Hey Sister, You Okay?

Image from holmsteen.dk

I was looking forward to Saturday. In the last few weeks I’ve supported a friend through the end stages of terminal cancer, holding her hand til she passed, ridden the roller coaster of supporting an addict in recovery, and juggled my daily work and writing. Saturday was this wonderful window of calm in front of me like a soft pillow to lay my weary head.

Nothing went to plan for me. My do-nothing day of leisure and self-replenishment which I had so looked forward to became about helping others through various crises and melt-downs.  It’s okay.  The Universe obviously cleared my calender so I’d be available for the people who needed me most.  But it was an emotionally draining day, capping a difficult few weeks, and it left me wrung out.

I was driving through the inner city late yesterday when the traffic suddenly slowed.  Cars tooted their horns.  People yelled and gestured. I though there must have been a dog on the road.

The traffic slowed to a stop.  I couldn’t see what was happening, so I said a quiet prayer, asking that the animal be okay and be guided back to safety.  Finally the cars began moving again, swerving around something in the middle of the road.  Some stopped to hurl abuse as they drove past. I craned my neck, trying to see what was obstructing our way.

Imagine my horror and disbelief when I saw an elderly aboriginal woman in the middle of the road.  She was just sitting there, a shopping bag beside her on the ground, one shoe off, grazed knees.  I pulled my car over to the side as soon as I could find a park and raced back to check on her.

“Hey, Sister,” she croaked at me as I got closer. “Can you see me? All the rest of your mob think I’m invisible.”

“Hey, Sister,” I called to her.  “I see you. You okay?”

She swung her head towards me, squinting in the sun, but said nothing.  I waited for a car to pass and crossed over to her.

“Hi, I’m Nicole.  Are you okay?  Do you need some help?”

She nodded her head yes.

I helped her up, and over to the footpath. She was unsteady on her feet and I wondered if I should call an ambulance.

“Sorry, love. I’m real sorry.”  She leaned heavily on my arm.  “I just live along here. Too late eating lunch and my strength’s gone. I came over all dizzy. I’ve got sugar,” she said weakly.

“You’re diabetic?” I asked as we walked up some steps to a small flat.


I got her inside, and she asked me to make her a sandwich, while she ate some jellybeans.  Then her neighbour popped in and said she would make her friend a cup of tea and stay with her until she came ‘right’ again.

Before I left I asked if there was anyone I could call, or if she wanted me to take her to the doctor.

The old aboriginal lady patted my hand. “I’m alright now I’m home. You know, you’re a true nice girl,” she said.  “Brought up proper. Your mother and grandmother, you do them proud. Here….”  Reaching over to a box she pulled something out. “This is for you.”

She opened a small drawstring bag and put the contents in my hand, one by one.

A bag full of treasures

“This shell, it’s from up my country.”

She placed it on my palm, and tiny grains of sand stuck to my fingers.  I wanted to hold it to my nose and smell the sea.  Suddenly I was homesick for my little farm at Byron Bay with a physical ache.

“Got this stone from the river.  See how nice and smooth it is.” It was a piece of clear quartz, tumbled milky, and still luminous. I felt such comfort, and thought of Angels.

This one,” she held up a twisted grey rock, “I got this one off the beach. It reminds me of a baby wrapped up tight in his blanket, trying to talk to you. Feels real nice in your hand.”

“This one – it’s coral.  Looks like an alien head with them two eyes.” She chuckled. “Friendly fella for watching over you.”

“And this last one, he’s a fossil crab, real old from the old times.  Good for protecting your soft heart.”

I left with brimming eyes, embarrassed by her kindness.

And I never asked her name.

Today I’m holding these precious treasures in my hands and feeling humbled and awed. I wonder if she knew how much these things would mean to me, or what they symbolise after so hard a day, so hard a week.

Hey Sister, you okay?

I feel like it was HER watching out for ME.

Rainbow Dreaming. Rainbow Tribe. We are One. ♥

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3161

83 thoughts on “Hey Sister, You Okay?

  1. Beautiful story, Nicole. Bless you for having a heart big enough to encompass everyone. It’s appalling nobody stopped to help her before you did. Love how she called the drivers “your mob”! lol I agree with her though. We white Westerners often forget everyone and thing is interconnected. It’s a blessing there are a few of us not completely ‘checked out’ from life.

  2. Reblogged this on Gems of Delight and commented:
    Nicole SAW this woman. And the woman knew that she was being SEEN. Yes, isn’t this what we all want in life — to be seen? THANK YOU from the other side of the planet, Nicole, for being a woman who SEES a sister.

    1. Yes well this was fabulous and inspiring! It also reminds me of a part of the Buddhist meditation of “metta” (lovingkindness) where we NOTICE the “neutral person”…that they too have the same desires, hopes, and needs as we do. Metta in action, girl! That’s what you were doing!

  3. Holy smokes, girlfriend, this is amazing. Your words brought me to this scene. Yes — SISTER. I SEEEEEEE you. You SAW her, friend. You SAW her. And in turn, she saw the amazing YOU. And you know what — all those other folks saw you doing this. You inspired them. They went home and talked about YOU. What you did is planted in their minds and hearts. That’ll inspire others to do the same. I’m reblogging this for folks to see. Wow. Love to you, Lisa

  4. What an amazing story! And an amazing gift. It boggles my mind sometimes when I see people struggling and people just walk on my. My dad is a doctor, and it would just be inconceivable of him to pass someone disoriented or in need of help without offering aid. You did the proper thing and I wish there were more people like you out there!

  5. This seemed like a spiritual dream, vision, or quest to me. So fantastic that the universe presented this gift to you. Wow……fantastic. Sorry for the loss of your friend; I am glad you were able to be there for her during transition. Hugs, Sam 🙂

  6. Thx for sharing, Nicole and thank you dear soul for attending to this woman in need. And what lovely treasures she gave you but I am greatly saddened, as this is the second disturbing story I’ve heard in two days. What happens to people when they can igore others, get annoyed and be inconvenienced by people who need a helping hand?

    And big luv to you soul sista for having such a hard few weeks. Get some much need nurturing and rest. Bless ♥♥♥

  7. Talk about Devine Intervention!! She of course was invisible to everyone else because she was being lead to only you. I love how this happens! You are truly blessed, Nicole!!

  8. You have so many incredible stories! Those treasures you were given are so wonderful, each with its own meaning for the kind lady who gave you them. She couldn’t have been helped by anyone more ready to receive such gifts, it’s a little piece of perfect jigsaw matching. By the way though, what is wrong with all those people who drove past and didn’t help her?!

    1. sadly when she asked “am i invisible to your mob?” the answer was yes, our mob can be blind with a heart of stone, fortunately it takes only a few light workers to stand in their truth and unlock many hearts, so stay open, loving and flowing and we will affect great change for ourselves and others!

  9. ✨Oh Nicole, that is absolutely beautiful, inspiring & magical. Wow you really don’t know what life has planned out for us.. When you follow your heart. That has really, really touched my heart!! Thanks for sharing.. So much love to you are beyond words, you really are.xx

  10. Amazing story, thank you for sharing! I was just talking with a friend yesterday about coming to the aid of an aboriginal man on the side of the road a while back. He was intoxicated but dehydrated and disoriented and needed assistance all the same. It is a big concern for people with diabetes as a hypo looks very much like drunk, so important for them to wear a bracelet but no-one would have seen that from their cars. It’s shocking to think that so many passed her by without assistance and abused her!! Thank God for caring people like you Nicole and so special that she shared her treasures of such beautiful symbolism with you 🙂 xx

  11. yes she was truly looking out for you, your generosity meant that she gave you an even greater gift, she shared her dreaming with you! aboriginal people are the true spirit people of this land, whilst we were busy with technology, progress, disconnection, they have a continuous lineage, over 50,000 years of connection with spirit, land, dreaming, i am continuously amazed by the spirtual wisdom, compassion and generosity aborginal elders show us ‘young pups’, white fellas! you are truly blessed, if we were wiser we would take time to listen, to learn, to be in silence and and honour our aboriginal sisters and brothers – good on you! sx ps what a country we’d be if we reconnected the land spirits to their people, sadly we can only see this through our western eyes of ownership and possession, whereas for aboriginal people, the land owns them, where would we be if this sacred magic was fully reconnected! :o)

    1. no one better knows the interconnected web of life, we are all one, lol! “you’re mob!” – my mob feels like all the light workers and spirit people, but maybe i need to feel it more broadly than that! :o)

    2. oh and joy! such a wicked sense of humour! i bet there were many many many aboriginal buddhas!! :o)

  12. Composed myself now. I was at a town shopping centre in the Kimberley a couple of years ago and was talking on my phone as it was the first time we had been in range for a couple of weeks when I saw at the end of the shopping strip an elderly indigenous man lying down and seemed to be convulsing. I started walking toward him whilst still on my conversation, and I watched 5 people step over him as I started to run to him. I just shoved my phone in my pocket and put my hand under his head to protect it from the concrete…and still people just kept walking past me. I called out to 2 shop owners to call an ambulance because I didn’t have any hands left to call myself because I was trying to protect this mans head from smashing on the hard ground. I was met with blank stares and indifference. Yes… this elderly man was not ‘neatly dressed’. Yes.. he was wearing no shoes. Yes .. he had a beard… but for goodness sake..the Soul was having an epileptic fit and I was surrounded by so much apathy, disinterest, judgement and lack of compassion. As I was bending down talking to him and reassuring him I heard a voice.. “He my brudda”…”He be ok”… I said he needed an ambulance and could someone put a phone to my ear so that I could get an ambulance because he needed treatment. Finally a mobile phone was put to my ear…and I was transferred to a call centre in Melbourne… then Darwin..then to where we were and I was asked whether it was an Indigenous person…to which I repeated this person was having a Grand Mal epileptic seisure and needed to be attended to as soon as possible, and I also asked if they could NOT put thier siren on close to the shopping centre – and I did not answer their question. The ambulance was there in about 10 minutes and I could see rushed to the scene…but when they saw it was an indigenous person they left the siren on for about 5 minutes before they even got out of the ambulance vehicle. The situation was going from bad to worse… and all this Soul needed was respect and medical care. Finally the officers came over and took him to hospital. I said a prayer for him.

  13. Nicole, started crying when I read your words….. still crying after watching and listening to Djarimirri – Gurrumul Yunupingu.
    Yes, Angels and Star children are looked after too. 🙂

  14. beautiful story! Have you got that Book of Stories underway yet? I loved the gifts The Lady passed on to you, this was an appointment made in time you both kept! I look forward to reading about the ‘stories’ within the treasures you un-earth.


  15. One day at a big, busy bus-stop (QPAC) there was a young man near the stairs bent over from the waist with his hands hanging down. It did look different. Difference frightens people. It frightened me. After a minute – and carefully – I approached him. “Hey mate, do you need some help? Do you need me to call someone?” He stood up. “No, no. Thank you.” He explained he had had a double lot of methadone today because of the Easter holidays closing the clinic and after being up all night with his 12 mnth son, who was teething, he could now hardly stay awake. “I have to catch the (number) bus,” he said. He showed me a photo of his baby boy who lived with the man’s parents, with whom he also lived and told me a bit about his life. I saw my bus come, and go. I talked with him a few more minutes till he saw his bus and ran to catch it. It wasn’t that long to the next bus for me and it was interesting how blessed I felt by the sharing with another human…by taking a risk and overcoming my prejudice…recognising we were the same.

  16. Oh Nicole, that was so awesome of you. I would have done the same. Her bag of treasures she gave seems like they were pieces of her heart. I hope you get some rest today beautiful lady.. Hearts n Hugs <3~<3~<3

  17. Oh my goodness, I have the biggest goosebumps! This was obviously meant to be. Of all the people in the world, you would be the one who would most appreciate and value those gifts. So beautiful Nicole ♥

  18. Tears flowing….you are some special lady that’s for sure…every single day you gift my life with incredible lessons….those stones & shells are so precious…..and yes you were being given just what you needed….loving U sweet sister….<3<3<3<3<3

  19. This story touched my heart Nicole. You are so kind and you did what many others were maybe scared or too busy to do. How many people needing a helping hand are we crossing by every day and ignoring? It makes my heart sick to think that people need help and are ignored. I would have done what you did Nicole because nothing is more important than the help you can offer. Some days I sit and just wish someone would come and ask: are you okay?

  20. You have a beautiful spirit, it is afternoon here and reading this I feel like someone finally reached out to me after a day of attack on my soul. When the email came it was if someone was reaching out and finally asking me if I was OK. So thank you for this post and for being sensitive and kind and reaching out to this woman who was ignored by the masses.

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