Birdsong and Beaches

When the Sun of compassion arises darkness evaporates and the singing birds come from nowhere.

 Amit Ray

Hey, Lovelies.
I woke this morning feeling distressed. Even my meditation did not soothe it. War in Ukraine ( a friend of mine is missing there after his village was shelled), floods here at home where we have elderly friends missing in floodwaters and other friends whose homes and businesses have been damaged or destroyed and who have lost so much – including livestock, horses and pets, memories of other floods that affected us deeply, the latest reports on the climate crisis, and a bunch of other stuff going on has been occupying a lot of my thoughts, and a big chunk of my heart.

But then at 4am the birds began to sing. They’ve been quiet through these past few weeks of rain, and then this morning there were hundreds of joyous birdcalls as the day dawned streaky pink and dry at last. Oh, it buoyed my spirit to hear them, and to watch them playing, and going through their very social catch-ups with each other.

And we took a walk on the beach – my first in over a month. The shore has been savagely eroded by the wild weather, and there were mountains of debris washed out of the rivers and onto the beach – leaves and tree limbs, old tyres and tin cans, timber and crates and more plastic and rubbish than Ben and I could ever pick up, although we tried. It was a shock, but it was also heartwarming to see other locals walking the tideline and hauling out rubbish too.

Now I’m back at home, ready to make a coffee and then to sit down to some writing. I feel better, not fixed, but better. There is still that churn of emotions just under the surface, so I’ve applied some of my beautiful Ylang-Ylang oil like a perfume to my pulse points and over my heart, and that has helped as well. Ylang-Ylang lifts your mood, and reduces anxiety, and is great for heart health (on all levels) and boosting the immune system.

I know some of you will be feeling as churned as me – so please, be gentle with yourselves, take extra time for self-care, connect with people who nurture and uplift you, and step away from your screens for a while to lessen the information exposure. Life is a long-haul event, and for us highly sensitive people there’s a lot of extra input right now that needs to be carefully managed so we don’t burn out!

Hugs, and a Ylang-Ylang scented cloud to ease your own anxiety, Nicole xx

PS – Want To Grab A Journeymaker’s Planner or Ylang-Ylang Oil at a Massive Discount?

I’ve just massively discounted the hard copy and digital copy of my Journeymaker’s Planner in my ETSY store down to $10USD plus shipping to get the last copies out of the door and make way for crystals and other stock I have arriving soon. It’s certainly not too late to get started with this gorgeous Planner and to use it to guide your life forward in ways that are intuitive, supported and kind.

I also have a limited time 40% off sale on our heavenly organic Ylang Ylang oil.

You can access them here: NICOLE’S ETSY SHOP

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

4 thoughts on “Birdsong and Beaches

  1. Sending peace and healing to you, I was right there where you were today when I posted on your floods post. Such a feeling of helplessness and overwhelm. A night of crying and then a beautiful sunrise and the world’s most annoying woodpigeon…. I was reminded that although things are bad, (I have a friend who is hiding underground in Kyiv, with her daughter and husband, I’m messaging her every day even if all I send is a heart. I really hope your friend is found soon) I am sending energy where it is needed, there are many personal issues right now as well with friends needing me, family needing me. I hope you can feel a little more renewed each sunrise and a little more bouyed by nature and our beautiful world. Brightest Blessings Nicole

  2. My visiting lorikeets have just finished a noisy 30 mins of chattering, screeching, and the “brrring” of their affirmation to their partners. (They lean their heads together and then stretch up their necks calling and heads touching at the same time) I find it very tender and touching. Not anthropomorphising but I think it very touching. the birds generally arrive in pairs and always seem to be together

  3. I hear you re the birds. When the rain finally stopped it was so so quiet (no trains or buses either so nature quiet). Then I heard them. The magpie larks, the honeyeaters, the magpies, the butcher birds, the crows, the native and Indian mynars and realised how much I’d missed their “white noise” chatter.

    This morning I was declaring our place a sanctuary to all of them as they were harassing a bedraggled kookaburra and requested the locals to allow it safe passage. If Ninja Kitty can live in harmony with our wildlife they too can allow safe passage. The kookaburra has moved on as it intended having a respite.

    But to hear, see and know all the wildlife are getting back on their feet/wings fills my heart.

    Big love to you xo

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