Pushing Boundaries

Image from watcombeb1.wordpress.com

“Sometimes there’s just no way to hold back the river.” 
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

When I was younger, and just starting out on my spiritual journey, I longed for a teacher to show me the way. But there was no teacher, so I stumbled my way forward, helped by my sister and some friends, and my wonderful Guides.

Now I’m all grown up, it’s my great joy to be that teacher and mentor for others.

Today I begin a five-day Channelling Intensive Retreat in Byron Bay, with a hand-picked bunch of students. I’ll be teaching them some high level metaphysical skills, and mentoring them to use their natural psychic abilities to find clearer direction for their personal and professional lives. And I know that they are all feeling excited and terrified in equal measure.

That’s as it should be.  It’s always scary when we try something new, no matter how much we want that thing. Over the next few days I’m expecting lots of breakthroughs!

Of course, I’ve also timed our retreat to coincide with the Full Moon, which will provide us with abundant energy for change and growth.

I’m going to make sure that my students really push their boundaries, and in the process they’ll find out what I already understand – that they are capable of so much more than they ever dreamed of.

It’s a great time right now for changing direction, for reaching beyond your current perceived limits, for stepping into the energy of your dreams.

So, if I could ask you one question today, it would be this:

What do you want, more than anything?

Go on.  It’s 2012! Take a little step towards your dream this week. No grand parade, no sweeping announcements – instead breathe in, breathe out, commit and just begin.

Life is too short to live small.

Wishing you a week of tiny steps, breakthroughs and soul magic ♥ Live from the light of your heart! xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3160

23 thoughts on “Pushing Boundaries

  1. Wishing all goes well for your workshop, Nicole. I would love sometime in the future to be able to attend one of your workshops to grow more and develope. Looking forward to when you have your calendar of workshops up on your webpage. xxx

  2. I hope your retreat goes with a bang! I can understand the mixture of excitement and nervousness your students will be feeling, I think I’d feel the same. I hope they all really enjoy it, and you do too, and that each participant learns something new and wonderful. This post reminds me of a quote of Agatha Christie’s: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

  3. I would love to join a retreat also. I am loving your blog , Today I returned home from a holiday and like your previous blog experienced immense fear in the car and was so grateful to arrive home safe. I questioned why I was feeling like this and as you have guided to listen and just take note of how you feel. My mum mentioned there had been an accident early near where we travelled and I wondered if that was it ??? Soooo much to learn thank you for making yourself available……

  4. Hello beautiful ♥ Great post and the channelling workshop sounds awesome – how do I find out about these? Great question – difficult to answer. Off my head – feeling connected and a sense of belonging no matter where I am in the world. Finding that level of belonging within myself ♥

    1. Much love to you, beautiful girl. I’ll have a calendar of workshops up soon on my new website, but you can always contact my wonderful PA, Nicki, and ask to be put on the workshop list. Gentle hugs to you xoxo

  5. breathe IN…breathe OUT…and take the leap of faith…mixed in with courage & commitment. Love your comment of no grand parade or fan fair…reminds me of the Osho Zen card “Success”

    Will be with you all in spirit at the “Channelling Retreat”…blessings and big hugs…XXX

    1. You can do it! I have so much faith in you. Yes, we never need that grand parade – it puts too much pressure on us and it sucks out all the joy and wonder of moving into something new. Much love to you, dear Satisha xoxo

  6. Am I the first to comment? Hooray!

    What a thought-provoking question. It’s sometimes these kinds of questions that are the hardest for me to answer even though I know that the best way to respond is with the simplest, most honest reaction.

    A life free from worry. That would be what I would want most of all. Thanks for the question, Nicole. I’ll be thinking about you tomorrow!

    1. A life free from worry? What would that look like for you, Daisy? What is it that you most worry about? Sorry to ask more questions, but better questions lead to greater clarity, and then we get to the heart of the issue. Much, much love to you xoxo

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