The Elephant Elder of Chiang Mai

On my thirtieth birthday I woke up to find that I could see auras around people. After I adjusted to the shock, and the disorientation that comes from having additional materials in your field of vision, I soon found that I could understand and interpret those energies, and it has formed the basis of much of my psychic work.

On my fortieth birthday I woke up and I could see colour all around me, in everything living thing, and many more things besides.  I was so overwhelmed. It was as if God had allowed me to open Pandora’s Box…

Image by Marta Dahlig

At first I felt as if I could no longer even walk on the grass, in case I injured it. The world was so beautiful.  But what would I eat? Animals, plants, they all had auras – I could see within them the existence of a sentience well beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Energetically, they were so much like us, and we like them.

But how I resolved that is best left for another day.

A few years ago I took a trip to Thailand. I was recuperating from a heart attack – and it’s true to say that I was in a very open and accepting space about what life had in store for me.

While in Chiang Mai we trekked up to an Elephant Camp. As we walked through the park, a line of elephants came towards us from the other direction.  Each elephant had their mahout (trainer and guide) and a tourist or two on their back.

One of the elephants lifted up their head from quite a way away and stared directly at me.  It made me feel quite uncomfortable. As that elephant stared at me, others began to notice me too.  They were so big, and suddenly I felt very small and very vulnerable. A few of the elephants walked past us now and then suddenly the one who had been staring trumpeted and ran towards me. It happened so quickly that no-one did anything. Fear surged in me and for a moment I thought I might die. But just as suddenly she stopped in front of me, and I swear she looked at me with recognition.

Her mahout yelled to her, and urged her to keep walking, but she stood a moment longer with me, and then ever so tenderly she stroked my cheek with her trunk.   It was the most extraordinary thing, and it reduced me to tears.

As the rest of the elephants filed past us, each of them stretched out their trunk towards me. I could see that the mahouts were uncomfortable and that this was not usual elephant behaviour.

Later, after we had watched a group of elephants bathing in the river, we bought bananas and went over to where some of the elephants were resting.

There was my elephant, and she tapped me on the shoulder with her trunk, so I would favour her with a banana.  Her aura was quite different to the other elephants around her.  It was complex, with Master Colours and a Psychic Channel. She reminded me of my favourite one-eyed cow, 767, who is that matriarch of our cattle herd, and an incredibly wise old girl. Just as with 767, I saw the other elephants looking to this wise old mother for direction and guidance.

This elephant kept looking at me with her querying eyes, and my whole body vibrated as she touched me, tapping her trunk gently right over my heart. I had only been out of hospital for a fortnight, and was still experiencing constant pain. Somehow she knew. I stood with her for a long while, and without being able to speak each other’s language, I felt that we had understood each other. My aching heart actually eased.  Later I would have my first full night’s sleep since I had first had chest pain.

My day with the Elephant Elder of Chiang Mai remains one of the most profound experiences of my life.

Life is so much more mysterious and wonderful than anything I had ever dreamed. ♥

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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35 thoughts on “The Elephant Elder of Chiang Mai

  1. Thank you so very, very much for this post, Nicole.

    About 3 days ago I was going to send a message asking if animals had “boiled egg” auras the same as humans (and if they mean the same thing), but when you posted your Nana was in hospital I thought I’d leave the question for another day.

    You have now answered that question with such a beautiful story.

    While I love all animals (and insects… and reptiles… 🙂 ) and feel such a connection to the natural world, I was also lucky enough to have a furry kitty daughter who truly was very, very *special*. She passed around 4 months ago at 18yo and, of course, my heart still hurts with missing her. Her passing, however, has really solidified my curiousness around animals and their spirit/auras. (I reckon she had multiple master colours… no, there’s no bias here!)

    So I am very grateful that you posted this delightful piece. Thanks again (and again). xxx<3<3

    PS: I hope your Nana is doing better and she's going to make a full recovery xx

  2. <3~<3~<3 Wow that is amazing. I love elephants too. Always just knew there was something special about them. I love looking in there eyes, it's Ike going deep into your own soul.. Like mirroring your own thoughts, not judgmental just gentle beautiful and wise animals. xx

  3. After reading this I am awestruck and don’t even know how to respond. The phrases running through me are “oh my” and “how incredible” and I feel like I have been plugged into a high powered generator. Energy is running through me and all I can really say is “thank you goddess mother for letting me hear this.” I’m not sure what effect this is having on me but I want to lay on the floor and cry
    As you can tell this story really elicited something deep within my soul. Thank you.

  4. What an incredible story, I would have been terrfied out of my wits if an elephant had charged me, I would have thought that would be enough to bring on a heart attack! What a different outcome for you though. I can imagine that the experience of having an elephant stroke your face and tap your heart would stay with you forever. I hope you’re going to be incorporating stories like this into your novels; to be able to say that it was based on a real experience would add more magic to the book.

  5. I’m so lucky to get the slightest fragment of glimpsing the world through your eyes, it validates my childhood world view as spiritual wisdom and encourages me to keep working on my spiritual gifts and sharing the joy with others. Joy! Joy! Joy! Ta! Sx

  6. Oh NC, such magic!! God Bless the elephant elder and her family and God Bless you. I love connections with the animal world and ur story is truly astounding xoxo

  7. What an amazing story, and such a treasured power you have! I have enjoyed all your writings which I can sense come from your heart, and am glad you have recovered well from your heart attack. Best wishes.

    1. I watched them teaching a young elephant, and she was having so much fun just making patterns and shapes like a little kid would. I’m sure they inject their own personality and emotion into their art, just like we do.

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