Possibility and Expansion – Monday Oracle 10 February 2020

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.”


Hello, Lovelies!

February is a month for standing in your truth and letting others see you as you are, for making imperfect starts, for trusting in synchronicities and Universal Guidance, and for acknowledging our connection to the Earth.

Keep that in mind as we explore the gifts that the oracle card EXPECTATION  brings us this week. EXPECTATION is from the Sacred Earth Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno & Leela J Williams.


Can you feel the change that has been happening in the energies over the last few days? We had a slow start to the year, and there was much exhaustion and inability to commit to plans or actions.

But that’s shifting.

EXPECTATION brings a strong message of hope and possibility this week. This week is about bringing your heart into alignment with your dream of a bigger and brighter future.

You’ll find that you are READY to plan this week, and even more than that, you are ready to TAKE ACTION.

You’ll find that you can be more loving toward yourself. More generous and kind. And firmer when you need to be too.

Take time to re-examine your plans and dreams. Be a little bold. Stretch yourself. EXPECTATION brings the ability for you to move past old limiting beliefs and behaviours and to see a future that truly honours your capacity to be who you came here to be.

That means you might need to let go of some of the activities, beliefs and relationships that are holding you back, bogging you down, or that are downright destructive or sabotaging of your goals and dreams.

But, lovely, this is your one precious life. So if you need to get out those shiny silver scisssors and chop away those cords that bind you to an old and outdated version of yourself, this is the week to do it. Be ruthless. Be brave. A week like this won’t come again for a long while, so take action.

Start that planning. And then IMPLEMENT part of that plan. This week. Right now. Make every day count. Better things are coming, so align yourself with that. Keep your face to the sun and turn your back on the shadows of your old life. Then keep walking forward in life. There’s no more time for living in the past.

It doesn’t need to be perfect. (Need a refresher on February’s energies – go here!) You don’t need to be perfect. You simply need to start. Imperfectly, and with a plan. Small steps, lovely. That is what will take you from where you are now to where you want to be. Small steps, one after the other, over and over again – with a few miracles and synchronicities to lift you along from time to time, in more extraordinary ways.

Believe in the possibility of your dream. Expect it! Then move confidently towards it, arms wide open to receive, with your small and imperfect steps.

Supportive crystals for the week ahead

Tiger Iron, a delicious combination of hematite, red jasper and tiger eye, will help you to find your courage and to stay grounded in your vision of a better life. It will bring out your creative problem-solving ability too. Celestite will call the Angelic realms to support you if you must make hard decisions or take brave actions this week. And who doesn’t need that kind of support now and again? Amethyst (pictured) develops psychic and intuitive connection, and helps you to manifest and become clear about your life path. It is a supportive stone as you make decisions about your direction in life.

Helpful Essential Oils

GeraniumWild OrangeSandalwood, and Lavender work beautifully on their own or in combination this week to help you to tap into awareness, clarity, connection and inner strength, and to overcome anxiety and fear this week.

As a blend for your diffuser add two drops of each oil. A drop of each oil in the bath is heavenly too. It’s a great blend to get you out of your head and into your heartspace. It promotes spiritual connection optimism and trust in yourself and the Universe.

Freaking out or find yourself absolutely stuck in inertia? Rub a drop or two of Sandalwood over your heart and on the back of your neck to help reconnect Solar Plexus, Heart, and Crown Chakra, bringing you gently into alignment with your personal truth.

Want to expand your intuitive abilities and get clear on your life path?

I have just come back from Sedona, where I spent a week in meditation, out in the wilderness with the Songlines, Vortexes and Portal, doing metaphysical work and working on connecting my Journeymaker Circle Membership students to those same energies.

This is the kind of deep work I would normally only offer during my private retreats and residential teaching intensives.

I also communicated with my Members, during and after the event, to explain what I was doing, to answer their questions, and to give them further teaching and activities.

There is so much more work we will be doing together this year, and we are all excited about the transformations and breakthroughs that are already taking place within the group. There will be a few more times to experience these same energies and rituals this year, but only via my private Membership. I only have the capacity to work with limited numbers of people at this level.

All of this Journeywork I did in Sedona, and that I am continuing to do via our private Facebook Group, is a bonus part of the Membership, and is in addition to the online courses, resources, community and activities I already offer in the Membership area.

For the next short while I am offering 12 months membership to the Journeymaker Circle for just $457 USD for an entire year. If you join now I’ll honour that price forever, as long as you remain a current member. That’s our special introductory offer, and we have limited places remaining at that rate. And my Membership will never be available at this price again.

So, if you’d like to join us, or you’d like more information visit this link for all the details:

Journeymaker Circle Membership

I look forward to mentoring you, and advancing your abilities and talents.

Much love, Nicole xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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