with a positivity I’d never felt before that the two would get married. I can’t imagine why I would even have bothered to intuit that.
    Another time I was driving home alone from the other side of town late on a Sunday evening. I needed to buy some milk, so pulled up in front of a convenience store. A sense that something was not okay wouldn’t let me get out of the car. I continued on a short way and bought my milk elsewhere. I’ve no idea what would have happened if I’d gone into the first store, but there was no way I could have done it.
    More recently I was asked to quote on editing a book. The subject matter was a perfect fit for me. I just knew this was my job. The author (one of two) who had contacted me was very interested in having me do the work, but the other author wanted to go with a less experienced editor who had given a cheaper quote. I felt quite confused by this turn of events because I knew it was my job. About a month later the first author contacted me again to see if I was still interested in the work. The other editor hadn’t even started on their book and wasn’t able to say when she would be able to do it.

  5. Thanks Nicol for the nice article. Back in Australia, my intuition was working and I had few situation where I knew what will happen. But back in Europe, I feel lost. Can it be that the intuition is working different on different continents?😊

  6. Good morning. I have this weird ability to call people when they have a family member very close to dying. I know now to call and offer support and love and not to ignore the feeling. X

  7. Hi Nicole – I do love reading your writing – just for the delight of the way you express things.
    In this blog, I love the writing as much as the content and you are talking about one of my favourite subjects. You have nailed it as always!!
    Love Sue Girl

  8. I have an ability to “read” people and to call people to me through my thoughts. I have started to become more aware of this so hopefully it will develop more. When my husband had to interview people for jobs he would often ask me about my “read” on them. For now, my read is positive, negative or neutral without further details. Many times when I think of a person, they will call, write or show up.
    I loved reading your stories. Amazing!

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