♥ Meditation for reducing inflammation and promoting healing within your body

Maidenhair fern from my garden - the delicate leaves remind me of the branching nerves and capillaries in our bodies, and green is always so anti-inflammatory, don't you think?

I am a great believer in the body’s wisdom and capacity to heal itself. Today’s blog is a guided healing meditation for you to assist in removing inflammation in your body, protecting nerves and circulation to the brain, heart, organs and limbs, promoting healthy immune response and improving digestive function so that the body is well oxygenated and well nourished. The mind is a powerful thing, and our thought and intent are as potent as any medicine.

Inflammation within the body is a corrosive force that wreaks havoc on our nerves, joints, arteries and veins. It is created through stress, and through diets high in sugar, acid and processed foods. It is exacerbated by lack of sleep, lack of sunlight, lack of or too much exercise, dehydration, smoking and exposure to toxins. Inflammation within the body leads to other problems over time, such as weakened immune systems, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, adrenal burnout, arthritis and cancer. It is like rust that eats away at our pipes and structural supports.

Image from abstractinfluence.com

Simple ways to reduce inflammation in your body include:

  • supporting your liver, and detoxing where necessary
  • removing foods that create inflammation
  • eating a diet rich in fresh vegetables
  • drinking more water
  • cutting out sugar, caffeine and artificial sweeteners
  • getting plenty of rest
  • spending time in the sun
  • reducing stress
  • meditating
  • using exercise that promotes flow, such as yoga or tai chi
  • eating healthy fats and avoiding trans-fats
  • doing things that make you happy and that relax you

Guided Meditation

I’ve recorded the following meditation to help guide you through a process of reducing inflammation and promoting healing within your body.  It’s around 15 minutes long and all you need to do is close your eyes, and follow my words. (I get a bit choked up near the beginning, so forgive the momentary catch in my voice…)

Nicole Cody’s Guided Meditation for Healing Inflammation and Dis-Ease

Be well. ♥ Know that you are loved, and that healing is always possible. ♥

Image from healinghands.net
Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3158

39 thoughts on “♥ Meditation for reducing inflammation and promoting healing within your body

  1. Thank you, Nicole! I have wanted to try meditation for awhile, and now I am doing it as part of a graduate class to examine how we learn new things. I am looking forward to becoming more mindful as a result of your guided meditation. I have celiac disease, which is an autoimmune disease tied to inflammation. Reducing the damage will be really helpful to my body.

  2. I just found this and the meditation with the golden light is exactly what I needed. I am sick in body and in my energy systems due to grief and pesticide/herbicide poisoning.. I hope to do this often and I thank you so much for your soothing voice and beautiful heart Blessings

  3. Found this from an internet search on thyroiditis and meditation. Not surprisingly perhaps, when doing your meditation, the words about ‘speaking your own truth’ triggered an emotional reaction and release. Thank you for doing this. Your words were healing to me.

  4. Thank you very much for sharing the guided meditation. It is very generous of you. I hope you are well now and find joy every day.

  5. thank you nicole for this beautiful healing meditation. i just sat and listened and i am feeling so relaxed and blessed. i put the mp3 into my itunes so that i can listen again and again when the need arises. i have also shared your blog with several of my friends. i just found your blog a few days ago and am delighted to have met you. peace and love, pamela

  6. Thank you so much. I’m fighting in every possible natural way against a 2 years inflamination. And it’s very helpfull to find your meditation session.
    Best regards Irina

  7. Beautiful, I’ve been looking forward to doing this meditation and it was just lovely to sit quietly this morning and relax with your gentle words bringing healing energy to my body. Thank you Nicole, for another wonderfully positive, uplifting and healing post. If I were a doctor I’d prescribe your meditations on the National Health Service here in the UK.

  8. IT’S A GREAT HELP!Inflammation is deadly, because you gain weight because of it, and your joints have to bear it, secondly you look UGLY completely DESHAPED!Don’t even wanna look in the mirror lolz…..But another good detoxification is Green Tea.Omega 3 fatty acids, pineapples can be good too!Thanx!:)

  9. Hi Nicole – Found this meditation most awesome ♥ I held my Green Fluorite heart the whole time and felt so relaxed and so much calmer than I have in a long time. I will continue to do this every day. Thanx so much for sharing xxx

  10. I’ve been suffering a lot during the last two weeks or joints inflammation.
    Reading the different recommendation is so simple, and they’re all simple steps, but the first step is to be willing to get better, and have the energy to do the effort. Life is so busy sometimes, that thinking healthy and eating healthy become a luxury.
    Thank you very much Nicole. I will try.

    1. Hello nicole, i’ve a lymph gland inflammation since my 13 yo in my throat.. now it become 3 lymph gland inflammation. i’m affraid to get operation. i’ve been tried any meditation for this… when i’m stressful in my work, the lymph gland become more big than before… and become smaller when i’m relaxing. i found that is to difficult to reduce my stress at work.

  11. Wonderful Nicole, I totally agree with what you have written here- listening to one’s body wisdom. This has been for me about trusting my intuition and listening to my body’s message. I look forward to doing your meditation later today
    love and light xxoo

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