Find Your Voice! Monday Oracle 15 April 2019

“The things I carry are my thoughts. That’s it. They are the only weight. My thoughts determine whether I am free and light or burdened.”   ~ Kamal Ravikant

Hello, Lovelies!

April calls you to live from your heartspace. This month lifts you above your obstacles or helps you to blaze a trail through them. Expect magical insights and guidance to help light the path ahead. It’s time to believe in yourself and your dreams even if no-one else yet believes. Keep that in mind as we look at the gifts of inspiration which the card Sound brings us.

This week Sound calls us to stand strong in honouring our own truth and honouring our own voice. There are so many ways that we quieten that voice and so many ways we diminish our truth. Not all of that is deliberate. As a society, we are taught to be polite, to get along, to put the needs and happiness of others before our own. (You can read more about this here). But our voice matters too. Speaking and living from our heart space and living our truth helps bring us into alignment with situations, opportunities and relationships that are more suited to our ethics, values, beliefs and talents.

Of course, I urge you to be sensible. Sometimes that truth doesn’t need to be spoken aloud, because doing so might put you in a difficult or dangerous position. But even acknowledging that truth to yourself can help you to choose a different course of action, to leave a job or relationship that no longer works for you, and to begin thinking about options that will suit you better than your current situation.

Sound is also about leadership. It is about being in that place where we can lead family or friends or business or a community by being ourselves and singing our own song in a way that attracts everyone else to us.

When we speak our truth, when we’re speaking our message we attract the people who need that message or who are aligned with whatever it is we are sharing.

If you’ve got a dream, a vision for a business, or something you’d like to offer in the world Sound encourages you to work towards making that a reality this week. Trust that someone will want what you have to offer. Be a contributor – add your voice and energy and know you were given these ideas or gifts for a reason.

Most of all, seek out what makes you happy and reach for what gives you joy. Life is too short to be miserable, stuck and unable to express your true feelings and innermost self.

Supportive crystals this week?

Malachite is a stone to help you overcome perceived limitations. It is a stone of manifestation and abundance that gifts focus and resilience. Amethyst helps us to tune in to all forms of spiritual guidance and to make wise decisions. Blue Kyanite (pictured) will enhance your communication skills, helping you to find the right words and best timing for your message – and helping you avoid self-destructive tendencies. Blue Lace Agate supports your Throat Chakra, helping you to find your voice and speak your truth. It’s a great stone for all forms of communication, and it also brings a sense of calm. 

Helpful essential oils?

Helpful essential oils?

Combine Frankincense, Lemon and Peppermint Essential Oils for an energising and focusing diffuser blend this week. A ratio of 2 drops of Frankincense, and 3 drops each of Lemon and Peppermint is delicious!

Frankincense helps you to be grounded and connected at the same time, and reduces stress and inflammation within the body. Lemon is uplifting and helps bring focus and clarity, and Peppermint refreshes the mind and spirit.

Need an oil to enhance your creativity, and to help you move out of overwhelm or anxiety? Use Neroli by diluting and applying to your pulse points as a perfume or add it to your diffuser alone or with a couple of drops of Frankincense to bring back a sense of being grounded and connected.

I’m passionate about essential oils and their capacity to support our wellness journey and our spiritual and emotional wellbeing. If you’d like to know more or want to source the oils I recommend and trust visit this site or contact me at

Guided Meditation Bundle

I’ve bundled together four powerful guided downloadable meditations and created a companion workbook to support you in your spiritual journey. The Stardust Connection Meditation Bundle will help you to connect with and explore Earth Energies, Ancestor Energies, your Solar Plexus energies and personal power, and the Stardust Energies. There is over an hour’s worth of Guided Meditations and a 38-page workbook. The workbook holds specific instructions for using the four guided meditations, as well as journalling activities and reflection/awareness exercises.

The material in the Stardust Connection Meditation Bundle can be used at any time over the next four years, and beyond. My intention with this bundle is to help you become confident in your direction, your intuition, and your contribution to the unfolding history of the world and humanity. To access the bundle or to learn more about it go to my store or click on this link.

Wishing you a week of clarity, insight and understanding. Be determined to find your joy! Aim high, give life your best shot, and no matter what you do, be true to YOU.

Lots of love, Nicole ❤ xx

PS: Monday’s oracle card, Sound’ , is from the Sacred Power Reading Cards by Anna Stark . I use any cards shown as a prompt for channelled messages and my own own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book. 

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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