4am Meditations and what they mean to me…

Radiant Heart by Daniel B Holeman

Each morning I wake up just before 4am.  I stretch, yawn, and most times slip quietly out of bed to go meditate. My exceptions – if it’s freezing cold out or howling a gale I might sit up in bed to meditate instead.

At 4am the world is quiet. At 4am the world is so peaceful I can hear her breathing in and out. It’s as if time has been suspended in this space between sleeping and dawn.

I have come to love this time each day. Although I use many forms and methods of meditation, I always cover the same areas: I send Love and Light to friends, family and clients.  I meditate for my students – for their spiritual growth and connection, I send Peace, Love and Light into the World, and I work with a specific area of healing each day, for myself and for you.

I always conclude with gratitude and then sit open a while, waiting for any specific messages or energies.  This often leads to writing…

It’s no hardship to do this.  In fact, it fills me up.  Sometimes I’ve thought that it’s my daily meditation practices that keep me going, and keep me alive.

At 4am my heart is connected to the heart of the world. I feel the Oneness of everything, the largeness of our Spirits, and the true smallness of our worries.

Image from melodocinta.wordpress.com

If I could tell you one thing, it would be this.  You are Loved. And it’s not just me loving you.  At 4am, when I am meditating, I FEEL the love being sent around the world by others just like me.

So today, know that you are not alone.  You are in someone’s thoughts and prayers, someone is intending the best for you, someone has faith in you, and holds a vision of your best self, knowing that you are more than capable of being that dream you hold in your own heart.


And if you feel so inclined, why not join me and add your energy to my own? You can do this any time – not just at 4am.  Don’t know how? The simplest way is this: all you have to do is sit quietly, fill your heart with love on every in-breath, and then breathe that love out into the world on every exhale.  It will make you feel good. It will fill you with peace and love, and it will overflow from you, and into the world around you.  It really is as easy as that.


Some of you will doubt right now.  Some of you will be in a space where you think you need to feel better first, or more loving first, before you can add any energy at all.  I’ve come to understand that this is not the case. You were born to shine your Light. It’s natural. It will all come back to you.

When you are worried, when you feel small, when you feel that you can’t contribute and that life or circumstance is overwhelming, then meditating like this is the best way to make a difference.  For yourself.  For others. It works…  After twenty years of doing this, I KNOW it works.

If you are at the end of your rope, just close your eyes and breathe in love.  No need to breathe any out.  You go right ahead and fill yourself up.  When you’re brimful and overflowing again, then give back if it feels right.

This love is always here for you.  All you ever have to do is connect in, and it’s yours.  In fact, it’s been wrapped around you the whole time.

Image from fabiovisentin.com

Each of us is a Light in this world and although our individual Light may seem small, when we shine our Light – radiating positive energy and intent – we make a difference. When we join together as Lightworkers, the energy is magnified.  And this energy is magnificent.  Our Light makes a difference.  All ways. Always.

Bless.  Much love to you ♥ xx

The view of dawn when I open my eyes after a beach meditation at beautiful Byron Bay…
Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3158

21 thoughts on “4am Meditations and what they mean to me…

  1. Thank you so much Nicole. I often think of you and your prayers and meditations. I believe on their power. I count on them. I try to be present and send love too to the world. Thank you and much love to you

  2. I usually wake up sometimes around 3,15 and 4am and I do as you, meditate for a while before I go back to my bed. But i haven´t send healing for the word but I will begin with that from now! And that means that you all got it twice a day, cause I live in Sweden and when it night here its day in Australia! Thank you Nicole for the wounderful idea<3 Blessed Be and Namaste

  3. Hi Nicole.. Thinking of you today, needing to wish your nanna the best and most peaceful journey on her way home. xx Thankyou for sharing her photo, so inspiring for me to see her beautiful smile. Oh my gosh I just wanted to send my love. <3 xx Kel xx

  4. Thanks for sharing your meditation practice Nicole. Not sure about 4 am I am doing 5 am most days. I appreciate you sharing the specifics of what you do. Yes I always write in my gratitude journal- thanks for getting me back into that than allow the words to flow into my journal and now I am off to write a blog post the title of which was downloaded during my meditation Love and blessings xxoo

  5. I’ve been meditating every morning for close to 3 weeks. After reading your post, I’ll be modifying my practice a bit… LOVE the breathing in LOVE and breathing out LOVE.

    Thank you so much, Nicole 🙂

  6. Very beautiful post…..very timely indeed. I was meditating at 5.30 this morning and was struggling and feeling very lost…tears came and I just accepted that I need to be still just breathing like you say. Do you mean like the Buddist Tonglen technique? It is a challenged some days to know that you are loved and that someone is just there for you and loves you just as you are. Thanks for everything…and you are very loved by me….XX

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