Tune In To Your Body This Month!

“If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.” 
~ Deepak Chopra

Hello, Lovelies!

Have you felt a shift this month, especially in regard to your health and wellbeing?

The students who attended my recent Connect to Your Calling Retreat certainly have. And so have I. Before Retreat I asked them to give up coffee, alcohol, sugar and red meat for the week before our time together and then during the event itself. Now they are home and most of them have found that the taste for coffee and several other things just hasn’t returned.

But it’s not just them. The energies around us now really support you reconnecting with your body’s own wisdom. If you tune in to your body it will clearly show you what it wants more of, and what it wants less of.

Pay attention. Has your regular morning latte been tasting less yummy? Have you been craving fruit or vegetables? Do you have a sudden urge for early nights or yoga or a walk around the block? Maybe you don’t feel like eating breakfast, or you are suddenly starving at breakfast but aren’t hungry at dinner. Honour that!

Where are your preferences changing?

Where are your rhythms changing?

Your body knows what it wants and if you listen to those gentle urges and signs it will reward you with more balance, energy, health and flow.

I’m really curious to hear if you have noticed a shift around your awareness in regard to diet, exercise, sleep or other factors that impact your wellbeing. Let me know in the comments below.

Lots of love, Nicole ❤ xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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4 thoughts on “Tune In To Your Body This Month!

    1. Here in Australia as we move into Autumn with a great sigh of relief the feeling is much the same. Take, care, Rosie, and thanks for sharing xx

  1. Hello Dear Nicole ~ yes, I have certainly felt a shift of awareness to honouring my body/temple more. My hubby & I have started having fruit smoothies in the mornings and I’ve been eating quite a lot of watermelon of late (have always liked it but now have an actual craving for it). I’m also on a mild detox & trying to listen to my body properly for a change. As you so rightly say, we forget to tune into it. I have found it difficult to eat red meat for some years now & only very occasionally have some. I prefer lighter meals & find it difficult to tolerate anything too rich, as I did of old. I also love eating just a plate of vegetables. Thank you for your wise words, as always. Bright Blessings, Sue 🙂

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