Planning & Patience – Monday Oracle 28 October 2019

“When you do the things in the present that you can see, you are shaping the future that you are yet to see.”

~ Idowu Koyenikan

Hello, Lovelies!

October is a month for developing clear future vision and for believing in yourself and your dreams. You’ll be able to build on what you have already decided or created for yourself this year, aided by a deep knowing and intuition. Signs and messages are all around you, so trust your intuition! Keep October’s energy in mind as we look at the gifts of inspiration which the card DEATH ADDER brings us.

The Week Ahead

DEATH ADDER once gave me a very strong personal message. A Death Adder bit me on the foot when I was living on Fraser Island, many years ago. It was New Year’s Eve, and I had taken the rubbish out to the bin beside our bush cottage. The Death Adder was lying hidden in the leaf litter by the bin, waiting for a tasty bush rat or other critter to come along. I gave him a fright and so he bit me and I had to be medi-vacced off the Island, after which I spent four days in hospital.

Thanks to the Death Adder it was not exactly the New Year’s celebration I’d planned. But those four days in hospital helped me get the quiet time I needed to really think about my life, to plan, and to get my strategies together for the year ahead. And in that year ahead? Everything changed. That was the year I moved to the Kimberley and met my Aboriginal Aunties. Elders will tell you that the Death Adder comes to share his story with you when you are ready to change yours.

Death Adders are an Australian Snake, with a short squat body and a triangular head. They are slow moving, and so the only way they can catch their prey is to study the habitual movements of other animals, plan their attack, lie patiently in wait and then strike when opportunity arises.

Death Adders might be slow, but they are patient and clever. This week DEATH ADDER‘s message to you to is to study what it is you want to do with your life, be strategic in creating a plan, hold true to your vision, and remember to have patience.

DEATH ADDER wants you to understand that, very often, the thing you want can take time. That’s okay. The most important thing is to think carefully, and create a strong plan, and then patiently work that plan. Patience brings rewards. So be strategic and don’t give up.

This isn’t a time to race ahead , or for quick results, but it’s a wonderful time to plan for longer-term goals and to commit to results which might be slow to achieve. DEATH ADDER brings a message that there can be great power in going slowly and not giving up. Consistent small steps and patience can change your life, so don’t worry about the speed of your progress, just be committed to your plan and then trust in positive outcomes.

This week, working slowly and consistently, and with good planning, you’ll get much more achieved than you ever thought possible. Being slow, strategic and methodic will create real and tangible progress.

Your intuition will be on high alert too, so trust your own gut instincts over experts and gurus.

DEATH ADDER also has a special message for those who are ready. Change your story, even if it’s just the one you are telling yourself in your head, and it will change your life. Are you ready to step into a bigger, wiser and more open version of yourself?

Supportive crystals this week?

Labradorite is a stone for deepening mystical connection, intuition and soul wisdom. It brings understanding and helps you to think deeply, boosting intellectual capacity. Chrysocolla helps you to release negative energy and old patterns, bringing love, light and healing into your world. It is a gently positive and reassuring stone that promotes self care.   Smoky Quartz opens you to greater possibilities and a larger vision for yourself and your dreams.  Sodalite (pictured) will help you express your personal truth and anchor your creative vision with thoughts, words and actions.   

Helpful Essential Oils

Oils that help us to slow down, focus and which support optimism are what’s needed this week.

My choice for oils that will support focus, clarity, planning and patience this are Peppermint, Rosemary, Lime and Lemon. Choose one or all of them for your diffuser – they work beautifully together.

For relaxing and lifting your mood and enhancing intuition try any of these oils on their own or in combination – Wild OrangeLavenderGeraniumFrankincense, Cinnamon Bark.

I’m passionate about essential oils and their capacity to support our wellness journey and our spiritual and emotional wellbeing. If you’d like to know more or want to source the oils I recommend and trust visit this site or contact me at

Stay tuned this week as I share more tips here on the blog about how to focus, plan and strategise from a place of intuitive wisdom, and how to find that bigger picture for yourself.

If you’d like to dive deeper into intuitive connection and tapping into the best parts of yourself, my online Rituals Course will help with that too.

My intention for you is that, in using these rituals, you will learn to come home to yourself, to know yourself better, and to evolve into a wiser, more secure, more intuitive, and happier version of yourself.

To find out more or to purchase the course and enjoy lifetime access to the materials, click here. This course is normally offered at $147, but for a limited time we are offering it at just $97. More details on the course below.

Wishing you a month of insights, clarity and inspiration!

All my love, Nicole xx

Rituals Course Details:

Would you like me to show you a way to heal your relationship with yourself so you can accept and love yourself, just as you are, right now?

Rituals for Healing Your Relationship With Yourself is a foundation course for creating gentle and restorative magic in your life. It will help you to embrace self-acceptance, and to feel more comfortable in your own skin. The course includes:

  • 8 unique rituals
  • 17 lessons
  • 9 instructional videos
  • 9 PDF downloads

(In a hurry to get started? Go here.)

You can come back to these rituals again and again, and they will always work for you. In fact, allowing room in your life for ritual enables you to reclaim more of your own mystical and intuitive self – which is your birthright, and an intrinsic part of who you are.

Coursework includes:

  • Bathtime Ritual – to help you to anchor gratitude, safety and self acceptance in your body
  • 20-minute Guided Healing Meditation – a meditation to practice any time that you experience pain, fear, illness, anxiety, discomfort or injury. It is a simple way to help promote healing and to reduce pain and inflammation. This meditation is also useful for you if you are exhausted or very stressed.
  • Emptying The Mind Ritual – a ritual to help you empty your mind, so that you can get your worries under control, and separate out the useful problem-solving thoughts from all of that negative and destructive chatter
  • Acceptance of Feelings Ritual – to help you to accept the feelings within your body so that they can be fully felt and released
  • Sowing Seeds Ritual – identify and magnetize yourself to the yearnings of your soul, so that you can make your dreams manifest in your life
  • Third Eye Activation Candle Ritual – a ritual to open your Third Eye and help you tap into your intuition and Soul Awareness
  • New Moon Manifesting Ritual – to draw abundance to you, get you back into flow with money, and create a path for your intentions so that they move from thought to reality
  • New Moon Grounding Ritual – this Ritual will ground you, as it opens you up to more of your own natural energetic and psychic ability; it is very comforting for people who spend most of their day indoors, or in front of a computer
  • Mother Moon Nurture Ritual – a ritual to help you to heal and replenish yourself on a soul level

My intention for you is that, in using these rituals, you will learn to come home to yourself, to know yourself better, and to evolve into a wiser, more secure, more intuitive, and happier version of yourself. Ready?  Go here.

DEATH ADDER, this week’s guiding card, is from the Dreamtime Reading Cards by Laura Bowen. I choose a card every week, and use it intuitively and in a channelled space to bring you insights for the week ahead. To find out more about Laura, an Australian indigenous artist and educator, and her gorgeous work go here.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

3 thoughts on “Planning & Patience – Monday Oracle 28 October 2019

  1. Tonight is the new moon. I am going to perform that ritual tonight. I had a reminder, when I went to unlock my phone. It opened at the phases of the moon. Not random, but synchronus.

  2. I’ve said it before, you never cease to amaze me…you’ve been bitten by a death adder!! Slow methodical patient tenacious activity it is then, thank you for the guidance and tips

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