My Favourite Crystals for Grounding

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“In my opinion, it’s more interesting to see magic happening in a world that feels grounded. If the world is already crazy, then anything can happen. So it’s better to start with something real.” ~ Michel Gondry

Being grounded is all about being centered within our body, having a sense of calm, and enjoying a deep connection and engagement with the world around us. When we are grounded we make better decisions, we behave in ways that are more authentic, and we own our power.

But sometimes we become unsettled by life.  Too much sugar and caffeine, not enough sleep, stress, trauma, interacting with unbalanced people, hormonal imbalance, a big shock, taking other people’s energy into our own aura (healers are often guilty of this!) – any of these things can leave us feeling ungrounded.

Symptoms of being ungrounded include:

  • feeling vague and unable to focus
  • anxiety with no cause
  • sudden dizziness
  • falling asleep while meditating
  • ‘cranky and out of sorts’ that comes on for no reason
  • hungry but food doesn’t satisfy you
  • inability to sleep
  • heaviness in the body
  • feeling ‘spaced out’
  • emotional and over-reactive
  • craving sugar and junk food
  • nausea
  • mental confusion
  • inability to focus on simple tasks
  • feeling like someone just unplugged your power cord
  • sudden exhibition of the same unpleasant thoughts or emotions of someone you were recently with

* Please be aware that some of these symptoms are also signs of a more serious illness.  Use your best judgement, and if in doubt, always seek medical advice.

I’ve written about ways to stay grounded or to move back into that grounded energy here:

Staying Grounded in Uncertain Times

However, when faced with a situation where one of my students or clients needs to get grounded fast, I am a big fan of rocks.  Crystals are super grounding tools, and so easy to use.  All you need to do is hold one, wear one or slip one into your pocket.

Here are some of my favourite grounding stones:

Black Tourmaline

I just love this stone! It is so powerful it can slam you back into your body fast, but gee, it never feels rough or violent.  It’s so gentle in the way that it treats you that I find it perfect for children, sensitive souls and those people experiencing deep emotional turmoil.  It also anchors your into your Earth Star Chakra (about 12 to 18 inches below your feet) and keeps your Earth Star Chakra open and connected into the earth. I never leave home without one…

A tourmalinated quartz will do a similar job, although less powerfully, but it will also keep your aura shielded, strong and bright.

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Who doesn’t love jasper?  There are so many varieties of this earthy stone, and all of them will work with grounding you, so I always advise you to choose what you’re attracted to or what strongly repels you.

Jasper helps you feel at home in your body, and at home in the world. It is wonderful for transmuting negativity and heavy emotions, replacing them with a sense of wellbeing and emotional balance. It realigns your chakras and ‘snaps you into place’.

Jasper is gentle, and it takes a little while for the affects to be felt, but that’s why I favour it for people with long-term imbalances like anxiety and depression, ADD, ADHD, post traumatic stress, bi-polar or chronic illness.  It has a strong mothering energy, and it is a superb nurturer.

I’ve included some charts of the various jaspers below – as you can see, there are many beautiful stones to choose from.


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Bloodstone is actually a base form of chalcedony and the red spots that look like blood, hence giving this stone its name, are dots of iron oxide or blood red jasper (see jasper above).

Bloodstone is a crystal I use a lot with clients who are are suffering the effects of toxicity – be that toxins from diet (sugars, artificial sweeteners, chemicals etc), the effects of being in a toxic relationship or working/living with toxic people, or toxins from long-term illness, infections or pathogens.

This crystal gives courage, and aids mental and emotional clarity.  It strongly detoxifies your physical, emotional and energetic bodies, and allows you to gain strength and energy.  It anchors and connects your heart, base and earth star chakra, and strongly gets you ‘out of your head and into your heart’. Bloodstone helps you stand firmly  in your own truth.

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Green Aventurine

When you’re overwhelmed, jaded, broken-hearted, exhausted and at the end of your rope Green Aventurine is a perfect grounding stone for you. This stone is a variety of quartz, with fuschite and mica inclusions.

Green Adventurine cuts through misery and enables us to feel joy again.  It helps us to remember that we are in a body (as opposed to living bogged down in feelings or emotions) and it is very healing for the nervous system, lymph and circulation.

A positive side affect of this stone, besides grounding us back into our bodies and opening us up to joy again, is that we often feel inclined to eat better, to exercise and enjoy the benefits of living in a body.  It helps re-engage us with the physical aspect of ourselves and the world around us.

It is also strongly connected to the Devic Kingdom and Fairy Realms. Needless to say, most children adore this stone!

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Septarian Nodules

This attractive combination of minerals include aragonite, calcite, chalcedony, limestone and mudstone (the grey muddy bits!).  Septarian Nodules aren’t for beginners.  I use them to rebalance people who have become ‘unbalanced’ doing psychic work, energetic healing, counselling or within a therapy-based business.

They clear our psychic connection, anchor us into our base and earth star chakras, clear out and balance ALL chakras, and help us to come back to ‘true’. Awesome for clearing energies and entities from our aura just by holding the stone.

* Not for prolonged or daily use.  See this as part of your emergency toolkit.

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Unakite combines a form of red jasper with epidote (the green part of the stone).  I use this stone for grounding people who are emotionally distressed after experiencing disruptive family or home life.

It is brilliant for anyone (including children!) going through relationship breakups, relationship transitions or life transitions.  It encourages strength, openness and optimism.  It is very restorative for the physical body and encourages healthy sleep patterns.

Image from The Crystal Rock Store
Image from The Crystal Rock Store


I know you’re probably shrugging your shoulders here, wondering why I have included pearls, as they are an ocean ‘stone’.  But I love the gentle mothering energy of pearls and mother-of-pearl.  It is perfect for babies, the elderly, the dying, anyone who is very weak or frail, and for souls whose point of origin is starseed (ie not from Earth).

Pearls connect us to the wider cosmos, and help us feel at home in the greater scheme of things.  They also gently connect us into our Higher Selves, helping us to feel connected, grounded and expanded.

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If you’d like to learn more about working with crystals you can find more information here:

How to work with Crystals – a Four Day Exploration

Crystals for Highly Sensitive People

I’m also currently putting together a home-study course on crystals and crystal healing.  I’ll keep you posted!  Or you might like to drop us a line via the contact form on my website and ask to be advised about courses as they become available.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

16 thoughts on “My Favourite Crystals for Grounding

  1. Thanks so much for this post. Absolutely a lifesaver today! My only question is why Septarian is not suitable for prolonged or daily use. I ordered my sphere on a whim, but as fate would have it, its probably the one stone I feel I need to have around me – just feels right in my hand, very comforting. I always have it when driving in the car and I do a lot of driving. Is it possible to become too dependent on the healing properties of this stone?

  2. Thanks for the explanation on pearls. I’ve always loved them and have a fair collection of pearls; I just never knew their purpose. I haven’t found this information elsewhere. So, thank you.

  3. 🙂 Thank you Nicole. I have a black tourmaline, lots of jasper, green aventurine, and pearls are my birthstone (I love them). This is good encouragement for me to start working with them. <3

  4. When I was a kid, I used to have a rock collection. I would sometimes read about the powers of different stones, but I think I was too young to actually get it. I look forward to getting a couple of these. I could definitely use some grounding right now!

  5. I love your posts on crystals. My daughter, who is highly sensitive, is very responsive to crystals. She suffers dreadfully with anxiety among other things, and recently we were at the Eumundi markets and stopped to look at a crystal stall. She was immediately drawn to the black tourmaline and asked me to buy one for her. I didn’t, I don’t know why…..since then she has often mentioned to me that I should have bought her that stone – that she really needed -“I told you mum!!”. Reading your post – I see why it would have been good for her – I should have listened, SHE knew what she needed!!! Thanks Nicole!! Thinking of you often on your healing journey xxx

  6. Ooh, I love and use most of the above myself (I want one of those nodules now, though – that’s a new one on me!). I’ve been particularly attracted to pearls and shells myself lately (and incorporating them into my energy jewelry a lot) – for the reasons you mentioned, and after receiving a lovely vision from my primary spirit guide a little while ago. I had never much thought of them as “stones” either, but they do have a really beautiful energy!

    I also have a wonderful big Eye of Shiva stone that I find immensely grounding (and as a woo-chick my base chakra is woefully underdeveloped, so I need it). It’s also very soothing, probably by virtue of being a form of jasper and banded agate. I adore it, and the best part is that it spins like a top!

    Hope you’re feeling better lately, and I’m sure we’d all be curious to know what kind of stones you’re using in your healing process as well. I bought my first crystal skull the other day, and he’s turning out to be the loveliest little companion. His name is Erick the Happy Crystal Skull. You’d probably like him. 🙂

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