Are You Ready to Learn to Channel?

Mandelbrot Set Antenna Image from Wikipedia
Mandelbrot Set Antenna Image from Wikipedia

“I suspect everybody has a degree of psychic ability, just as a everybody has a degree of athletic or artistic ability. Some people have special gifts; other people have a particular interest that leads them to develop their abilities. But the phenomenon itself is ordinary and widespread.”
~ Michael Crichton, Travels

“Psychic power is the ability to download information directly from the Universe.”
~ Lada Ray


Have you always wanted to connect in to Universal Energy and Wisdom for counselling, healing, teaching, writing or energy work?

Do you feel a calling to spiritual service, or a need to explore your psychic gifts?

Are you going through a psychic awakening and don’t know what to do, or how to best access your gifts and talents?

If your answer is yes, then my Beginners ‘Channelling Intensive’ Retreat is for you!

From 27 June to 1 July, 2015, I’m hosting a residential retreat at Byron Bay to teach you how to safely and easily tap into your own psychic and intuitive abilities.

Channeling enables us to connect with our Higher Selves, Guides, Angels, those who have crossed over, other Dimensional and Light Beings, and Spirit. It has always been a natural progression of ability for Aware Souls. Over this course I will take your natural ability and amplify it, showing you proven techniques for connecting, to bring through information and energy for Self and others.

If you want to develop stronger spiritual trust and connection for self growth, and you wish to be of service to humanity in some way, this course will help you to overcome your fears and begin listening to the wisdom and loving guidance that is ALWAYS around you.

All of us are indelibly connected to each other and to all things.  This intensive foundation workshop is aimed at burning through your blockages, self-doubt and inhibitions such that you will be able to open your higher and finer channels of awareness and communication.

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NOTE: THIS IS NOT A “BEGINNER’S” COURSE IN THE TRUE SENSE OF THE WORD.  YOU WILL BE TREATED AS INITIATES TO A HIGHER INTENSITY OF WORKING ABILITY.    Don’t be alarmed by that statement – if you are attracted to this course you are no beginner, even if you currently feel that way! You’ll have the abilities to do what needs to be done, and you may in fact be re-awakening lifetimes of experience and skill.  I’ll still be giving you the basics and laying that solid foundation, but I’ll expect you to work, I’ll push you to work, and I’ll break through your objections and fears so that you learn to trust yourself and what you are bringing through.

It is expected that graduates of this course will eventually go on to bring through energies that assist them in maximising their gifts and talents, including becoming healers, energy workers, spiritual counselors/guides and teachers in their own fields of interest.

The time is right, and in your heart you know you’re ready. I’m so excited to be able to facilitate this part of the journey for you.

This course isn’t called an ‘Intensive’ for nothing. Over our time together I will be immersing you in a spiritual and energetic world where you will be rapidly propelled into Connection and Awakening.

You may already be working with these energies. If so, terrific! Be aware that this course is about giving you a range of skills to create, and build upon, a solid spiritual and metaphysical foundation.

If you feel the call, if in your heart you know it’s time, then accept the challenge, step up and become who you always intended yourself to be!

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What we’ll cover on this Retreat:

  • An introduction to channeling, the various energies and forms through which this connection can take place, and how individuals have used this energy in past and current times for good works and healing
  • An initiation meditation and attunement to prepare you for accepting channeled energy
  • Channeling demonstration with Nicole’s Guides, allowing you a fantastic opportunity for questions and answers
  • Preparation for Channeling – Learn how to raise your auric vibration, energy levels and spiritual integrity so that you can channel effectively and safely. Nicole will discuss diet, sleep, right intent, meditation and prayer, and other forms of connection and purification. She will also talk about the importance of spiritual and soul growth, and what this actually means for you. You will learn about the role of the Lightworker as a Channel, and the inherent responsibilities this entails.
  • Connection to your Guides and energetic team.
  • Trance Channel – Learn how to Channel from a Trance state. This is the easiest form of energetic Channeling, but can also be the most unstable. You will find out how to safely “Step out of the way” so that your body can be used as an energetic medium for other energy forms.
  • Channeled Writing and Art – learn how to open yourself up to Divine Connection and Partnership to facilitate the glorious energies of co-creation. This is truly what it means to be Divinely Inspired. Wonderful if you are considering writing, teaching and speaking for a living.
  • Conscious Channel – learn how to open to that state of working with full consciousness, so that you are present and able to guide the flow of information, ask questions, and stay actively involved in this process. This is a natural progression from Trance Channeling and is the form Nicole uses most often.
  • Awareness Channel – A more subtle form of channeling, this is the one most commonly used by Lightworkers in the service of others. This allows you to help others in a respectful and immediate way by working with Mediumship, Guides, Angels and Beings of Light. Learn the protocols and universal laws associated with this technique.
  • Healing Channel – This ancient mystical tradition is only passed to those who will use it responsibly. It allows you to work with healing energy to alter energy patterns within the body, and for the planet.
  • You’ll learn how to give accurate readings for yourself and others, using a range of techniques. You’ll also learn how to give healings for yourself, others, and distance healings.

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New Skills and Shining Up of Old Ones:

The techniques taught in the retreat are sacred and powerful, and can only be used with discernment and for the Highest Good.  Expect that in using them, you will become increasingly balanced, connected and enlightened, and of greater service to others. Many things you tap into will be familiar to you from lifetimes of previous experience.

You will be shown how to do hands-on healing, intuitive healings and readings, and you will leave the retreat with a firm understanding of where your energetic gifts lie. Not all channeled forms will appeal to you – some you will excel at, while others may be more difficult or taxing for you.  This is all part of the learning process. Throughout the retreat Nicole will conduct channeled sessions with her own Guides to customise your learning experience. You’ll also be strongly connected into your Guides, a healing team, or whoever else is appropriate for your journey. This is only the beginning of a long and wonderful working relationship with the energetic realms. This retreat will help you commence and cement these energetic bonds.

You must be willing to follow some strict protocols in relation to preparation for the course to ensure the best possible results for yourself and others.  This will include one month of preparatory guided meditations and self-reflection activities and a sensible cleansing diet for five days before the course, including no alcohol or recreational drugs and limited caffeine.

The retreat is a hands-on course and numbers will be strictly limited.


The retreat will be hosted at Sangsurya, a peaceful ridge-top spiritual sanctuary amidst 10 hectares of sub-tropical gardens and walking trails, with a range of single or share accommodation options. The event will be fully catered with our own personal chef who has prepared an organic menu designed to lift your vibration and enhance your energetic connection. This tasty food will showcase the best of the Byron Bay region’s produce, and special dietary needs will be caringly supported.

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Who are we working with?

Nicole Cody was born into a long line of western women with powerful spiritual connection. During her twenties she was mentored by a group of Aboriginal Elders and initiated into many of their methods of channeling and healing. She began working professionally as a channel and psychic over twenty-five years ago, and has been involved in intensive daily meditation and spiritual practice since her teens.

On this course you will also be guided by Nicole’s spiritual team, each of whom have specific gifts and who are ready to hook you up to your own Guides. Your Guides have been waiting for you and they are matched to your talents and purpose. It will be like coming home to old friends.

Nicole also has a team of healers and energy workers standing by to give you extra support, to oversee our healing rooms, and to give each of you individual attention, support and energy work.

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Why now?

We are moving into the beginning of a new energetic age. The old ways are slow ways, and no longer well suited to the quickening energies of this dawning era. You will have felt the turbulence and quickening of these Universal energies. You’ll feel a resonance and a readiness for this next stage, and for being an important part of the process which will unfold this new era.

This is an important time to bring about positive change for individuals, families, communities, societies and the planet. You have gifts and energy to contribute to this time of shift and change.

Support for the Journey:

Everything you need to support your journey – before the event, during the retreat, and then when you get home – will be provided, including guided Meditations recorded specifically for this group, essential oil blends, a meditation tea, and crystals chosen by Nicole and programmed specifically for each of you. You’ll each experience an individual session with Nicole to help you truly understand your spiritual gifts and purpose; a personal healing and attunement in the healing rooms; and be gifted a Bush Flower healing essence blended just for you.

rock love


How to Book:

To secure a place you must complete an expression of interest. Nicole will assess each application as to your readiness for this work. If at this time you are not ready, Nicole may suggest other courses to build your foundation skills and prepare you for working at this intensive level.


Places are strictly limited to ensure the highest level of individual attention, so please contact us immediately by emailing Dana Hartnell directly at to request your booking form. Or call us in Australia on +61 7 3256 0815 or 0438 438 775.

We look forward to sharing an incredible and life-changing journey with you.


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

12 thoughts on “Are You Ready to Learn to Channel?

  1. Nicole since november 30/11 after my wifes birthday weekend which we spent at hawkes nest ,on the monday morning i beleive i had a vision of william tyrell come to me ,so real it disturbed me ,as if i was looking through hes eyes ! it happened again last sunday morning in castle hill at my wifes aunties ,i had a vision from a girl missing from redland or redbank in queenslad ,like looking through her eyes ,again left me distrubed and tired lately 1 am i going nut or mad ,need help ,Peter

  2. This sounds like a powerful retreat. Blessings on all of the participants! You will be in good hands with Nicole…..I can feel it in my bones.

  3. “clap your hands! clap your hands!” ( giggle, giggle ) I am filled with the unrestrained glee of a young child to see you embracing your true nature and gifts Nicole! I am truly so happy for you! You look so happy and at peace in your picture! Your retreat will be absolutely amazing! You have the qualities of a wonderful teacher and guide! ( wonderful doesn’t quite seem to be an adequate word) A truly life altering journey for those lucky souls who attend! Keep up the “good” work Nicole! Sending many blessings of love Nicole!

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