The Week Ahead – Oracle for Monday 14 August 2017

“Life has its sunshine and its rain, sir… its days and its nights… its peaks and its valleys…” 
― Charles M. Schulz

Hello, Lovelies,

Here’s Monday’s oracle card, and my energetic forecast for the week ahead. I use any cards shown as a prompt for channelled messages and my own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book. ‘Dissipating’ is from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Deck by Tori Hartman.

If you read my forecast for August, you’ll remember that August brings an emerging energy of creativity, emotional healing and an abiding need for more balance in our lives. 

Keep that in mind as we look at the gifts Dissipating brings us this week.

So last week was one of the finest weeks for creativity I’ve seen in a long time, and the energies of that creative and spiritual connection carry over this week until Tuesday evening. (Need a refresh on last week’s forecast? Click here.)

But what happens after that?

All that creative headwind starts to dissipate. Some of you might consider the dip in energies which begins on Wednesday to be a slump. Suddenly you’ll move from being bright and full of enthusiasm for your projects to that place of questioning your very ideas, or worse. (Maybe you know that space that is so familiar to creatives – the “I suck, my ideas suck, this all sucks” space.)

Don’t give in to the blahs and start looking for a new bright shiny dream or project to chase after this week. The lower, slower energies are actually well suited to rest, reflection and topping up your creative tank. All projects and ideas need to sit for a while after they are first made. This enables us to come back to them with fresh eyes so that we can review and edit them to shape them into something even better than our first efforts.

This week shows you how to stick with an existing idea or project until the energy begins to ramp up again. It encourages you to create sustainably and to ride the cycles of creativity that ebb and flow in your life.

Image from


Supportive crystals this week?

Nephrite Jade (Greenstone) is a stone that supports heart-centred living and emotional expression in life and in art. Carnelian energises and grounds the physical body and aids all forms of healing and creativity – great for overcoming exhaustion and burnout. Turquoise encourages empathy, compassion and the ability to slow down and stay grounded. Amethyst helps us to tune in to all forms of spiritual guidance.

Helpful essential oils?

Young Living’s Abundance essential oil blend, or a combination (or singly!) of any of Orange, Geranium, Frankincense and Myrrh. Abundance opens us to the flow of life, helping us to act from a place of love, trust and benevolence. Just rub a drop together in the palms of your hands and then breathe in and wipe through your aura.  Dab a few drops on your wrists or over your heart – its warm, spicy aroma makes it a great perfume or cologne. A few drops in the bath are wonderful too. You may want to dilute with a drop or two of a base oil such a sweet almond or coconut before applying directly to the skin.  It’s my oil of choice in my diffuser this week. 

I choose to use Young Living essential oils because of their quality and energies. You can find all the oils here.

This week hold true to your creative dreams, rest when you need to and make some time for deepening your connection to your project or your dreams. Holding you, as always, in my thoughts, prayers and meditations, and intending for a you a life of abundance and joy, where you are no longer limited by your doubts.

All my love,

Nicole ❤ xx


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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5 thoughts on “The Week Ahead – Oracle for Monday 14 August 2017

  1. Thank you again Nicole!!!! As always spot on. Starting a huge project, big time out of my comfort zone……My biggest pitfall is self doubt…. Is this really a good idea, can I really make it succesful. I have been thinking about this plan for a few months. Last week I felt like the universe nudged me to put this plan into action. Time to stop dreaming and make it real. So that is what I will be doing. Thanks for this blog. If self doubt creeps up I know to stick with it. It’s the energies……. I can do this! Thank you💫🌟🌈💜🙏🏻😘❤️

  2. Lovely Nicole.

    I find that ideas are in abundance and can feel the gentle nudge to create them and bring to the world. I love the slower energy as it reminds me that the momentum is building and getting ready to launch and this is exciting.

    The part I find hard is the “How” to get it out there. The consistency, sustainability etc. I feel like I have started and stopped so many times and even though I have the ideas – I am questioning if this IS what I am to do?

    Always love your weekly oracle brings me peace x

    Much Love Nicole xx


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