How to take a Blessings Bath

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“The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.” 
~ Henry Ward Beecher

Today’s post is all about nurture. I want to share with you a process that I call a Blessings Bath.  I usually take a Blessings Bath when I am feeling anything but blessed; when I am truly exhausted, wretched, miserable and broken.  It has never failed to get me into a better space. And once you move into that better space you can sleep. You can heal.  You can go on…

This is a beautiful ritual – a mini-break you can treat yourself to whenever you need that extra love and care. It helps if you can gather your materials together beforehand and make the effort to create a space that is inviting and relaxing.

It’s best done at the end of the day, when you can move from your bathroom to the bedroom and enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A bristle brush for dry skin brushing
  • A bath (if you don’t have a bath you can modify this by using a deep bucket or tub for a foot bath)
  • A shower
  • Your choice of bubble bath, bath salts, epsom salts and essential oils.  (An epsom salts bath is an excellent way to de-stress, get some magnesium into your frazzled system, and cleanse your aura as well as your body. If you’d like to lean more, click here).  At a minimum use the salts, but I must say that I love the comfort of some good bubbles too – invest in a good quality body wash or foam that is free of nasty chemicals. You’re worth it!
  • Your choice of crystals (optional, but good! – I’d recommend rose quartz, clear quartz, carnelian, hematite, howlite or blue quartz.  Use tumbled stones that you can place directly into the tub or bucket, and that are too big to get washed down the drain.)
  • Some soft fluffy towels
  • Candles, and something to light them with
  • Body oil or lotion (I use organic coconut oil ♥)
  • Relaxing music
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Run your bath and add epsom salts, crystals, oils etc,  Make it tolerably hot if you are using epsom salts so that your pores open and you can detox from your lymph and uptake all that beneficial magnesium).  Turn on your music, softly, so that it is background music, and light your candles. (Please keep candles away from shower curtains and anything flammable.) Turn off the lights so that the room is dimly lit. If you live in a cold climate, make sure your room is warm!

Dry Skin Brushing:

Dry skin brushing stimulates our lymphatic system, helping us to detoxify and to improve our circulation.  It also removes dead skin cells and leaves our skin softer. Over time this beneficial practice can greatly aid your health and well-being, strengthening your immune system.  It’s also great for cellulite! As you brush, always direct your strokes from the extremities back towards your heart.

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As you dry brush your body affirm to yourself I am ready to release. I am letting go.  Say it softly, over and over, as you brush.

Undress, then take your bristle brush and starting at the toes of your left foot use short smooth strokes to brush up to your knee.  Then work from your knee to your groin. Cover your whole leg using a soft but firm pressure.

Now work from your fingertips on the left arm up to the armpit. Swap and do your right arm. After this do your back, using long sweeping movements to go from your shoulders down to the middle of your back.  Then brush from your buttocks back up to the middle of your back.

Finally brush the front of your body – from your shoulders towards your heart and then your belly in a clockwise direction. Avoid your face, but do include the back of your neck.


Step into the bath. (If you’re using a foot bath sit down and place your feet in the bucket.)

Settle in and get comfortable. Then place your hands so that they are resting on your heart. Gently repeat the words Thank You on every out breath. Do this for as long as you stay in the bath.

These two little words will powerfully shift those negative emotions and energetic blocks within your body, opening you back up to peace and flow.

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Fee yourself soften and relax. Don’t struggle with your feelings. Allow any trapped or suppressed emotions come to the surface, stay focused with your hands on your heart and keep saying thank you. If you need to cry, do so. But keep saying Thank You.

When you feel calm and centered, step out of the bath. Turn on the shower (pull the plug if you have a combined shower/bath so you don’t flood the room) and rinse off the last of the bath water, feeling it running down the drain. Keep affirming the words Thank You, aloud or to yourself.

Finish with a short burst of cold water – about thirty seconds is fine.  This is fantastic for your circulation and immune system.

Towel yourself dry.

Oiling the Body:

Now that we have detoxed and cleansed our body we are going to nurture and love it some more. Take your oil or body lotion, and starting with your face, neck and ears gently rub the oil into your skin. As you do this say Thank You on every out breath. Really feel yourself connecting with and nurturing your body. Thank your body from your heart. Allow yourself to feel love and gratitude for your life.

Continue to apply oil, doing each arm and then your front, back and legs.  Pay attention to your fingers, toes and the soles of your feet.  Make sure every inch of your body is pampered and cared for.

Use a towel again to blot any excess oil, and then dress in something loose and comfortable.

Retire to your bedroom or somewhere else quiet and private.  Lie down or sit in a comfortable chair and rest or drift off to sleep.

I hope you find comfort and nurture in this ritual. Bless ♥ xx

**PS If you enjoyed this post please vote for my blog, Cauldrons and Cupcakes, in the  Best Australian Blogs 2013 Competition.  You can do that here.  Thank you.

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Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

27 thoughts on “How to take a Blessings Bath

  1. I’ve practiced this type of relaxation bath for years, now. However, I like the idea of calling it a Blessing Bath. I’m afraid I am tempted to use the title but will not as it fits you very well. But, I like it very much. I have used epson salts for my aching joints. I hadn’t been aware that others did, too. My Dad, a very hard laborer, taught me that one. Very nice post … informative and tranquil.
    Nmaste …

  2. Lovely! I do something quite like this most Sundays. It’s very relaxing! I made a nice scrub the other day using coconut oil, baking soda, olive oil, and some essential oils, and it ended up smelling exactly like lemon sandwich cookies! I’m having a hard time not eating it! 🙂

  3. I can’t wait to have this central line pulled out of my jugular! I so hope it’s tomorrow, so I can at least have a blasting shower. You’ve seen my mini-bath, which I’ve been using because I can’t shower with this line in, so once it’s removed, I’m heading straight to Mum and Dad’s for a full of water-epsom-salts blessings bath. Heaven knows I need one … xoxo

  4. This sounds so lovely! I am looking forward to trying it out – I am a bath fiend haha. Thank you for your beautiful blog – I love checking in and seeing what gems of goodness are here.

  5. Oh so lovely ..I started to relax just reading this! Sometimes we need to be reminded to really care for ourselves. My house is full of family visiting at the moment, which I love, but come Thursday night after they have been deposited at the airport I am going to be going straight to my bathroom to carry out this plan to the letter!

  6. Yes Soklis sad to happy bath never fails to repair my tired aching body and spirit. I use 2 cups of good grade ES and a cup of salt to detox the negative energy from my day. Music candles oils and crystals it is truly miraculous. Thanks Sokli xxxx

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