Brisbane Pop-Up Shop and Workshops – August 2016

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“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.”
~ Robert Frost


I’ve organised some lovely events for August. I hope you can join us! More details soon, but here’s an overview. Please save the following dates.

From Friday 19 to Sunday 21 August I’ll be running a pop-up shop in Brisbane, as well as some one day workshops at St Colomb’s Church Hall at Victoria St, Clayfield.


Pop Up Shop:

Friday 19 August from 3pm to 6.30pm. Come along and have a cup of tea with us while you view my beautiful range of hand-chosen crystals, singing bowls, oracle and tarot cards, prayer shawls and pashminas, crystal jewellery, incense and much more. I will be on hand to answer all of your questions, and to give advice on the selection and use of crystals.

An Evening of Channelling With Nicole:

Friday 19th August from 7pm to 9pm. Come along and meet some of my guides. They will share information about a range of topics, as well as answering questions from the audience. I rarely conduct channelling sessions outside my retreats, so this is a very special offering. These nights are always entertaining, educational and often very enlightening.

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Saturday 20 August – One Day Workshop

Spiritual Foundations – This one day workshop will cover the practices and tools that can help you to develop a regular spiritual practice and strengthen your intuitive and psychic ability. We will look at the fundamentals of working with crystals, connecting with your guides, simple meditation techniques, using oracle and tarot cards to give yourself or others an intuitive reading, and some foundation metaphysical principles for raising your vibration. These are all the things I used at the beginning of my own journey. I’ll also show you how to move past limiting self-doubt and into a place of connection and flow.


Sunday 21 August – One Day Workshop

Spiritual ‘Business Round Table’ – Did you know that one of my superpowers is business? If  you have a business that you would like to launch or to grow, this might be the workshop for you. In the morning we’ll be looking at defining your product or service, and your target audience. We’ll also look at how to work with your Guides and intuition to really align your business with your natural talents and skills. We’ll examine the practicalities of connecting with your tribe, and how that can look. We’ll learn how to use spiritual energies as well as management skills to set your intention and put your dreams in motion. We’ll look at what business model might suit you best. In the afternoon we’re going to have a ’round table’ where we workshop your biggest problem or idea around your business. I will give EVERY participant attention and advice, so we are keeping these numbers small. You’ll also need to fill out a small survey before the workshop so that I can do some preparation for each of you before the workshop and make my material relevant to your particular needs.

I’ll post more details in the coming days, so stay tuned.

And remember I’m launching a mini retreat for you tomorrow.

Love and hugs from here at beautiful Byron Bay, Nicole xx

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PS – Mini Online Chakra Retreat Reminder

Starting Monday I’ll share a little of the things we are doing here at my Chakra Wisdoms Retreat that you might like to try too.

If you would like to join us for a little virtual retreat magic you’ll need a journal, a favourite crystal and a deck of your favourite oracle or tarot cards. (If you don’t have any cards you can use an online deck – I’ll post links on Monday!)

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

2 thoughts on “Brisbane Pop-Up Shop and Workshops – August 2016

  1. I’ve been so excited about the pop up shop, channeling night Nicole but given that you are in pain and preparing for upcoming surgery I am guessing it is cancelled. Will you be rescheduling for next year perhaps? 💜🙏🏻

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