Animal Messengers – An Oracle Of Encouragement

Lots of people talk to animals…. Not very many listen, though…. That’s the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Hey, Lovelies!

The Animal Kingdom contains a wealth of wisdom, and today we are going to tap into that wisdom, to find a message relevant to us right now.

I was inspired to create this post from the multitude of wildlife and natural wonders here at our treehouse. While it isn’t always possible for everyone to sit on their doorstep, or walk through a field, waiting to gain clarity and perspective from the animals that cross your path, today you can tune in to a series of images, and from them find a message just for you.

Instructions for using today’s post

Scroll down through the following animal images and then let yourself come back to the one you are most drawn to.

When you have chosen your image, scroll further down for your message; designed to help you focus on spiritual and personal growth.

Trust that you will be shown what you most need to know right now.

Love and Light,

Nicole ♥ xx

Let Nature Guide You…

1.  Australian Dingo:

2.  Red Panda:

3.  Siberian Tiger:

4.  Horse:

5.  Elephant:

6.  Hermit Crab:

7.  Owl:

8: Swan:

♥ The Healing Message and Gift of each Image ♥

Each animal image has a message for you. I have also selected a crystal to best support the message and energies of change in your life.  You could wear or hold this crystal, pop it in your pocket, under your pillow or beside your bed. (If you’d like to know more about working with crystals click here) The Power Word is a word to remind yourself of the quality you most need right now.  You can turn it into your own personal mantra by saying “I choose ___________ ” (insert your Power Word).

1.  Australian Dingo:

♥ MessageIt’s time to break free from the pack, and to trust only those closest to you with your plans and future intentions. Think carefully about your next moves, where you want to go, what you wish to become – and then create a map of how you’re going to get there.  It doesn’t matter if your plan will take time.  Becoming always does. Slowly but surely put your plan into action, knowing that all you need to do is follow your plan, put one foot in front of the other, and your future success will be assured. Your time to begin is now!

♥ Crystal – Tiger Eye  

♥ Power Word – Independence

2.  Red Panda:

♥ Message – Red Panda knows that true happiness comes from a combination of work and play. It’s time to end your social isolation and reach out to friends and family, engaging with life again. Red Panda also knows that there must be some portion of your life devoted to spiritual contemplation and meditation, and another part that is about study and personal growth.  Red Pandas are always learning. True mental power and personal breakthrough comes from a combination of rest, work, reflection and play. When learning opportunities come up, say YES!

♥ Crystal – Blue Kyanite

♥ Power Word – Learning

3.  Siberian Tiger:

♥ Message – Tiger warns you against being scattered in your energies.  It is time to focus on your goals with clear intent, and to remove time wasters and meaningless relationships from your life. Find yourself a good teacher or mentor.  Mentor others, if that is appropriate. Hang out with people who also seek positive change and who are interested in things that interest you.  Each day when Tiger wakes up, Tiger KNOWS what needs to be done, and Tiger acts upon that knowing. Tigers create powerful momentum in their lives through their direct focus on their goals, and from their strategic relationships. Their friends are tigers too – whether they hunt alone or together, they have a singular purpose, and they support each other in their purpose.  Choose your friends wisely. Seek out those who already do well the thing you wish to do or become. Put time and energy into your dreams!

♥ Crystal – Citrine

♥ Power Word – Clarity

4.  Horse:

♥ Message – Horses are noble creatures.  They embody courage and grace, and they run like the wind.  The horse’s message for you is simple. Hold true to your values. Don’t sell out.  Stand up for what you believe in.  And if it is impossible to live by your values and stay where you are, if you are not loved and supported where you are, then move on. It’s time to believe in yourself, it’s time to honour your values and convictions, it’s time to live with courage, and to let your inner beauty and wisdom shine. Horses always find others of their own nature to run with.  It’s time to find your own tribe, and break free from old limitations. There is great freedom in action.  Run free!

♥ Crystal – Bloodstone

♥ Power Word – Freedom

5.  Elephant:

♥ Message – It’s time to begin sharing what you know. You’re a natural teacher, and you have powerful wisdoms and experiences to share with others.  Elephant has appeared to remind you of your promise to the Universe – to be of Service; to help others on their journey; to do what you can, with what you have. Sharing knowledge can happen in the simplest of ways – sometimes our most profound encounters are from a passing conversation, or encouragement from a stranger.  You’re being called. You have gifts to share, and there is value for others in those gifts. Step up, it’s time!

♥ Crystal – Amethyst

♥ Power Word – Wisdom

6.  Hermit Crab:

♥ Message – Hermit Crab is a master of personal comfort and security. When Hermit Crab has a good and sturdy shell, he can travel far in the world. When he outgrows his house, he’ll look for another one that is just right. Hermit Crab’s message to you is this – learn all you can about money.  Pay down your debt and put a plan to manage your money in place.  You’re coming into a great time for getting comfortable with where you live and building your personal wealth. Think about investing or buying a home of your own. Don’t waste your precious cash on things that don’t add meaning or value to your life. And on the home front, tidy up – make your home an inviting sanctuary that nurtures and supports you. If the home you live in doesn’t meet your needs, go on the hunt for a better one. Let your home reflect who you are, no matter how simple or how lavish. Build solid foundations for your future, and the future of your family. Take responsibility for your money, and your home. Acknowledge the importance of personal security and make a plan to improve yours!

♥ Crystal – Red Jasper

♥ Power Word – Security

7.  Owl:

♥ Message – Owl always signifies a time of rapid spiritual and psychic growth. Life may feel turbulent, it might make no sense to you at all, but Owl reminds you to trust in a greater wisdom, and to know that there is a Higher Plan for your life.  Retreat from the world when you need to. Protect yourself from people and situations that diffuse your enthusiasm and personal energy. Spend time in reflection, contemplation and study.  Allow yourself some time to settle into your new energies, and be gentle with yourself during this time of transformation. Practice meditation, and spend time in nature. Be gentle with yourself, rest often, and eat well. Wait for the messages.  Owls always bring messages!

♥ Crystal – Rutilated Quartz

♥ Power Word – Transformation

8: Swan:

♥ Message – Swan signifies an opening of the heart, energies of forgiveness, and energies of true love.  Swans enjoy relationships based on love, trust and deep respect.  Swan comes into your life to herald transformation in your love relationships – a renewal of energy and passion, deeper connection, new mates when you have been alone. They can also signify a Higher Love coming into your life. This might be a spiritual or a religious calling. It may also be finding a Life Path that requires your full heart and devotion, and where you can happily give yourself over to that passion, knowing that it is  truly your path of Highest Good.

♥ Crystal – Moonstone

♥ Power Word – Fulfillment 

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3154

5 thoughts on “Animal Messengers – An Oracle Of Encouragement

  1. Morning Nicole, perfect timing. Thanks so much for this gift. It is a reminder of what our beautiful elephants are here to teach us.

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